View Full Version : Rush Grudges: when is too far too far?

08-04-2011, 10:50 PM
So in my recent pvp experiences, I've encountered a LOT of rushing from seemingly established twinks. Now most of the games I join are 1v1, and I'm all for a FFA, but rushing has always been frowned upon otherwise. I'll be the hypocrite, admitting I rush anyone who appears to have a generated name, or if they're someone I don't know at all and isn't chatting/1v1ing with someone else, but that's irrelevant. My number one cause for my rushing is revenge.

So there's a thing called a rush grudge and I'm sure a lot of us do this. When you get killed by a rusher, usually you want that kill back, right? Well what I wanna know is how far does this rush grudge thing go until it's wrong? I mean i know that you're not gonna join every game trying to hunt this person down, but if they're in the same game, and you get one kill, is that the end? Would you rush them until the match is over? Until they leave?

Please leave some creative and constructive answers and feedback on the subject. I fear I'm beginning to turn into Twinktastical 2.0...

08-04-2011, 11:06 PM
Rushing has become a serious problem at the level cap as well. I gotta admit, I think it's only fair if someone is rushed and dies because they were rushed, that they deserve to kill that rusher.

That said, rush grudges tend to escalate, sometimes turning 1v1 games into FFAs. I think that if I were host, what I would do if I see someone rushed is to allow the victim a kill and then immediately boot the rusher. Worse, some rushers and victims hold long grudges, which means that they will attack each other wherever they see each other or boot on sight in PvE.

08-04-2011, 11:13 PM
I don't rush back unless they've killed me at least two more times after I've asked them to stop. Nor do I take free kills.

If someone does not speak English, I'll normally lie dead until they leave.

08-04-2011, 11:15 PM
Lol TT never liked rushing. :p i just try to nit worry about rushing. It was worse back when people could leave during a fight without penalty.

08-04-2011, 11:29 PM
Lol TT never liked rushing. :p i just try to nit worry about rushing. It was worse back when people could leave during a fight without penalty.

lol what i meant by becoming a TT 2.0 was the trollish aspect of his personality :p

08-04-2011, 11:33 PM
I love rushing speacially on COD but if i see you camping your gonna get it

08-04-2011, 11:44 PM
lol what i meant by becoming a TT 2.0 was the trollish aspect of his personality :p

Good ole Jonus could out flame Laquint!

08-04-2011, 11:53 PM
Yeah I thought some players were actually really distinguished and played clean.
Apparently one rushes me. I don't understand why they would rush in the first place...

08-04-2011, 11:55 PM
I just started back on to PL after a two week break and pvp is absolutely horrible. There is not one game that I join where someone does not rush or randomly attack another player. I think for every kill that the rusher gets, the 'rushee' should get back.

08-05-2011, 02:45 AM
On one side I don't mind certain rushers...you know the ones that rush and fail miserably and just keep trying till they get you and then sometimes rub it in after your dead, but non the less most rushers are just mainly trying to kill you the first hit and then either go for someone else or leave. IMO I hate rushers all together but we all have our crosses to bare.

08-05-2011, 06:49 AM
when your killed by a rusher fine ur gonna want to kill back, depending on who it is, i will rush til game ends, when it comes down to them being as easy as a free kill then i will. but if its someone i dislike its something completely different... i will hunt them down no matter what. lol. but when it comes down to how long the should last rush back, if they attempt agen kill them, normaly when one person rushes e.g. a free kill, the will most likely try agen and agen until they give up and figure out they cant kill u

08-05-2011, 09:44 AM
Lvl 35 pvp is harsh.

Rushers everywhere.
They rush you, then while you are trying to get em back they bring their little friends and it makes you seriously pissed off. Then when they team you 3v1 they start calling you noob, loser etc...
Then theres the kill buyers/farmers who will rush almost anyone just to boost their little kdr up.

And as for the grudge question, i usually keep kiling the rusher until they stop atking others.
Theres just a few people in particular which i really hate because of the above reasons, who i will kill once i see them and then boot them if i am host.

Lvl35 pvp isnt very nice.

08-05-2011, 10:12 AM
I dont rush but in ffa man people steal my kills left and right i get mad but cant attack them cause they on my side grrr

08-05-2011, 10:17 AM
We should make the: Unofficial Rules of PVP thread.

08-05-2011, 10:47 AM
its harsh, fine, but we realy need to figure out a way to stop those irritating rushers, maybe a way to promote some one to host of the game to boot those irritating ppl, so for example. you get rushed, u ask original host to promte you so u can boot /promote maybe? then you can boot and re promote original host? just an idea. sry i cant spell promote very well so sry ;)