View Full Version : [ISSUE] Greater Goblin Chest Recipe Not Craftable Post Event

05-22-2016, 08:27 PM
Many players purchased the Greater Goblin Chest recipes with the expectation that they would be craftable post-event. The recipe does not appear in the crafting station when it is in inventory. Maybe it's just an oversight but there are a few good reasons to make them craftable once again.

Crafting time for the recipe was 12 hours. That left very little time during cooldown to craft much of anything.
Recipe is consumable upon use and also requires hoarded goblin chests to craft. Seems as though it was intended to be craftable after the event.
The recipe description does not specifically state that it is a limited time recipe.
If possible, please also reduce the cooldown. 12 hours is too long!

Thanks again devs!

Adel Hesham
05-23-2016, 01:09 AM
Yah STS , we sticked to the rules like we all understand that Recipes with " time limited " note will be during Event only ... other than this , any Recipe will be normal to craft any time ......... so plz ...... make it clear to us cuz i spent too much of my Goblin Event Coins for the Recipes ..... thx [emoji53]

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05-23-2016, 10:15 AM
Unfortunately the Greater Goblin Chest recipe was only craftable during the event. This is intended and not a bug. Thank you for taking the time to post your feedback.

Adel Hesham
05-23-2016, 05:08 PM
Plz STS , plz plz plz ........ in the next Events .... plz plz plz ...... any thing that is Event Time limited should see it on the item it self ......
Or u say that when u announce new events during the talk about it .....
THX :(

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