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View Full Version : Some Mage Gun Recipe SS

05-27-2016, 11:07 AM
I'm quite excited about this gun. It seems like it will be like planar pendant to create with all the tiers and essences but I wanted to post ss bc the recipes are expensive. So if you're considering this new gun, you can make a more informed decision now. I went with the gun over the staff bc my arcane staff is 3 eye and very useful in pve still. It's also entirely possible that the new staff is very good too but I only had 361 cryo tokens and just wasn't gonna buy the recipes for staff yet. I can't afford it!! This legendary gun also has a proc. So without further delay. Here we go!!








Hope this gives some extra information to those that were wondering about the process and stats.


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05-27-2016, 11:13 AM
That is amazing and need many effort, when you finish of craft your powerfull weapon, Surprise!! STS launch a new Mythic/Arcane weapon/staff lvl 56 :P