View Full Version : Equipment Discussion

King Richie
06-13-2010, 06:27 AM
Ok .. i have seen alot of people complaining about the M/s on warrior gear.. This is not a problem .. look at the wider picture the devs want you to mix and match they want you to wear helms from the oasis and then armor from the swamps and Things like this

There trying to make the game more diverse so everyone dosent look alike anymore.

I think this is a fantastic idea and this is obviously the reason for the pinks not being alot better then swamp items.

Heres the best example .. I use snipers scorpion helmet . . mombo leather .. snipers crossbone bow(if not that im using snipers menes wing and snipers swapthorn )

I love this mix and matching it makes the game different .. everyone is not the same anymore.

Great work devs

06-13-2010, 06:48 AM
meh, once part 2 is out none of this gear will even matter cos we will all have epic looking alien gear, so people complaining about M/s gear, i wouldnt worry about it, and to warriors, enjoy while it lasts.

in PVE if youve got a pally or a warrior with high mana regen on your team, thats a good thing, you'll get through dungeons way quicker.

as for PVP, all i can say is its always been unbalanced and i dont bother with it until they fix