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View Full Version : Two guilds with the same name.

08-04-2011, 06:30 PM
Hi everyone its Jay.

So about a week ago I get on, and see a guy with a guild name called star legends guild. Ok wait I started star legends the guild.

My guild name. ( star legends )
There guild name. (star legends guild )

I was a little taken back by this. Not sure why but it upsets me. Im guessing because the name is the same. I mean why would u use a guild name thats already taken and add guild at the end.

They could of used (blackstar legends ) or something along that for a name.

It also makes it a pain because people keep asking me if we have anything to do with the other star legends guild. No no we do not.

Also I started star legends the guild the first day the game came out. And this guild started a week ago. And not one person frim there guild will even talk to me. But there officers have bugged my officer to join. Non have left but still first they steal my guild name, then try to steal my members.

Im not sure if im over reacting about this but I feel wronged in this whole thing. Please post wgat you think about the whole thing.

Lol even other guilds members keep telling me that my guild name was stolen.

08-04-2011, 06:36 PM
Thats brutal bro, i think sts should offer him a free guild name change and see if he accepts it.. but then what happens if it keeps happening to people?

08-04-2011, 06:41 PM
You telling me someone else thought to name a guild after the name of the game they're playing? Who'd have thought such creative minds existed?

No but seriously, that is unfortunate...but you had to have seen this coming. There's no list of all guilds, he didn't have a clue. To fix this the word "guild" shouldn't be allowed in the title...it's like saying "Star Legends Guild Guild"

08-04-2011, 06:43 PM
I do think it's poor form to do something like that, hopefully those that read this post will understand and it would be up to them to choose how they wish to be represented. My suggestion would be to pm their GM to see if a solution, agreeable to both parties, is possible.

Good luck Jay!

08-04-2011, 06:52 PM
I think that sts should try to code in so when creating a guild name you cant have it to much the same, much like business name registrations. Dont know if its possible. But worth a suggestion

08-04-2011, 06:56 PM
I didnt even think about it happening. Because I though that after they put star legends in as a guild name, and saw it was taken they wouldnt just add guild at the end. I really thought thats how it would go.

08-04-2011, 07:17 PM
We should all take 1 alt and keep making variations of Star Legends Guild so there are hundreds. haha. Maybe that would entice sts to recode the naming section. I think its the same as someone taking your name with a s on the end or z or xx name xx shouldnt be allowed if there are to many letters the same in the same sequence.

Str Legends Guild
Star Legends Guil
Star Legend Guild
Sta Legend Guild

Could probably make hundreds and really ruin the guild name.

* I dont suggest doing this. Just saying it could happen.

Please Consider Fixing this STS.

08-04-2011, 07:24 PM
You wanna pay 70 or whatever plat each time to make all those variations, then be my guest lol...good luck

08-04-2011, 07:32 PM
Could probably make hundreds and really ruin the guild name.

08-04-2011, 07:35 PM
Hoodwink says : Stop the madness!

I personally have nothing against Star Legends Guild. I may be an officer of the original Star Legends, but seeing two of such similar names is confusing, and I look forward to hearing how this can be resolved. Down the road I hope we are able to remedy both guilds views safely and respectively.

08-04-2011, 07:41 PM
Lol that is not what I want to do im not like that lol. Im a fair person, I dont want to ruin the name. first reason is its my guild name to lol. second I dont want to make a huge fight over it. I hope STS can see when the guilds were made, if so hope they can fix it.

Flow had it right adding guild at the end makes it like guild guild.

Where the guild name goes clearly shows that its a guild and thats the guild name.

08-04-2011, 11:56 PM
Ok so back on this. Anyone have an idea of how I should handle this? Like ive said im fair and I dont want to make a fight out of this. Any added input will help me out greatly.

08-05-2011, 12:03 AM
Well in game there are no lists of "formed" guilds anywhere so this person may of had no idea of your original guild and I doubt he spent that platinum to spite you.

Hope you can get it resolved though.

08-05-2011, 12:11 AM
That's star commandos guild lol he took money from my guild to make his own my guilds name is sky warriors

08-05-2011, 12:17 AM
Wow just challenge him to a guild fight and if he loses he has to delete

08-05-2011, 12:24 AM
To be honest, I wouldn't care. You have a unique guild name. I'm in the guild "Sky Warriors". If someone made a guild called "Sky Warriors Guild", I wouldn't mind.

You have a guild name that 'is' the title of the game. Be proud of that. They just have something that's close to it. Besides, guild names just represent a group of people. It's no big deal. :)

Off Topic: Hi Swordlover! Haha I always check the forums one last time before I go to bed so don't think I ditched you in-game. :P

08-05-2011, 12:25 AM
[QUOTE=AOmonsta:370979]Well in game there are no lists of "formed" guilds anywhere so this person may of had no idea of your original guild and I doubt he spent that platinum to spite you.

Very good point. There should be a in game list of all the guilds. So that everyone can see all the guilds the game has to offer, and also so to kee this from happening again.

lol guild fight. I dont want fight. I would front the plat for his new guild and the guild hall of his choice.

08-05-2011, 12:29 AM
Seriously? You named a guild after the game and are now surprised others did the same?
Try coming up with a more creative name, maybe it won't be taken.
And just throwing this out there -- how do you know theirs wasn't first? Is there any info on guilds like date they're created?

08-05-2011, 12:48 AM
Seriously? You named a guild after the game and are now surprised others did the same?
Try coming up with a more creative name, maybe it won't be taken.
And just throwing this out there -- how do you know theirs wasn't first? Is there any info on guilds like date they're created?

Ok I made the post to see what I could do to get it worked out. It seems like you have a problem with that. Also I made my guild in the first 15 mins that the beta came out. So unless he did his in the first 14 or sooner then I made mine first. Also my guild is the games name with out adding guild to it so im 100% sure I was first, if I was not first my guild would be not of been (star legends). It would of been something else.

Again ill add. im here to hear what people think I should do. keep pressing the matter or drop it. What would everyone do?

08-05-2011, 12:57 AM
Why didn't u think of a more original name? I wouldnt be attracted a guild with such a bland name, they stole ur name, and u stole the game's name...

08-05-2011, 01:04 AM
Um... It is quite possible (I'm just going here based on other games since I can't play SL yet) that the other guild existed from the beginning as well, but you never came across any of the members. And the same could be true for the other guild -- both may have existed without knowing of the other, if there's no list.

I dunno, if I had any control over the matter, I'd say the name "Pocket Legends" for PL and "Star Legends" for SL should not work as guild names. It's like building a school or a hospital in the real world and calling it "Earth."

08-05-2011, 01:09 AM
Thenill, I think you should just drop this. You need to know that people are going to do this, regardless. They don't mean to attack you. All they want is a name that they can call themselves. Guild names don't matter. I'll stay in a guild for the people, not the guild name. I choose 'Star Legends Guild' over 'Star Legends' anyday if they had nice, active players and your guild had rude, inactive players.

08-05-2011, 01:11 AM
Um... It is quite possible (I'm just going here based on other games since I can't play SL yet) that the other guild existed from the beginning as well, but you never came across any of the members. And the same could be true for the other guild -- both may have existed without knowing of the other, if there's no list.

I dunno, if I had any control over the matter, I'd say the name "Pocket Legends" for PL and "Star Legends" for SL should not work as guild names. It's like building a school or a hospital in the real world and calling it "Earth."


Oh, anything's possible.

08-05-2011, 01:16 AM

Oh, anything's possible.

Lol at least it's not just "Earth."
Honestly, "Star Legends Guild," while still lacking creativity, somehow seems slightly better. It's at least claiming to be a guild and not just "Star Legends" like they ARE the game.
The school isn't calling itself simply "Earth" because it would just sound silly (and a tad self-centered).

08-05-2011, 01:16 AM
lol, but atleast they added school

08-05-2011, 01:20 AM
Like they could be 'star legend squadron'

08-05-2011, 01:21 AM
Ok I made the post to see what I could do to get it worked out. It seems like you have a problem with that. Also I made my guild in the first 15 mins that the beta came out. So unless he did his in the first 14 or sooner then I made mine first. Also my guild is the games name with out adding guild to it so im 100% sure I was first, if I was not first my guild would be not of been (star legends). It would of been something else.

Again ill add. im here to hear what people think I should do. keep pressing the matter or drop it. What would everyone do?

Les said what Flo did, yet you didn't take offense to that...Les has a stellar reputation, he has never written any inflammatory posts that I've read and has been consistently helpful. Also, you haven't mentioned whether or not you took my suggestion. Did you pm Starcommando/Starstash/star something (I forget his other alts)? If a situation can not be resolved privately, by posting on forums, everyone will know how theirs came to be, if they choose to be in the guild, then no loss to you.

@ Les - jays guild was first as Starcommando asked I be in his guild, he said he had not created it yet, (that was just last week) so there is confirmation that Jay's was first because I had previously joined Jay's guild prior to that invite. And I know you can defend yourself, Les, but I merely wanted to point out that others made similar remarks. Fair is fair, no one should be singled out for saying what others have.

08-05-2011, 01:33 AM
Thanks for the defense, kallima. I decided to ignore that part rather than start a flame war.

Ok, so maybe he knew.

But the devs don't prevent people from creating copycat names by adding an x to it (my bird has an extra "L" at the end bc every name I could think of was taken and I just wanted to play already). So if they don't do anything to prevent copycat character names, why would guilds get special treatment? I stand by my original statement -- choose a more creative name and it'll be less likely to be copied. And if it is, you just need to get your guild name out there as much as possible so people know which one is yours.

08-05-2011, 02:00 AM
That's actually a very good point about how there is not an attempt to prevent copycat character names. And with that, I'm going to suggest again that Jay try to work this out with their guild master. If a solution can not be reached, then Jay did the right thing by distinguishing himself from the other guild by posting, in my opinion.

Despite the fact that many disagreed, I think this would be a great addition to guild etiquette... NO creating similar guild names.

I thought there was a compilation, albeit incomplete, that Cascade had created? Ah, here is the link, http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?30765-Guilds-Of-Star-Legends-The-BlackStar-Chronicles.
Maybe it should be stickied and all guilds can pm Cascade to keep it updated and complete? Hopefully, I'm not being too presumptuous by volunteering you Cas :)

08-05-2011, 02:18 AM
Les im sorry I got upset about your post. It was because of all the ?,s and it was kind of seemed like you were trying to make me feel dumb, due to the name I wanted my guild to be called. I wasnt trying to make a jab at you. I wanted to know what people thought I should do, not feel like im being cut down about the name I picked.

P.S. Again im sorry.

08-05-2011, 02:21 AM
Kallima no I havent just got his name tonight. Going to add him and see if I can pm him about it. I've tryed to message a few of his members and no one would message me back.

08-05-2011, 02:33 AM
In the end it was not a original guild name. I know that very much so. If it comes down to it ill change my guild name to something else and transfer my members over.

08-05-2011, 03:58 AM
Bro I wouldn't let it phase you. Fact is that this could happen to anyone (someone putting guild at the end of their guild name). In the end, it comes down to who is in your guild that really matters. I don't think that there is really any way that you can resolve it because it is bound to be a common prefix to anyone's guild. Just be happy that you got in on it first ^^

08-05-2011, 04:18 AM
Les said what Flo did, yet you didn't take offense to that...

It's cause I'm a boss.

The more I think about this though (like 5 minutes) the more I think Star Legends shouldn't be allowed as a guild name, as Lesrider pointed out.
Might as well make a guild called "Space Time Studios" or "Developers" and just pose as STS. Anything linked directly to the game shouldn't be allowed to avoid confusion.

08-05-2011, 07:41 AM
Les said what Flo did, yet you didn't take offense to that...

It's cause I'm a boss.

The more I think about this though (like 5 minutes) the more I think Star Legends shouldn 't be allowed as a guild name, as Lesrider pointed out.
Might as well make a guild called "Space Time Studios" or "Developers" and just pose as STS. Anything linked directly to the game shouldn't be allowed to avoid confusion.

Lol just so everyone knows there is a space time studios guild fyi its a devs guild.

Ok I have talked with a few of my officers. They are not fond of sharing a guild name. Some of them think we were first so we should get to keep are name as a first come first served thing.
We talked and came up with a diffrent name. Elite legends will be the new name if every one votes to change. I already reserved the name. If we do change ill make an alt to hold star legends guild, so that it will not open back up.
Its not for sure yet, I still need to talk to my whole guild about what they think.
whats everyone think about that?

08-05-2011, 09:38 AM
And just feel bad that you will have to spend additional plat, a good chunk too! Totally unsolicited btw, but your actions show your maturity level, just another reason I'm in your guild, and turned down their invite multiple times. Cheers, i know whichever path you decide to take, it'll be successful either way!!

@ Flo - I'll be ordering all your comments with the machismo on the side, thank you! :p

08-27-2011, 09:55 AM
same thing happened yo dead shot mafia so thier leader should totally get how u feel . sorry for unoriginal rip offs. sum people jus dont have ideas to make own names i guess. n on another note maybe they never seen u around n honestly didnt no.

08-27-2011, 03:51 PM
Lol very funny..
Elyseon was right.. Its funny if u guys used the Star Legends game name as a Guild name..
Dont u have ur own origin.? Sorry if its harsh but its just true..
Look at a guild called Blackstar Militia that is just nice.. At least they think of a best name.. Hmm :(

08-27-2011, 07:23 PM
Lol very funny..
Elyseon was right.. Its funny if u guys used the Star Legends game name as a Guild name..
Dont u have ur own origin.? Sorry if its harsh but its just true..
Look at a guild called Blackstar Militia that is just nice.. At least they think of a best name.. Hmm :(
Not sure if your attempting to praise BM for originality or bash it for using the game name in its name.

If ur attempting to bash it then i'll explain my reasoning for naming it after the game, i love the game and when i thought up the guild name i wanted it to have "blackstar" to symbolize we were the militia of the UCS Blackstar. Not simply because i couldnt think of a name so i just decided to use the game cuz it was the easy way out of actually thinking.

If ur attempting to praise it, thank you for the complement, i thought it was a very original name :)

again cant tell if u were praising or bashing so i covered both areas :pig:

10-18-2012, 02:34 PM
The guy knew the name was taken cuz it told him it was when try to name it so he put "guild" in, I personaly hate copycats ppl who put xX[Name]Xx <----is just irritating.

10-18-2012, 02:42 PM
Nice necro...

10-22-2012, 11:29 AM
As soon as it was necro'd anyway and there's no fun up-to-date threads i'll add my 2cents

in this game anything can happen..

One brilliant officer of Jedi Council quit and made her own guild called Dark Jedi Council, stating it as official rival to the original JC..

Then, 6 month later she returned to us, disbanding the Dark Jedi Council..

We took her back willingly, coz she's really awesome :D

10-23-2012, 11:38 PM

10-29-2012, 12:58 AM
And this member would be.... lol ;)