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View Full Version : Been more than a year

05-26-2016, 04:55 PM
hey all so I used to play AL a while back and also have a few questions. I'll try not to be redundant as I've seen people on the forum answer some questions I had in store to others coming back. thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to respond to my questions

put into consideration I have a 41 warrior and a decent amount of gold and items that surprisingly went up in price

1. are warriors even needed anymore? I used to have a hard time finding parties to run anything in the past even though I was self efficient. rogues and sorcs were always desired for dps

2. from lvl 41 to 56 (on any char not just warrior) is it crucial to have the most expensive gear to complete normal content? I'm an end game guy so I wanna get to 56 and would like to hold off on buying the best gear until then

3. mines and tower still good places to power lvl?

4. why did the price of locked grand crates go up when the gear is scaled to 41? I'm assuming pets?

Lastly, 5. what's the max lvl the Orc bashing gear from the plat store scales to?