View Full Version : Way to many effects in PvP - impossible to see opponent

05-25-2016, 09:54 AM
Today I finally got lvl56 gear and decided to get back into PvP , what I noticed is that the amount of effects from different attacks and pets makes it basicly impossible to see team mates , and opponents . This wasn't a huge problem before , but now that we have more pets with extremely bright aa's like mm , and the arcane sword proc ( most annoying one ) , all the new guns give some-kind of aura around the target after hitting it , and most important more pooling pets , it became a problem for me . Not only that it's impossible to see , it also hits hard on your frame rate ( and I'm using a pretty powerful tablet ) . Most of the times I end out shooting at air hoping that I will hit something , and just run around hoping I wont be exposed to enemy rogs ( that I can't see ) while sheild is off . As I stated before I'm using a tablet so I have a big screen , I can't even imagine what mobile users expirience . I didn't really come up with a way to improve this situation , but I hope sts can do something about it . ( I NEVER have same problems in pve for some reason , fps never drops and even the most messy pets , skills and procs don't cause me any discomfort ) .

05-25-2016, 10:16 AM
I hope sts fixes this, it isn't very fun to clash when every member in the clash has fps lag (note no one has high ping). This problem is also way worse in ctf then tdm, normally in tdm the fps lag isn't there or is very low. That is probably part of the reason most people play tdm instead at any other level then cap.

05-25-2016, 11:08 AM
Today I finally got lvl56 gear and decided to get back into PvP , what I noticed is that the amount of effects from different attacks and pets makes it basicly impossible to see team mates , and opponents . This wasn't a huge problem before , but now that we have more pets with extremely bright aa's like mm , and the arcane sword proc ( most annoying one ) , all the new guns give some-kind of aura around the target after hitting it , and most important more pooling pets , it became a problem for me . Not only that it's impossible to see , it also hits hard on your frame rate ( and I'm using a pretty powerful tablet ) . Most of the times I end out shooting at air hoping that I will hit something , and just run around hoping I wont be exposed to enemy rogs ( that I can't see ) while sheild is off . As I stated before I'm using a tablet so I have a big screen , I can't even imagine what mobile users expirience . I didn't really come up with a way to improve this situation , but I hope sts can do something about it . ( I NEVER have same problems in pve for some reason , fps never drops and even the most messy pets , skills and procs don't cause me any discomfort ) .
Try to see enemy when both sides use 1-2 sns, mari for buff and nekros, skills new gun omg crazy! I feel you

05-25-2016, 11:14 AM
Not a problem for me but my munch mouth is still lv38 im not ready to begin pvp with him :)

05-25-2016, 12:08 PM
Hmm, no issues for me with either iPhone 6 Plus or PC...

05-25-2016, 12:58 PM
Both my iPads are useless- gen 2 and 3 - because of frame rate issues. iPad Mini 2nd gen is still good though. I do see frame rate issues mostly in CTF and some maps when the mythic staff's wildfire proc goes crazy

IGN: Cryformana, Drizzitty

05-25-2016, 02:26 PM
I tested wildfire proc in PvP , and unless the opposite team has 2 tanks what will always stick close to each other after one get the proc , it simply can't rack-up to a state to lower my fps . And even if it does , lack of targets makes in wind away quicky ( also the proc rate seems 10 times less than in pve ) . I only noticed that my fps slows down if it procs in elite on a large mob group , but even that inst so bad . ( Unless you have 4 staffs in your pt , and each of the mages uses auto attack only XD)

I noticed that the main things that make my fps go down is the isane amount of pools that are all concentrated in one place , and the arc sword proc on top of that. ( It seems that every war has that sword lol )

05-26-2016, 08:27 AM
I see, just shot and use all ur skill then ��

But i prefer to stay on back of ur warrior for your safety, if you say a rogue pack, try to get near to it, so when you are dying just pick one or two, since korup AA will remove warrior heal regen mage and rogue heal is the best.

05-26-2016, 11:12 AM
This is what I'm talking about : and this is just with one sns and one arc sword ...