View Full Version : Help me decide

08-06-2011, 07:43 AM
Hey. I was hoping someone could help me with a problem. I have been thinking about making another character and I can't decide what I should make. I keep hearing that it depends on your playing style and I just to make things easier I'm going to describe my playing style.

1. I like having the ability to run into a room and kill it in no time.

2. I don't like depending on other people ( I want to be able to play well on my own).

3. I like to do as much damage as possible overall.

4. A good k/d ratio wouldn't hurt.

5. Quick to lv up.


PS: I wouldn't mind duel speccing, I think it's pretty cool.

08-06-2011, 07:50 AM
Well if you want to kill on your on bird they are good they can shoot from far away and they can take in the over lord at oasis and have high cirt so bird type

08-06-2011, 08:24 AM
Full int or full dex bird is your style then

08-06-2011, 08:27 AM
Pure dex bird would be best choose. Dexbear also wouldn't be bad choose. :)

08-06-2011, 09:51 AM
I disagree with the above posts. According to the description of you're playstyle, you're best choice is without a doubt the enchantress.

You can run into a room and just demolish everything in it, you can heal yourself, has mana shield for defense, and some of the end game gear has great hp and mana regen (eliminates the nees to spend your gold on potions and thus allows you to save it for better gear).

If you plan on dual speccing, go with int and str for the enchantress. The only drawback to dual speccing is that it lowers the amount of damage you can deal with your skills when compared to a "pure" build of the same class. Fyi, dual speccing is a bit complicated until you do it for the first time. There is a guide written by another forumer on how to dual spec. Its really in-depth and informative, so check it out in the pl user guides section of the forums.

No matter which class you choose remember to always have fun :)

08-06-2011, 09:55 AM
If you want to kill EVERYTHING, FAST, I'd suggest Dex-Mage. They've low Mana Regen for a long time though, so you'll be pot addict until 30.

08-06-2011, 11:22 AM
Both enchantress and bird would work well for what you want. Enchantresses are better at doing damage to several enemies at once, and can also heal themselves so they need to use fewer health pots; on the other hand, they use more mana pots. Birds are the best at doing a lot of damage to a single enemy at a time (or so the theory goes); they need to use health pots to heal themselves if there's no enchantress in the group.

It's really a matter of personal preference. I find the enchantress spells more fun than bird spells, but a lot of people love playing birds. Maybe try both for a few levels and see which you like.

Either way, I'd stick with pure int for enchantress and pure dex for a bird while you're low level and leave more unusual builds for later - so long as the 2 platinum to respec is not an issue.

08-06-2011, 01:10 PM
Making a warbird is such fun they are heavy armored and with break armor they rule the battlefield.

08-06-2011, 04:39 PM
dexmage all the way, survivability is a big plus on mages

08-06-2011, 04:58 PM
Kalielle hit it on the head. The pure int mage would probably suit you more according to your playstyle. Personally though, I don't have any problems with mana when it comes to my pure int mage (right now, I'm using sewer greens and oranges that give health and mana regen. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 24 each).