View Full Version : Guild Enhancements Brainstorming Thread

05-27-2016, 11:42 AM
Now that Housing is almost here, we'd like to turn our attention to Guilds.

What type of enhancements, augmentations, and changes would you like to see with the current Guild system

I know there have been several threads regarding this, but I'd like to consolidate the ideas here (links are fine).


- g

05-27-2016, 11:46 AM
Guild message board,guild rules board

Jonathan Delostrinos
05-27-2016, 11:51 AM
maybe every guild leader can make banner for the guild? that would be cool

05-27-2016, 11:53 AM
Now that Housing is almost here, we'd like to turn our attention to Guilds.

What type of enhancements, augmentations, and changes would you like to see with the current Guild system

I know there have been several threads regarding this, but I'd like to consolidate the ideas here (links are fine).


- g

Consignment shop in guildhall would be great

05-27-2016, 11:56 AM
Auction in gh, Pvp testing arena. Leaderboard guilds get a different colour guild title. A guild level system rewards items to guildies. More guildhalls.

05-27-2016, 11:58 AM
Auction in gh, Pvp testing arena. Leaderboard guilds get a different colour guild title. A guild level system rewards items to guildies. More guildhalls.
+1 to auction and leader board guilds getting colored titles

05-27-2016, 12:05 PM
Umm, maybe :

Guild search function? (so that players can search and apply etc ^^)
Consignment shop/auction hall in guild hall (has pros and cons)
Guild bank/storage (has pros and cons)
Guild announcement board (for offline announcement etc)
More options to sort guild list (maybe by levels?)
Guild vs guild (would be fun)
And maybe increase guild hall capacity (?)

* For the guild search function, can include level requirements, and other requirements as well

05-27-2016, 12:06 PM
1. One special and own DATA leaderboard for each guild: The idea is Masters can use it to do some mini events or contest and also have more data control of PVP, PVE,APS, of members, recruiters and officers :)
2. Gild Post office: Where each member of a guild can put a message and it's can be saved when the member is OFF. Example: A player who go to travel around the world can save a message in the GPO and everyone can know what happened with that user and the reason why he is absent. The master can put sticky in a message if he consider it important.
3. New Guild design and with second floor: Will be amazing to see new guild styles and with a second floor , new option and decorations.

05-27-2016, 12:08 PM
Guild Emblem.

05-27-2016, 12:17 PM
I would like to make guild Motd a little longer. Adding and room where is dummy and we can test damage output, gear , skills. Hmmm auction will be nice too but it here we go to next suggestion: more players can enter GH.
Guildboard: it will be added in guilhall. In this board master and officers can write such things like guild event and so on. While new message on board appear , every member of guild will get notification.

05-27-2016, 12:17 PM
This can be an example of a new design, I like it.


05-27-2016, 12:20 PM
• Editable guild ranks. For example replacing "member" with "peasant", "master" with "bae" and being able to add more titles of your choice.
• Guild PVP zone (as previously mentioned).
• Customizing guildhall like you will be able to do with your home.
• Officer guildhall.

05-27-2016, 12:38 PM
would we great if we could leave some pets in the house looking for the last pet u bought and dont remember its name or lvl its deadly :v

05-27-2016, 12:46 PM
Guild PVP arena where you can test new weapons, pets, and accessories without getting death/kill count :D

Majin Vineet
05-27-2016, 12:49 PM
I have few ideas/requirement

1) Guild member list sorting : need a sorting list like drop down of jewels in crafting screen categorized as
a) show recently joined members
b) show from A-G, H-O, P-Z etc etc orders
Can't scroll 100s of names to check a single name who is offline right now

2) TEMPORARY TERMINATION for few hours -days : Some members needs to be punished but kicking them out isn't needed...just a temporary termination from guild chat n hall is enough , like you ban players for few days.

3) A Message board : Motd is fine, but we need a Message board with more character space to discuss strategy and info for events... It can be used like leader board in Guildhall. Can also be used as leader board for guild events and for many more things.

4) Master /Officers can inspect online and offline members form guild llist : to check their progress and stats etc.... Players can choose from options screen that he want to share his inspect screen or not.

5) Supreme Officer/ Vice master : A post which can prompt and demote members in absence of master. But he can't disband guild.

And a Solid Gold vanity as fees if u choose any ideas :P

05-27-2016, 01:01 PM
Uhhh... I think my brainstorm was named and tracked by the NWS. :P Sorry, the ideas just kept coming!

Thanks to Justg and the team for this thread.

To me, the biggest hurdle for AL is that guilds take a helluva lot of work to build and maintain - with little reward. Guild events shouldn't be such a burden, either. I think the game would be massively improved if leading a guild wasn't so taxing. I'm also including some suggestions that I think would improve the overall social infrastructure of AL. I put "(HIGH priority)" after the items I think are the most important for STS to consider.

NEW Sponsored Event System (HIGH Priority)
A new system to handle competitions, contests and events between various groups of players.

Intraguild (Between Guild Members)
* Examples: PvE kills, AP contests, CTF Flags, Trivia, Prize Giveaways, Fashion, Pitching In To Help Out A Guildmate, etc.
Interguild (Between Guilds)
* Examples: PvP tournaments, Timed Runs, Fashion, Boss Kill Contest, Fashion, Home Tours, etc.
Global (Open To Everyone)
* Examples: See most above examples plus... Farming Bounties (such as asking players to find an E4, or the Child's Play Contender, or just to form an elite map party)

The ability for an individual player or a guild to sponsor and set up an event/competition/contest/bounty in game would be simply fantastic. And, yes, STS itself could sponsor events alongside players and guilds.

How I imagine the sponsored event system working:

* A sponsor approaches an event board in game, similar to the leaderboard or consignment shop.
* The sponsor sets up an event and it is advertised on an event board.

* Sponsor pays a fee to use the system and puts up prizes/awards.

* Event boards are placed in towns and in guild halls.

* Town event boards list game-wide events and guild event boards list guild-wide events.

* Players who meet the criteria set by the sponsor may join the event.

* Each event has a beginning and and end, triggered by a time schedule or another parameter such as meeting a specific goal.

Communication Enhancements
Messaging Inbox - Ability to send messages that will persist until deleted. (HIGH priority)

* Having to communicate out of game via a 3rd party app is a hindrance to gameplay and also excludes players who cannot or will not use one.

* Players will spend more time communicating in game

Option to change the guild name

* Major guilds have been completely abandoned solely because members wanted a different name.

* Charge platinum to change the name

Two additional multipurpose guild chat channels

* Gives PvP players, recruiters, etc separate chat channels to carry out activities that would be otherwise disruptive in normal guild chat

* Please also give every guild member ability to opt out of each channel (in Options/Social Options)

Persistent guild chat

* Gives players the option of reviewing up to 24 hours of guild chat activity after they've been offline

Informational Enhancements
Publicly list Achievement Points for all characters

* On the Inspect/Avatar tab
Allow players to select a nickname in addition to their primary name.

* Viewable only to friends and guild members

* Reduces confusion when a player changes their name

Guild Information Board

* Publicly viewable general information board

* Accessible as a tab whenever a guild member is inspected, e.g. (Avatar | Give | Trade | Guild)

* Board message is editable by Guild Master and Knight

* Editable Content on Board:

* Guild Logo - include a variety of logos with the ability to select logo color and background color

* Guild Slogan - short slogan

* Guild Message - Long message.

Guild application system

* Place an "Apply" button on the Guild Information Board

* Submits an application to guild leadership

Social Page Improvements

* Guild Tab - List last login time of each member (HIGH priority)

* Guild Tab - List achievement points of each member (HIGH priority)

* Add new tab - [Guild Info]

NEW Guild Info tab

* Contains private information board for Guild Members, editable by leadership

* Displays guild statistics similar to Top 50 Guilds thread, especially total guild achievement points! (HIGH priority)

* Displays each member's statistics that are available on a member's Avatar Screen

* Move buttons: [Browse Guild Halls], [Set MOTD] and [Disband Guild] to Guild Info tab

* Create Edit buttons for Logo, Slogan, Message (available only to proper rank)

* Message field could allow for up to 5000 characters

Guild Structure Enhancements
Limit Guild membership to a finite number (100 members, for example)
* Raises the value of each member

* Would create greater competition for guild leaderboard

* Reduces stagnancy
* Prevents any single guild from being overly dominant
Create two additional guild ranks

* Ranks could be: Master, "Knight", Officer, Recruiter, Member, "Initiate" (HIGH priority)

* Members need something more to aspire to
* Greater variety of ranks means more room to grow

* Upon joining new members are set to Initiate rank.
* Initiate rank is considered probationary but has same permissions as Member
* As guild development continues, future Initiate rank permissions could be limited
* Member rank becomes an acknowledgement of full membership

Officer rank changes

* Limit ability to kick Recruiter, Member, and Initiate to 5 per day (HIGH priority)

* Grant ability to promote to Recruiter and Member.
"Knight" rank permissions

* Can promote/demote through Officer
* Can kick Officer, Recruiter, Member and Initiate
* Limit kick ability to 10 per day

* Ability to promote through Officer rank
* Ability to demote Recruiter to Member

* Can edit public and private guild message

Thanks again STS for the opportunity to make these suggestions!

05-27-2016, 01:14 PM
A system where every guild member can farm from various maps (or buy) and donate "guild essences" to the guild that can be used only to upgrade the level of the guild. Each level grants to every member titles,banners,untradeable gears ecc. (With attention.to not impact the economy) + some decorations for guildhall.
At higher levels level up will be pretty difficult but rewards will be worth it.
So this way theres another thing to farm for farmers and a strong co operation to reach a goal that will benefit the whole guild community.

This,and stuff like cs and guildboard in gh like others said.

05-27-2016, 01:31 PM
Guild banners!

05-27-2016, 01:33 PM
*Guild emblem/logos would be nice.
*Can put extra accessories in guildhall
*Guildfound/Guildbanks that all member can donate golds for the guild projects.
*Guild pvp room as they mention

Can't wait awoooowooo :8)

05-27-2016, 01:35 PM
CS in guild, please!

05-27-2016, 01:39 PM
Guild banners for being top 50,top 25, top 10 , top 5 ,top 3,top 1 at season end ,will shake up competition between guilds ,can be awarded to all,to officers and gms,or only on the Gm,up to pick.
Also add an option where master can detailed post rules and all can see and ready in guild,not all have forum and its kinda hard
Guild pvp area and auc and new guildhall as mentioned already

05-27-2016, 01:49 PM
Last active date displayed for every member; data accessible only by master and officers
Longer MOTD space (about triple the current one), crucial during events or start of important update like now
Greater GH capacity

I don't think GH needs a CS branch. With the number of guilds out there in-guild CS is just superfluous. I also prefer GH to be inclusive. Officers already have /o to communicate amongst themselves so a special room is redundant. A GM office might be a good idea so I can have somewhere private for when I need to have a talk with members/officers without having to go to map.

I like Stefandeaconu's idea for guild perk improvement that will require contributions from all guild mates. Only perhaps make it more doable even for non-end game guilds.

05-27-2016, 01:49 PM
Guild Stash and vendor option, such as guild banner and guild points etc etc xD

05-27-2016, 01:58 PM
This can be an example of a new design, I like it.


Wow, this looks awesome!:)

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05-27-2016, 02:00 PM
Auction in gh and guild banners!

05-27-2016, 02:02 PM
OMG ;-; can u guys make GUILD PILLOW FIGHTS!?

05-27-2016, 02:04 PM
- "Co-master" guild position
- Auction in Guild hall
- Guild Leaderboard

05-27-2016, 02:06 PM
A couple of years ago, Draebatad (PL's <Tron> GM) had several good suggestions to enhance guild management in PL; many of which have already been implemented in AL (such as the Guild Log). But some other ideas are worth repeating here.


Here are some ideas for new guild management features and enhancements that would be fantastic to see added in a forthcoming update to PL:

1. Guild Roster - Member Search by Name + Adding Scrollbar: Without a scrollbar or the ability to search by name, the scrolling through the guild roster is tedious to locate members. The larger the guild, the more tedious it becomes. The CS already has the ability to search for items by full or partial name. Why not add similar functionality to the guild roster to enable both guild members and management to search for guildies by full or partial name? And a scrollbar for the guild roster would be great as well for general browsing. Both would be huge time savers and greatly appreciated.

2. New Guild Roster Fields - Invited By, Date Joined, Last Logged On, Number Of Times Joined: Who invited them? When did they join? When were they last on? And very importantly, how many times have they joined your guild? Information is empowering and this basic information, viewable by only the GM and officers, would be highly useful for guild management.

3. Guild Ban List: Allow the GM and officers to add player names to a guild ban list. Presently members can get removed from the guild, only to be re-invited by any guildie with the ability to recruit - a source of frustration for many to say the least. Each player already has the ability to add any other character to their personal Ignore list, by the same token, having a similar yet centralized feature for guild management to manage the banning and unbanning of characters from the guild would be a fantastic and long overdue tool.
- The banned name should be a variable and not static (just like the Ignore list), so if a player changes their name, it stays current in the guild ban list and their ban survives a character rename.
- Present members, officers and the GM should not be able to be entered into the guild ban list, only those who are not presently in the guild should be able to be added (an easy way to prevent unwanted situations, such as the GM or officers from being banned, or the accidental banning of existing members).
- Banned users could be removed from the ban list by the GM or any officer at any time.
- Add Ban Types, Banned Until: Ban Types - Eternity, 1 Year, 6 Months, 3 Months, 1 Month, 1 Week and 1 Day as well. Banned Until - And it's useful to know when their ban ends (Never? Or the date and time). Example: Ban Type: <type>, Banned Until: <date and time>.
- Other very useful fields should include Banned By, Banned Date and Reason Banned (such as, Inappropriate Language/Behavior, Trolling, Spamming, Scamming, Not Meeting Guild Requirements). Knowing who banned a user, when they were banned, for how long, and the reason why is all very good information for the management team.
- An announcement should be sent to the guild when a player is banned, such as:
<Name> has been banned from the guild for <Ban Type> for <Reason Banned> by <Name>.
(Johndoe has been banned from the guild for Eternity for Trolling by Janedoe.)
- Obviously, once banned, a user could not be invited by anyone to the guild, until such time as they were removed from the ban list.

4. Guild Announcement Update - Name has joined the guild, but who invited?: Presently when someone joins the guild, the announcement is:
<Name> has joined the guild!
How about we add who invited them to the announcement? Example:
<Name> has joined the guild and was invited by <Name>!

5. Removed from the Guild Reason: When guild management removes a player from the guild, the first question everyone asks is: Why? Add a step to the removal process that prompts for a reason - make it a short text field, or better yet, for consistency and to save space on the database, a drop-down list with the most common reasons (such as: Inappropriate Language/Behavior, Trolling, Spamming, Scamming, Not Meeting Guild Requirements). Example:
<Name> has been removed from the guild by <Name> for <Reason>.

6. Guild Logs: Not the first to request this. Useful information logged and viewable by the GM and officers could include the following, all with date and time stamps, similar to any common log file.
- Joins (<Date> <Time>: <Name> joined the guild, invited by <Name>)
- Departures (<Date> <Time>: <Name> left the guild)
- Promotions (<Date> <Time>: <Name> was promoted to <Rank>)
- Demotions (<Date> <Time>: <Name> was demoted to <Rank>)
- Removals (<Date> <Time>: <Name> was removed from the guild by <Name> for <Reason>)
- Bans (<Name> was banned from the guild for <Ban Reason> for <Ban Type> by <Name>)
The guild log should:
a) be displayable within a selectable date and time range (the last hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, day, week, month?)
b) and be searchable for a single text search field (such as, a player name, or other words commonly found within the log)

05-27-2016, 02:09 PM
Can you add more guild ranks.It will be great

05-27-2016, 02:09 PM
*Temporary kicks

*Mute from GC

*not sure about CS in there, but helps sometimes

*500 mana potions at once from Eva, even 1k wouldn't be bad

*a board to type info such as rules, event news or whatever

*search system for members or ways to avoid infinite scrolling

*Permanent bans - It would be great if we could do this. Sometimes there are those guys that get kicked and sneak in with their alternate characters or change their name. A black list would help a lot.

Thanks for reading and good luck.

05-27-2016, 02:11 PM
I like to add in guilds because im a officer on our guild,
1) Guild Auction
2) Search (So you can easy search a member to kick or promote)
3) A button so you can see what kind of members are there like in Auction, There a Common, Rare, Epic so you can easy to find, Hope the guild has that "Members, Recruiters, Officers" like that so you can easy to promote or kick.
4) Guild Banner, The master will create a banner for his/her members.
5) AnActive Ago, Just like in facebook there is Offline 3Hours ago like that, Hope you can add that one.
6) A PvP Guild Sparring, So you can practice or test your skills or new weapons for pvp (Kills Or Deaths will not Count on real KDR)
7) A System in Guild that you can Mute their chats for a while and they can't speak until the master will fix it( So the master can Announce for a minute without the members spamming chats)

05-27-2016, 02:12 PM
How about "Vanity Guild". STS can give guild 2-3 option model of vanity. But lets guild master choise colour for thats vanity.

05-27-2016, 02:15 PM
Special Guild Banner with Guild Logo on it

05-27-2016, 02:19 PM
*Temporary kicks

*Mute from GC

*not sure about CS in there, but helps sometimes

*500 mana potions at once from Eva, even 1k wouldn't be bad

*a board to type info such as rules, event news or whatever

*search system for members or ways to avoid infinite scrolling

*Permanent bans - It would be great if we could do this. Sometimes there are those guys that get kicked and sneak in with their alternate characters or change their name. A black list would help a lot.

Thanks for reading and good luck.

Out of thanks.
Yes, guild blacklist is a great idea.

05-27-2016, 02:52 PM
--CS in Gh, as many have mentioned. . .worth saying again tho hehe
--Officer guildhall
--could we get guild halls to connect to the new housing system? That would be awesome :D
--Guild bank, where all members can add gold and only officers/master/co-master can remove gold
--Junior vs Senior officer rankings, with different priviledges and kudos for each
--Guild message board, with visibility control
--Ability to set different MOTDs for officer, recruiter, and member
--On Android/iPhone, notifications when guild events are about to begin

05-27-2016, 03:02 PM
new color for gc
guild vs guild : we pick some players to pvp
but it not a clash, vs would be good
guild blacklist
visit guild :
pay 5 plat to see guild from inside without being member ( require officers agree ) but only for 12 hour
you can't sneak on them all the time:p
you can visit every 15 day
Thank you.

*almost forgot.. CS There please!*

05-27-2016, 03:15 PM
*Guildlogg where to see when last log in days/hours/min
*Some option to donate gold for trivia or other things (guildbank)
*A way to search for guilds in game with option for GM/officers write short information about the guild for others to read.
*Request button for join in guild, guild master and officers can read who wants to join.
This might help new players find a guild also maybe helps in recruiting new mebers.

Mafiosos Guild
05-27-2016, 03:37 PM
Many players are interested in advancing socially in game. How bout a more expanse guild tier? Master co master captain, officer, veteran, recruiter, champion etc etc. masters can give out champion titles for their pvp players.

05-27-2016, 03:53 PM
What type of enhancements, augmentations, and changes would you like to see with the current Guild system

Option to merge 2 guilds into 1 of them with the possibility of rename the new one, like characters or pets do.
(The master of the guild 1 can send a resquest for merging his guild and the master of the guild 2 can accept or decline, like friend requests).

Board or Boards or board with multiple tabs for: Rules, FAQ for game, FAQ for currently event...

Adapt the Leadership Board to a Leadership Guild Board.

A NPC can give a little ciclical rewards, like Klass; and offer daily quests for a new kind of guild tokens to spend in a vendor at guild hall, like Minstrel.
(As an example, the new permission to trade could be only obtained through this NPC... Some pets could be purchased with new tokens...)
(As a proposal for the guild daily quest sets, they could be the differents guild halls -castle hall is in use by the Minstrel-)
(Another idea for the daily quest of the guild is that the player had to move, find or clean elements in the map; puzzle type instead of fighting type)

In the member list should appear:
+ Seniority date
+ Last connection.
+ New Veteran category between recruiter and officer (without privileges more than an upper possition in the list of members. Master can use the Seniority date to promote to this category).

Limited number of kicks to 10 per officer.

Blocked list to prevent certain players to enter the guild.

Colour code for Guild Activity Log.

NPC who links to the webpage of the guild.

Any easier way than type "/g" to write on guild chat like a button on main screen.

On the other hand I want to propose an AFK text to automatically reply private messages. It could be standard text "AFK" or personalized like motd.

Dex Scene
05-27-2016, 03:56 PM
my 5 wish lists:

1- Increase the cap numbers of people allowed in guildhall at a time. I hate when we party and so many guildies can't join us due to guild hall getting full.

2- Guild notes.
Yes Motd are fine but there should be some guild notes where any members can write down something. And those notes will be placed on some blackboard thing? When we click it we can read those notes.
Maybe we can have maximum 5-6 notes in a guild hall.

3- A guildhall auctionhouse.
We can list our items there for 0 listing fees and that auction will be limited to guildies only.
This system has so many benefits.
If you have a small guild with all trusted members. You can use a guild stash/storage. You will list your item there for 0 gold (since it has no listing fees). The guildies can buy it for 0 golds and list it back for 0 golds after his use.
If you want to organise a who can buy first giveaway. This can work aswel.
The auction would have a history log and guild can use it whatever way what suits them.

4- We have new TDM. What about a new CTF? A Guildhall CTF for guildies to fight eachother or arrange some friendly fun competition or heck we can just pass times there. Of course the deaths or kills won't refelct on KDR stats.

5- New guildhalls with some special occassion themes like party theme.. birthday theme... horror theme..

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

05-27-2016, 04:19 PM
I am glad to see that you are thinking for some improvements in guild system. All my ideas were already written :D. If at least 10% of what you wrote in this thread ll be implemented ll be awesome :)

05-27-2016, 04:23 PM
Guild applications, for example somebody can leave an application for a certain guild, which will contain stats, class, kills, etc.

05-27-2016, 04:23 PM
Guild Stash:
You put something in a stash but the person using can liquidate or sell, and they only have it for a specific amount of time

Mr. Srovy
05-27-2016, 05:01 PM
Interesting replies.

Huw Warrington
05-27-2016, 05:17 PM
Able to buy things for the guild in GP' s not PP' s.

05-27-2016, 06:14 PM
Guild flag/banner could be something similar to the Arcane Deary symbol, with an option to turn it on/off.

Link our houses to the guildhall -- maybe as a plat option or using one of the alternative coins and can only do this once a day. When leave guild, the link is automatically removed.

Member search could be part of a bulletin board in the guildhall, which includes a personal page for mail, official guild announcements, and a short 5- or 10-item bulletin board for members to make short posts (with the poster's name included and removal if poster leaves).

Guild stash, accessible by all officers, with a log of who added/removed what gold/items.

05-27-2016, 06:34 PM
A separate room/hall accessible by the Master and Officers only.

And all other suggestions written are great! Very excited to see which ones will be implemented :love_heart:

05-27-2016, 06:36 PM
I would like to have access to the alliance between guilds and the Allies my guild has access to our guild hall and would also an emblem for our guild .Add Chat between the allies guild example / a thank you

05-27-2016, 07:26 PM
How about leadership board on guild.. The one listed there are only the guild master, officers and members. Ranking them for the most AP accomplished, numbers of kills, any other stats, etc.. In this way master and officers can easily choose members to promote base on his/her AP accomplishment, levels, etc.. You can also see your top 10 rogues, mages, warriors on that board.. This will challenge members of the guild who are not in the top to improve there stats.. APs accomplishment, number of kills etc..
Player history will be good to see too.. (especially those players who join last week, leave the second day, join again, leave again, etc...)

05-27-2016, 10:37 PM
1. guild level (lv 1, lv 2 etc) each level can upgrade something. ex: lv 2 auction in guild, lv 3 guild bank etc.
2. guild member leaderboard.
3. different colour name for master, officer, rec, member
4. master guild can inspect member guild (online history, kdr, achievement)

05-27-2016, 10:49 PM
- Officer stash/storage to save items for guild events for example
- Auction in guildhall
- Own guild banner/emblem for everyone not just lb
- Dummy/testing room
- kick message with reason
- Guild lb and rank/points in guild or something like that

- INFOBOARD: for rules or something in the guildhall. Would be very great. And my must-have number 1

Gesendet von meinem Becher mit Schnur

05-27-2016, 10:54 PM
1. guild level (lv 1, lv 2 etc) each level can upgrade something. ex: lv 2 auction in guild, lv 3 guild bank etc.
2. guild member leaderboard.
3. different colour name for master, officer, rec, member
4. master guild can inspect member guild (online history, kdr, achievement)

Agreed all.. but auction in gh is not suitable since al make auc in every map city so we can minggle around 😁😁😁
well i can see existing gh got second floor.. wish i can go up there(watching tv/eat-which is housing that will coming soon)
•can create logo/banner for each guild
•guild rename? (Using plat of course)
•guild notice board(rules/date build/event/things that we dont like to tell repeatly to everyone in guild)
•disband guild got plat refund for gh we bought 😜😉😄(50% maybe haha)
❤ ya sts

05-27-2016, 11:19 PM
-Auction at GH
-Have a private hall/room (for officers/gm to discuss stuff)
-Make the GuildHall hotel-like(2nd Floor)
-Freedom Wall for guild members to leave a message
-Have a training room that contains a dummy npc/mobs wherein guildies get to train their skills

Thats all :) :banana:

05-27-2016, 11:59 PM
A board in guildhall indicating guild stats (APs, people online everyday, pve kdr, pvp kdr etc etc)
The board can be made accessible only for master and officers if required.
+1 for auc in gh ideas (m too lazy to quote so many who suggested)
Maybe a log per player (this might be a big update) to know when a player joined/left guild so that its easy to spot jumpers (we really hate em as they join for guild events and leave later)

05-28-2016, 12:27 AM
Guild warsssss

05-28-2016, 12:36 AM
Firecrackers guild, I hope you understand lul

05-28-2016, 01:54 AM
It is where we can put things that we dont use.
There should be 2slots.
1slot which Master and Officers are the only one who have access with it.
Another slot for Master, Officers and Recruiters to use.

05-28-2016, 02:57 AM
1.Leveling up guild and giving permanent buffs to players. (Buffs go away if guild is left)
2. A guild banner master can make for 10 plat and choose from a list of designs. (People that leave guild will have their banner removed)
3.An elixir vendor where u can buy weaker elixirs for gold. (Just like in Pocket Legends!)
4.A special ally in guild hall
5.Achievement tracker in Guild Hall because guild castles can get crowded and cause lower framerate
6. A portal to Garetta. (Come on that place has a guild castle!)
7.An auction! (But exclusive to guildies only)
-Example: Guildie lists splintered staff in the guild auction for 100 gold. Only other guild members can view this listing.
8. Even more guild halls!
9. I'm pretty sure this was said already,but a leaderboard to see which guildies are the best.
10.A message board to view past MOTD's
11.Spectating guildies duke it out in the arena. (In other words, guildies fighting each other in a duel and allowing it to be spectated)
12. PvP: Guild vs. Guild
13.Guild Announcements that can be made and displayed on the system message.
14. Higher tier guild halls that give better discounts. (Like in Pocket Legends!)

05-28-2016, 03:23 AM
As ppl who focus in action rpg and farming aspect is alrdy moving to JRPGs and Order n chaos 2, AL is becoming a social game.
Therefore we should go all out in social aspect :D
Make a mechanics for guild trivia event, pve kill event (start timer for kills etc), tournament, and anything u could take from sims freeplay

05-28-2016, 04:57 AM
I agreed to those who say:

- Guild Banners/Logos/Emblems (A symbol that will represent our guild)
- Co-master (Why not?)
- Separate room for Master and Officers (To talk about some events or any businesses)
- Guild Bank (Maybe only accessible by Masters and Officers)
- Guild Board/Announcement Board (Idk what to call it, but its for guild members to know our rules, events, people who are banned in guild, etc.)
- More space in guildhall (2nd floor, maybe? for fleet ship, that basement, idk what its called)
- Training Grounds (Duel/Clash with guildmates that will not affect their kdr)

And there are many amazing suggestions. I just hope STS can implement some of those. Cheers! :D

Majin Vineet
05-28-2016, 07:17 AM
Great ideas coming here.

I vote for :

Guild rename

Guild detailed message board and free wall for members

Guild Practice area where we can show diff things to new players with dummy mobs etc.

Kick message with reason

Temporary ban/mute from guild activities (we don't wanna kick nice guildies cos they are drunk/out of consciousness about what they talking etc etc for few hours)

Private meeting hall, where only master or officers can invite, n only invited can enter. (Its rude to tell other members to leave GH for a private group chat) (private arena area for dummy NPC/mob will also work)

05-28-2016, 08:42 AM
GUILD MEGA BOSS please then once its killed the gm will be able to create a guild banner that will be given out to those who participated and after every time its killed participants get lets say a certain amount of gold depending on how mich they contributed

05-28-2016, 12:21 PM
Rank by aps would be great
Search in the list of member or filter by guild jobs

05-28-2016, 03:58 PM
Need more positions four categories are more boring! Put some 1.God 2.Master 3.General 4.Captain 5.Officer 6.Starter 7.Pioneers 8. Recruiters. Positions will be automatically promoted depending on each members hard work...and only God can removed members. Plus guild members guild mail so that he/she can leave a message. Ty

05-28-2016, 06:49 PM
Different guild icons or symbol( that you can see beside of you're character's name) ex: a tiger symbol for the magnum guild ..the master can buy a symbol/logo/icon for his guild, all member of his/her guild will get the icon and can be seen beside the name of the character.

Guild Quest (PARTY and SOLO quest for guild) i required guild quest is everyday
Guild Buffs
Cs inside Guildhall
Guild Stash

05-28-2016, 06:58 PM
-Guild to guild message (Only Master/Officer allowed to do this, also add muted option)
-Guild PvP training arena (Kill/Death not counted)
-Guild banner

Oliver Macalintal
05-28-2016, 08:34 PM
I like the cs in guildhall, color guild names, and making own banner for the guild and more capacity in guildhall that would be nice! :D

05-28-2016, 11:56 PM
I'd like card mini games.....to win gold from others..

05-29-2016, 12:29 AM
Add guild hall capactity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-29-2016, 03:25 AM
CS, a title for master, officer or recruiter so if someone want to join a guild its easier to know who can inv, guild level (points gain when complete a map or pvp with guild member, to see how much points ur member got, it was in seperate leaderboard so you wont confused choosing leaderboard.)

05-29-2016, 06:50 AM
Here is what I would like :

- Cs at guildhall
- some basic mini games to have fun
- guild banner would be AWESOME
- guild exclusive lb ( like normal one , tough only for guild , and will reward no prizes )
- the ability to ban somebody's account from the guild
-something like a inbox where people that want to join can just send their request ( will display all of their info ) , instead of having to find a member of the guild in order to be able to join .
-Ability to see when was the last time a member logged in from guild list ( only for officers/master )
-something like a board in the gh that can be edited by officers/master and displays all guild rules and anything else that a new member might need to know.
-maybe guild events ? Nothing to big , like a small weekend contest for most pve kills ( all guild member for top 50 guilds should be rewarded )

Imback Al
05-29-2016, 07:29 AM
How about instead of leader, officer, recruiter it could be grand master, duke, and jester? Lol guild=midieval term

05-29-2016, 09:19 AM
*Temporary kicks

*Mute from GC

*not sure about CS in there, but helps sometimes

*500 mana potions at once from Eva, even 1k wouldn't be bad

*a board to type info such as rules, event news or whatever

*search system for members or ways to avoid infinite scrolling

*Permanent bans - It would be great if we could do this. Sometimes there are those guys that get kicked and sneak in with their alternate characters or change their name. A black list would help a lot.

Thanks for reading and good luck.

I want to add a few more ideas here.

*Applying to a guild without anyone inviting. There are cases when someone wants to join a guild, but they would need to find a recruiter from that guild and often that is hard to do when you have no idea who they are

*An extension to the above idea, maybe allow the guild master to approve invites if there is a time when the guild stops recruiting for a while. So what would happen is that recruiters invite a person and they agree, but an officer or master has to approve it. Guilds with hundreds of recruiters would have a hard time telling all of them to stop recruiting, so I believe that would help a lot.

*As many others have already suggested, allow the officers and the master to see the achievement points of a member, their KDR and stuff. It is useful for many guilds because many of them have different rules for promotions etc. Although not a must have, it definitely makes things easier.

*Guild's own leaderboards for the members, including timed runs and whatever the general Lb has. To make it even better, add an "All time LB" and one only with the current members. Although the guild would work as a united group of players, sometimes friendly competition makes things more fun, and would also help with guild contests etc.

Tapash Bose
05-29-2016, 10:02 AM
A system where every guild member can farm from various maps (or buy) and donate "guild essences" to the guild that can be used only to upgrade the level of the guild. Each level grants to every member titles,banners,untradeable gears ecc. (With attention.to not impact the economy) + some decorations for guildhall.
At higher levels level up will be pretty difficult but rewards will be worth it.
So this way theres another thing to farm for farmers and a strong co operation to reach a goal that will benefit the whole guild community.

This,and stuff like cs and guildboard in gh like others said.

Awesome idea....implement pleaseeeeeeeee and big thumbs up for the idea :)

05-29-2016, 11:29 AM
CS At Guildhall ? It cool suggestion but who want go to paradise pier,kraag and other town to buy item or find item ? Now many ppl sell some item for cheap price at town .

My suggestion to let paradise pier and other town still be a busy town and let CS on Guildhall is CS on Guildhall Only For Sell/Buy item that who at your guild sell their item at guild cs for discount price . CS at paradise pier and other town just working like normal except Town CS cant buy/sell item that your guildie sell their item for Guild CS . Hard for me to let you guys know what im saying about .

Guild Bank ? OMG ! If im donate 1m gold then GM or Officer will kick me to get the gold that i already donate . Im still think about this guild bank suggestion .

Guild Banner ? WOW ! This exclusive banner cost around 15Plats - 30Plats To Get 1Banner . This Banner Not Tradeable .

Guild Wars ! AWESOME ! Guils Wars is only on Saturday and Sunday . 1guild only can make 5 match with other guild for 1day . Follow Now PvP level bracket . All guild will fight to get 1point for their guild to be top 20 at guild wars lb . Lb will reset after 10 week and the winner will got the special prize (NOT Vanity) for 20 players . Only GM can mark the players who can get the prize to 20 players that already help guild to win guild wars . Guild wars searching is random (Follow The PvP Lv Bracket) . Only GM and Officer can start searching for guild battle. Only GM/Officer can manage their guild hero for guild wars . Remember only has 5match for a day .

Correct me if im wrong
Sorry If Someone hard to know what im saying about . Ty for read :)

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05-29-2016, 11:33 AM
maybe limit the numbers of people in a guild?

05-29-2016, 12:11 PM
1) Last activite date of all members in Guild should be listed.
2) Most Guild active members (based on pve,pvp) per week should be rewarded each week.
3) Inter-guild co-op events and intra guild events like guild pvp events.
4) More guild ranking in addition to the 3. Especially one below(Leads) and one above officer(Senior Officer) is needed.
5) Guild officers and upwards be granted ability to upgrade member to leads and Senior Officer upwards granted ability to select Officers.
6) Each Guild can concentrate resources in the guild pool. Members of guild will contribute to this pool. Maintaining this pool can cost gold and grant buffs to each contributing member of the guild based on contribution.
7) Each guild hall to have Leader-boards commemorating top members of the guild.
8) Loyalty to guild be rewarded with particle effects or material rewards. Recently a lot of hopping activity has been seen and this breeds malicious feelings. Loyalty rewards could go a long way to maintain guilds.
9) Guild Coins - Guild currency which can be used to purchase exclusive pets or gears. Can be obtained by completing guild dailies, in guild events etc..
10) Etheral gear - Uses gold to make your gear ethereal. Once made ethereal, gear cannot be equipped by you but can be used by the person you gift it to for 3 or 7 days. After the time expires, you automatically get the gear back to your stash/inventory back from your friend whom you gift it to.
11) Party made only of guild members in specific zones be granted some kind of buffs? ( Imagine it !)
12) Guild vanities - flags, particle effects etc.
13) Guild votes - Fun questions can be posted by master and member can vote on it based on which master may/may not take action.
14) Guild Based ranking for Events like Goblin,Halloween,Winter etc.
15) Egg Elixir - Put your egg in a particular place in guildhall. Members can help by placing similar eggs in respective places. Separate members can help catalyze the eggs to give a egg elixir to guild members[More chance to loot egg on legendary re-roll].
16) Each member of guild to have a guild ranking based on his kdr,pve kills, pvp ratio, AP pts etc.
17) "NO" to auction house in gh. I like the idea of people converging in cities.

On a side note, while you are at it, chat to allow typing "meet it","craft it" instead if "mee* **". Cmon speaking "xyz* **" is very different from speaking "***".

Thanks for reading!

05-29-2016, 02:44 PM
1. One special and own DATA leaderboard for each guild: The idea is Masters can use it to do some mini events or contest and also have more data control of PVP, PVE,APS, of members, recruiters and officers :)
2. Gild Post office: Where each member of a guild can put a message and it's can be saved when the member is OFF. Example: A player who go to travel around the world can save a message in the GPO and everyone can know what happened with that user and the reason why he is absent. The master can put sticky in a message if he consider it important.
3. New Guild design and with second floor: Will be amazing to see new guild styles and with a second floor , new option and decorations.
Yass! i like the guild lb mostly :D others are awesome too :D


05-29-2016, 03:07 PM
I think. U should limit the member of guild example 50ppl per guild.it will give us thrill and more competitive . guild war per week with prize, cs in guild, new title like vice-master , allowed the officer to promote recruiter, different chat color for master or officer so member will noticed important announcement, daily quest with good reward . thats all.

I hope u will able to implement it since improving the guild makes the game interesting. TY

05-29-2016, 03:20 PM
Limit the member of guild example 50ppl per guild for more competitive and thrill, having weekly guild war with good price would be great,cs in guild, new title like vice-master, allowed the officer to promote recruiter and different chat color for master and officer, daily quest or daily hunt with reward.thats all.

Hope u will able to implement it since improving guild will make the game interesting

05-29-2016, 06:44 PM
I would like to see a monarch thing happen like a kingdom (not physical area) and the kingdom have multi guilds in it and like the founder or whoever is king or queeen then 2nd highest is multi princes and princesses and 3rd and last highest is like multi ambassadors or something like that and with approval of the king and queens of kingdoms, kingdoms can have a friendly pvp tournament using knights (either kingdom appointed with title or if signed up to play :p) or go to war with Gold. Andor items waged with the knights and monarch.

There would be a kingdom chat only used by officers and gm of each guild
Kingdom motd and kingdom broadcast (seen by every kingdom member) by monarchs only
Lastly 2nd title under first would display kingdom name prevent misunderstandings in pvp or just in daily arlor life :p

I think this would give us a change to meet more players since we tend to isolate ourselves from other ppl bcs they arent in our guild
Andddd if someone said this either in a post or this post alrdy im not stealing sorryyyy im basically +1ing it :p ty

05-29-2016, 07:01 PM
+consignment shop in guild
+request board in guild (made by player ) with reward or free
[ all guildmate an pick a request and will be put in their notification and when the client withdraw the request or someone finished it it will notify all the players who get the request ]
-Find a seller for this item etc etc (reward:----)
-Find bael II etc etc (reward ---)
- "rare" items which is not in cs (price:---)
+announcement board
+the gm can permit a person from another player with different guild to enter the guildhall
+guild rules
+a storage/trashbin all guildmember can deposit or withdraw items for ex. a lvl 50 player looted a lvl 26 legend item he intend to liquidate it but instead he can put it in the "storage or trashbin" so other players who needs it can use it
+guild events
+a room for all officers

05-29-2016, 09:25 PM
GH ideas:
Brackenridge style hall (trees and dirt road)
Snow style from nordr
Desert from kraken
Boogeys dancefloor (yes with the dance floor lights)

Guild title update:
Guild fleet ship master will be Captain and officer will be First Mate and member to Crew

Guild hall decoration:
Probably like the housing one if we can buy deco for it hope they are compatible with GH too.

A statue of bosses (rendtail im looking at you)
Statues of mobs.
Torches (who doesnt like torches)
Tree (a tree on fleet ship gh why not)

Guild Quest
A npc giving guild quest; duration can be 1 week 2 weeks quest can be:

Gather: 5000 nature damage jewels
Gather: 20000 wood
Gather: 50000 fruits
Kill 10 000 jarl

Etc. The NPC can be talked to; to display guild quest progress and collect the gathered materials.

Guild Upgrade
Like the garetta and cryostar there has been many materials scattered around arlor maybe this can be used for guid improvements too.

I am against CS on GH i dont want to see empty towns where there will be no people to inspect. Its our habit to inspect chars and rotate their avatar :banana:

05-30-2016, 03:23 AM
Umm, maybe :

Guild search function? (so that players can search and apply etc ^^)
Consignment shop/auction hall in guild hall (has pros and cons)
Guild bank/storage (has pros and cons)
Guild announcement board (for offline announcement etc)
More options to sort guild list (maybe by levels?)
Guild vs guild (would be fun)
And maybe increase guild hall capacity (?)

* For the guild search function, can include level requirements, and other requirements as well

I LOVE This idea its all we need
i did read somewhere where someone gave an idea for guild ranks (i thinks its under suggestions or something)
master - normal master abilitys
co master - has all abilitys a MASTER has except guild disband ability
TOP officer - can change ranks from member to officer or recruiter only, change MOTD, kick players (member recruiter)
officer - can change ranks of member to recruiters only, change MOTD, kick players (member and recruiter)
recruiter - normal recruiter abilitys
member - normal current member abilitys

other than these ranks the ideas posted my RARA comment #7 is sufficent for alot of players
i think this is enough and nothing more is needed (except more guildhall designs)
and cause everyone is asking for guild banners i guess (not my opionon but alot of ppl want it so)
and that decorations for gh by guildrank systems for us to farm when we bored (a cooperation of guidies)
double MOTD space
larger guild hall player capacity

please click thanks if u agree with this.... hope ideas implemented (none are mine in original)

05-31-2016, 03:58 PM
GH ideas:

1. New GH design : Forest (with flowers, fountains, mushrooms, pebbles, a little bonfire, woods, etc) This could go with Pixie and Elves theme vanities and new pets. Had an over-dose of insects and futuristic/modern/steampunk looking items. Please release ancient, arcanic stuff.

2. It would be convenient to have an auction in guild but then towns would look emptier.

3. Roles displayed in Guild Title. Example : MrXYZ <GuildABC Master>, <GuildABC Officer>, <GuildABC>

4. If we logged out when we were in Guildhall, we should relog back in Guildhall.

05-31-2016, 10:17 PM
Two words..

Cake vendor ....

05-31-2016, 10:41 PM
Slot machines or one of those spinning wheel things at carnivals that drops anhks potions or jewels maybe suoer rare chances at something good

06-01-2016, 02:33 AM
Slot machines or one of those spinning wheel things at carnivals that drops anhks potions or jewels maybe suoer rare chances at something good

Nice idea. And that spinning wheel can be spun when we pay. So it can be a gold sink too.:peach:

Runel Joseph Ruiz
06-01-2016, 03:24 AM
+1 for LB Guild Banner / Emblem and For Guild application where you can apply to any guild and wait for officer or master to accept you, with stats of the player who applies ofcourse ( pve , pvp , aps )

06-01-2016, 12:26 PM
Make players' details available when offline (Stats, last activity etc.)
Kick limitation per day

06-01-2016, 04:34 PM
Maybe a separate room for officers to have meetings? I hate going to the guildhall to have an officer meeting and other guildmates are there. (Trying to discuss something private, people)!! A separate room that branches off from the guildhall and says, "officers only," on the door or something, and prevents recruiters/members from entering.

06-01-2016, 04:36 PM
As a "co-master" I think creating such a position has significant merit.
I would like a cs in gh.
Guild rules board also great idea.
My idea was taken by ihanna... I REALLY want individual "last activity" status next to names in guild list. Color-coded: green-last 3-days, yellow-last 7 days, red-1month or more since last login. This info is critical for managing activity ranks for LB guilds

Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk

06-01-2016, 04:38 PM
Oh also a HUGE +1 IF you can work a system for masters to manage guild events.. . It can really be a headache!

Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk

06-01-2016, 09:39 PM
CS in guild, please!

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it would be nice if more players socialized in the guild hall, as even in big guilds it is usually somewhat empty at any given time.

On the other hand, I think if you put the CS in the guild hall, then I think most players will now spend much of their time in the guild hall, and there will be little socializing between players in different guilds.

Most of the time I talk to players in other guilds is when I see them standing in town. I suspect that if you put the CS in the guild halls, most of the towns are going to become ghost towns other than the towns where new players are. The net effect will be that new players will have trouble integrating into the game and joining larger guilds.

I'm not really sure how to create some balance with this, but I'd be very careful about doing this.

06-01-2016, 11:15 PM
I had an idea a while ago that I never got around to posting. I'll try to short hand it into a reply:

Guild vs guild mini games.
Character class of players don't need to matter in some, while in others it may make minor differences. For example, a bumper cars mini game, which you need to knock others off the ledges. Warriors are harder to push back, rogues move quicker, and mages have a 15% chance to reflect being pushed...or something. Idk.

The sts staff could sit down for a week and binge play some Mario Party to get some mini game ideas and add an AL twist.

One idea is being able to use the new guild ship and take to the seas for cannon fights. One player steers, another controls speed, and 3 others shoot. Either classes don't matter, or: each rogue in group increases ship speed, each mage increases attack range, and each warrior improves the number of hits your ship can withstand before it sinks. This game could be a simple 2D 8-bit style; looking like when you are sailing around in a ship in a game like Final Fantasy II.
This one could be a once every month or two type of event. Battle royale tournament. Guilds sign up. Groups of 5 guilds are randomly selected and put into their own private aquatic arena. Last standing gets to advance to the next round.

How to make this stuff worth implementing? Tax it, of course! An entry fee of either 10k gold or 1 plat per player per mini game.

At first I was thinking small rewards to the winners. But they would have to be fairly minor. Something like a chance at a dragkin tooth, a story token, 100 health porions, an ankh, etc.

Instead...I would rather see a 'Guild Point' system, in which winning a mini game earns your guild a Guild Point. Guild points will be a new factor/criteria in determining guild rankings. Perhaps even add a Leaderboard spot. Reset the GP every season if doing a leaderboard.

06-02-2016, 05:40 AM
- Raise limit of players in GH
- MORE GUILDRANKS There is a big step from recruiter to officer!
- It would be very convenient if the 500 potions had a little save when buying them just as it is cheaper to buy 100 than 2*50 or 4*25
- Add a option to buy 500 mana potions too
- Request button join a players guild (a button under the "inspect" menu)
- Search function to look for members
- Members APs displayed near their name
- "Guildstats" a option somehwhere to see you stats comprared to the LB guilds (This would encourage the guilds to try harder for LB or be aware of how close/distant they are from getting a spot of top 50.
- Longer MOTD
- New portal which leads to a hallway where all guild castles can be accessed (since it would be strange in the whole GH got filled with portals to the different guildcastles)
- Portal to your own house just as the guild castles
- When kicking people it would be nice to add a message to the guild and the player.

Yes many of the tings about have already been said, though i believe its important not to repeat, but underline the changes i would like to see. :)

06-02-2016, 07:03 AM
More ranks. Co-gm for example would be much appreciated.

I'd like to be able to keep track of this info ingame -> http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?329921-Arcane-Legends-Top-50-Guilds-May-27-2016

"Join date" and "Last online" data for all members visible to gm and maybe to the officers too. Will help a lot with promotions.

06-02-2016, 07:31 AM
So many ideas woo
Guess sts would take all of em combining 90% and making a better guild world

06-02-2016, 09:46 AM
What if Gms or officers had the ability to use furniture from the housing update in the guildhall? It would give furniture another use and would give more customazation to the guild hall. Also if this is something you didnt want to do for whatever reason atleast some funcioning chairs as seen in the housing sneak peak?

06-02-2016, 01:10 PM
Be nice to see activity of memebers ,join date,rank,how many a achievement points . Also,possibly how many new recruits player has recruited.

galaxy s7 edge

06-02-2016, 02:49 PM
Guild Quest
A npc giving guild quest; duration can be 1 week 2 weeks quest can be:

Gather: 5000 nature damage jewels
Gather: 20000 wood
Gather: 50000 fruits
Kill 10 000 jarl

Etc. The NPC can be talked to; to display guild quest progress and collect the gathered materials.

Or perhaps the GM can create quests? Sounds like a very interesting idea.

Aziz Kasimov
06-04-2016, 01:45 PM
Add lvl clan and clan skils.more lvl more skils 1 lvl clan add 1 dex 1 str 1 int and hp 100 mp 100 up to 2 lvl clan need 50 online person and item clan ap.10 lvl clsn is give 1 k hp 1 k mp 50 dex 50 dtr 50 int and 5 damage resist stan poison mana regen hp regen all person .need kvest for lvl ap clan onli lider klan and ofiser lord.
And aded slot in auksion bay

06-06-2016, 02:24 PM
Justg, Thanks for taking notice of Guild issues.
I Think we should have more than than just recruiter and officer rank, atleast a few more so members can actually work their way up and can we name our own ranks? Guild Stash would be awesome also being accessible by ranks and withdraw amounts of gold by ranks. This will allow The guild to help members and create a give n take cycle of reusable items. Would it also be possible we can design our own guild banner, representing our guild and a star next to our guild name signifying our ranks in guild? Like 1 star or 3 star for higher officer rank? And have a daily donation system if possible to stop guild hoppers, might make em think before leaving their investment invested. Maybe a special and unique skill for a guild of the masters choosing besides just the name. Having Guild wars would be awesome. But where how would it start? It be nice if guild can work toward some sort of guikd credit to build our guild towards pve or pvp guild bonus buff. I believe that will keep members active and devoted to what they help build. Birds of same feathers flocks together. Theres our request for guild enhancements. Hope we get some awesome enhancements. - <YOUYOUYOU>

Goblin'sworld Master
06-07-2016, 11:51 AM
Bro, with the new housing system we can interacting with simple things like chairs, but not in guild hall! I think its must be an important part to be able to decided how decorate the guild h! Now, a banner for the top guild with the number of the place in the guildboard, why not? People's need feel *different* , so for all guilds i should u to create a new customizable banner, with symbols, colors, size. I think is will be a great gift for arlor players!

Envoyé de mon 6045Y en utilisant Tapatalk

06-14-2016, 12:16 PM
Bro, with the new housing system we can interacting with simple things like chairs, but not in guild hall! I think its must be an important part to be able to decided how decorate the guild h! Now, a banner for the top guild with the number of the place in the guildboard, why not? People's need feel *different* , so for all guilds i should u to create a new customizable banner, with symbols, colors, size. I think is will be a great gift for arlor players!

Envoyé de mon 6045Y en utilisant Tapatalk

poor Ulleros..hes tired after running in km3 for countless times..he went to gh just to hv some drink on the table BUT HE CANT CUZ HE CANT EVEN SIT ON THE CHAIR !!!!

AL ign : Ulleros

06-15-2016, 05:37 AM
dear JustG wonder when LB guild will be Update and all this guild Enhancements :) thanks

06-15-2016, 05:06 PM
The most important aspect of a successful guild IMO is the communication between its members. What i would like to see (and its been mentioned numerous times before) is some sort of Guild Message Board. Not everyone in the game goes on the forums, where a lot of the guild information is currently posted. A guild message board would allow the Master to organize and relay rules, news of future events, and any other messages in the convenience of an in-game-accessable message board like the Leaderboard, situated inside the guild-hall. Also, these forums are primarily english, and any non-english guilds would be able to relay this info without having to worry about a thread that would eventually get lost in several pages in the guild section of the forums. The MotD can be used to accent the message board and be very effective in making sure guild news spreads to each of its members.

The message board should be edited upon restriction by the guildmaster and/or co-masters and/or officers. Members can rate a message by a thumbs up or thumbs down to show feedback but cannot post onto it. The feedback disappears when the member leaves the guild. The guildmaster themself has the sole power to delete a post from the board.

06-15-2016, 05:23 PM
Add 1 more rank in the guild hierarchy.

Junior Officer
- Has access to OC
- No kicking rights

Giving potential officers a chance to get close to the officers, build trust, and use it as a stepping stone to officer proper

07-04-2016, 01:17 AM
Uhhh... I think my brainstorm was named and tracked by the NWS. :P Sorry, the ideas just kept coming!

Thanks to Justg and the team for this thread.

To me, the biggest hurdle for AL is that guilds take a helluva lot of work to build and maintain - with little reward. Guild events shouldn't be such a burden, either. I think the game would be massively improved if leading a guild wasn't so taxing. I'm also including some suggestions that I think would improve the overall social infrastructure of AL. I put "(HIGH priority)" after the items I think are the most important for STS to consider.

NEW Sponsored Event System (HIGH Priority)
A new system to handle competitions, contests and events between various groups of players.

Intraguild (Between Guild Members)
* Examples: PvE kills, AP contests, CTF Flags, Trivia, Prize Giveaways, Fashion, Pitching In To Help Out A Guildmate, etc.
Interguild (Between Guilds)
* Examples: PvP tournaments, Timed Runs, Fashion, Boss Kill Contest, Fashion, Home Tours, etc.
Global (Open To Everyone)
* Examples: See most above examples plus... Farming Bounties (such as asking players to find an E4, or the Child's Play Contender, or just to form an elite map party)

The ability for an individual player or a guild to sponsor and set up an event/competition/contest/bounty in game would be simply fantastic. And, yes, STS itself could sponsor events alongside players and guilds.

How I imagine the sponsored event system working:

* A sponsor approaches an event board in game, similar to the leaderboard or consignment shop.
* The sponsor sets up an event and it is advertised on an event board.

* Sponsor pays a fee to use the system and puts up prizes/awards.

* Event boards are placed in towns and in guild halls.

* Town event boards list game-wide events and guild event boards list guild-wide events.

* Players who meet the criteria set by the sponsor may join the event.

* Each event has a beginning and and end, triggered by a time schedule or another parameter such as meeting a specific goal.

Communication Enhancements
Messaging Inbox - Ability to send messages that will persist until deleted. (HIGH priority)

* Having to communicate out of game via a 3rd party app is a hindrance to gameplay and also excludes players who cannot or will not use one.

* Players will spend more time communicating in game

Option to change the guild name

* Major guilds have been completely abandoned solely because members wanted a different name.

* Charge platinum to change the name

Two additional multipurpose guild chat channels

* Gives PvP players, recruiters, etc separate chat channels to carry out activities that would be otherwise disruptive in normal guild chat

* Please also give every guild member ability to opt out of each channel (in Options/Social Options)

Persistent guild chat

* Gives players the option of reviewing up to 24 hours of guild chat activity after they've been offline

Informational Enhancements
Publicly list Achievement Points for all characters

* On the Inspect/Avatar tab
Allow players to select a nickname in addition to their primary name.

* Viewable only to friends and guild members

* Reduces confusion when a player changes their name

Guild Information Board

* Publicly viewable general information board

* Accessible as a tab whenever a guild member is inspected, e.g. (Avatar | Give | Trade | Guild)

* Board message is editable by Guild Master and Knight

* Editable Content on Board:

* Guild Logo - include a variety of logos with the ability to select logo color and background color

* Guild Slogan - short slogan

* Guild Message - Long message.

Guild application system

* Place an "Apply" button on the Guild Information Board

* Submits an application to guild leadership

Social Page Improvements

* Guild Tab - List last login time of each member (HIGH priority)

* Guild Tab - List achievement points of each member (HIGH priority)

* Add new tab - [Guild Info]

NEW Guild Info tab

* Contains private information board for Guild Members, editable by leadership

* Displays guild statistics similar to Top 50 Guilds thread, especially total guild achievement points! (HIGH priority)

* Displays each member's statistics that are available on a member's Avatar Screen

* Move buttons: [Browse Guild Halls], [Set MOTD] and [Disband Guild] to Guild Info tab

* Create Edit buttons for Logo, Slogan, Message (available only to proper rank)

* Message field could allow for up to 5000 characters

Guild Structure Enhancements
Limit Guild membership to a finite number (100 members, for example)
* Raises the value of each member

* Would create greater competition for guild leaderboard

* Reduces stagnancy
* Prevents any single guild from being overly dominant
Create two additional guild ranks

* Ranks could be: Master, "Knight", Officer, Recruiter, Member, "Initiate" (HIGH priority)

* Members need something more to aspire to
* Greater variety of ranks means more room to grow

* Upon joining new members are set to Initiate rank.
* Initiate rank is considered probationary but has same permissions as Member
* As guild development continues, future Initiate rank permissions could be limited
* Member rank becomes an acknowledgement of full membership

Officer rank changes

* Limit ability to kick Recruiter, Member, and Initiate to 5 per day (HIGH priority)

* Grant ability to promote to Recruiter and Member.
"Knight" rank permissions

* Can promote/demote through Officer
* Can kick Officer, Recruiter, Member and Initiate
* Limit kick ability to 10 per day

* Ability to promote through Officer rank
* Ability to demote Recruiter to Member

* Can edit public and private guild message

Thanks again STS for the opportunity to make these suggestions!

Guys, read these, some stuff here are important af, please Sts devs, read them!!

07-22-2016, 09:13 PM
I think a guild list of everyone to show who has the highest aps or pve etc. This makes us more concious on who is contributing to guild!

07-22-2016, 09:46 PM
We have not forgotten this thread... expect announcements about some major guild upgrades coming soon.

07-24-2016, 04:43 AM
What about guilds where devs are in? ;)

08-20-2016, 05:18 AM
It's a real headache when you have about 1.8k member in a guild, lol..
I suggest a filter in guild list, online or offline filter, last login info, and rank by level and aps.

08-20-2016, 06:40 AM
- More character for moment of the day. (oh sts, we need more than what we have now, for mor detail or something)
- A Guildies Leaderboard. (so we can run and run again to catch the top)
- Newsboard at guildhouse. Sometime we cant explain one thing to the all member because time zone, right?
- A system which can give more information like last login, Total Aps, even stat, etc for officer and master section.. Why? So we can arrenge who are really active player in our house.
- Guildies challenge system, so we (offficer/master) can set up a kind of challenge for our member, set a reward, rules, etc..

Best regard
- Fsuryo

10-05-2016, 06:28 AM
Yeah guilds need alot of work as mention by previous post... so I will just mention the few main problems with guild that irks me. Currently the guild im in has over 2000 members and everytime i go to guild guild log the game freeze or crash. People who join the guild immediately leave after seeing this lol most of em i suspect. And you have to understand that 80-90% of the member are inactive but no one bothers to delete em cause it's become to much of a task. Similarly i been deleting friends from my friends list manually clicking away 2000+ friends -_- not fun..

The other thing is no one goes to the guild hall because simply there is no reason too. I never go, only when I need to buy pots and then I leave. Of all the guklds i been in i feel it safe to say it's true of all guilds. This i think is sad. All members should be in guild hanging out. I think an option for stash and auction should be in guild hall additionally there should be a temp stats bonus after staying in guild an x amt min. And if you let people customize the guild hall with furniture like a house that would really be something :) i build a beautiful house but it's really not that fun unless you can share it with lot of other players. Phew.. ty devs ^_^

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

10-05-2016, 07:00 AM
Be able to decorate guilds
Be able to do guild vs guild
Uild rules and message board

10-18-2016, 10:19 AM
Not sure if the following has been suggested already, but here is what I would love:

1.) Officer MOTD. There is Guild Chat and Officer Chat, why not two MOTDs too, it would be nice. Sometimes I want to send a message only to all the officers but its not possible atm.

2.) Ability to decorate the current Guild Hall. It would be fun to have chairs and tables we could sit at in the guild during a meeting. Also desks, rugs, cupboards, etc that we could put would be nice. This also gives the design team a chance to dish out more guild-special decor items.

10-25-2016, 01:21 AM
Costumize guild logo

10-25-2016, 01:32 PM
Best of luck

11-07-2016, 03:57 AM
We have not forgotten this thread... expect announcements about some major guild upgrades coming soon.

been more than 5 months since this tread started

11-10-2016, 10:25 AM
Guild Levels, some/each levels has a minor stats boost to pve maybe

11-10-2016, 03:19 PM
Should have ability to decorate it. Also a mail box for guild master and a plAce to drop donations off for guild events and such

11-16-2016, 02:18 AM
• Decorations for Guildhall
• Guildhall Capacity
• Top 10 Guild Leaderboard Banner ( Only 1 Banner *GM Recieve* that can decorate only on the Guildhall not usable as vanity banner )
• Guild Member Leaderboard

Sent from my Omega HD 3 using Tapatalk

12-17-2016, 02:44 PM
We need to be able to see what guild members have logged in in the past x amount of days. There should be a guild member versus member ranking. Members should be able to donate to the guild items or gold for guild events that should be created. There should be guild Boss maps were guilds could come together to defeat an incredibly difficult boss.

12-17-2016, 03:02 PM
This is a good idea, but I would like to see players get a vanity banner of some sort. Maybe GM could get a specialty one...and the hall could have a different one all together.

12-21-2016, 01:41 PM
Guild raids, take over their guild hall!

12-22-2016, 12:51 PM
I like Salmonious's ideas. Also guild raids would be cool too.

01-17-2017, 05:54 AM
Guild treasury. ...members can withdraw cash from based on the rank decided by their donation ...
1. Any member taking cash from guild have to deposit a certain item (choose by gm ..ex .lepre)
And can withdraw the amount of cash assign to that item.
2..the members can take back the item by depositing the amount of cash they withdraw+5% as interest
3..a member who has borrowed the cash from treasury cant leave the guild or kicked by anyone before 30 days....of the trade
4..the gm can withdraw the item from guild treasury and sell it after 30 days by paying the same price it was assigned earlier. ...
5.. the assigned price of an item can only be changed by gm and after two weeks cool down..
6....every member can donate a limited amounting of cash daily in guild treasury. .
Donations will give u points which will decide your rank and the limit of cash u can withdraw
7. The maximum limit of cash that can be withdraw will be decided by gm and can be changed weekly ....

Special guild stash..
This stash can hold any wpn, armour ect....(tradeable or not).deposited by gm or officers to Use by members of guild. .
1. A member can't leave the guild untill he or she deposit the item they withdraw. ..
2.. a member can only hold one item from guild stash and only for one day..

Help the members of guild to save their cash by preventing them from making ...ripoff deals at the time of emergency cash need...
2..let the members try out new wpns..armor ect before they buy or craft them enabling them to take decisions accordingly. ..
3..inc the communication and participation of members in guilds....

Sent from my GT-S7262 using Tapatalk

01-17-2017, 07:29 AM
custom guild board message, and custom guild quest (a guild member can submit a quest and reward, then will be approved by officer, then guild member can do the quest, e.g. by giving items requested by the quest)

deviant misfits
02-11-2017, 01:41 PM
A guild board with a format like the Arcane Legends News section in game. But preferably with a pinned post and dated posts. Only accessible by GM.

05-23-2017, 01:22 AM
A guild board with a format like the Arcane Legends News section in game. But preferably with a pinned post and dated posts. Only accessible by GM.
+1 to this nice idea


06-22-2017, 06:58 AM
We have not forgotten this thread... expect announcements about some major guild upgrades coming soon.
Any news about this? Maybe now with new expansion? :)

07-11-2017, 05:59 AM
1)Lb guild banner for top 10 guilds that represent the guild name..
2) Auction in guildhall
3) Extend guildhall capacity to 100 players
4) Furniture for guildhall
5) Scrolling guild list would be nice to see under their name their last Log-in

07-13-2017, 07:56 AM
Any news about this? Maybe now with new expansion? :)
Guess not...

07-21-2017, 01:21 AM
Guess not...

Perhaps he was referring to the guild arena thing?

07-22-2017, 08:48 AM
Perhaps he was referring to the guild arena thing?
If you consider a marginal (and largely abandoned) pvp addition to the game "major guild upgrades", then sure.

08-07-2017, 07:11 PM
Wow nc suggestions speacially the ranks knight

08-08-2017, 02:04 PM
Guild funds:
Each guild has gold funds that can be only controlled by the master.
The use of them:
.Those funds can be used to give the members that are working hard a prize(also for giveaways)
.For battleground betting
.Buying new gh(ik they are for plat now but they can be gold purchasable by guild funds only)
How to get funds:
.By member's donations to the guild
.By buying items from the gh(this girl who sells elixirs their :p)of course their is a fee(ex:potion for 250,guild gets 200 :p)to not make economical issues
.maybe sts can make a guild auc that can be used by guild members only and some of the gold obtained from selling the items(maybe this is a stupid idea 😛 but im sure sts can fix the problems in the guild auc)
Thanks 😊😊

Sent from my LG-K430 using Tapatalk

08-08-2017, 02:06 PM
Guild funds:
Each guild has gold funds that can be only controlled by the master.
The use of them:
.Those funds can be used to give the members that are working hard a prize(also for giveaways)
.For battleground betting
.Buying new gh(ik they are for plat now but they can be gold purchasable by guild funds only)
How to get funds:
.By member's donations to the guild
.By buying items from the gh(this girl who sells elixirs their :p)of course their is a fee(ex:potion for 250,guild gets 200 :p)to not make economical issues
.maybe sts can make a guild auc that can be used by guild members only and some of the gold obtained from selling the items(maybe this is a stupid idea 😛 but im sure sts can fix the problems in the guild auc)
Thanks 😊😊

Sent from my LG-K430 using Tapatalk
Idk if this was mentioned before so don't eat me if it is O-O thx :)

Sent from my LG-K430 using Tapatalk

08-08-2017, 02:30 PM
I believe we can have a Special Portal.
Portal to where?

Sent from my LG-K430 using Tapatalk

08-08-2017, 09:32 PM
Put an auction in the guild hall please because im tired of getting begged for gold when im in the middle of looking for items and i hate when my phone lags due to everyone having the arc ring pendant and para

08-08-2017, 09:35 PM
Give more opportunities for new winners :)

09-09-2017, 08:46 AM
Soooo, it's been awhile:3

02-21-2018, 07:00 PM
I'd like a small buff for running with guildies (the more guildies, the better the buff).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-25-2018, 03:41 AM
Guild Enhancement idea:

1) An automatic JOIN option added to the existing invite system for guild owners to make their guild open to everyone, including new players. This would be nice for guild owners who would like new members but do not want to stand in windmoore like a hawk. Joining should be voluntary.

To avoid the boring-lonely-grind first impression of the game when dealing with new players, majority of whom would naturally be reticent, I think this would be great.

Spammers and griefers may abuse it but this could be avoided if there is a basic AP requirement to join. The guild owner could set a basic number of APs as the minimum requirement.

2) The join button for guilds could be accessed by finding the guild when inspecting a player. A tab/menu could contain 2 or 3 keywords describing what the guild is about.

For example,
Guildname X : Mausoleum, AP runs
Guildname Y : Standing around doing nothing, just staring at the wall in castle.
Guildname Z : Elite Runs, Events, Festerfang etc

12-24-2018, 01:04 PM
Outdoors environment location for allied tavern hall pls,
Many want to purchase it, but it's dark and seems sad
Maybe you could change environment automatically each season or something

Sent from my LGLS450 using Tapatalk

12-27-2018, 05:20 AM
Justg, I posted a reply, nothing was inappropriate in it, but it was a long list... it said it needed to be reviewed by a moderator before being posted, but that was days ago, wondering if you can look into it, if I sent anything wrong let me know so it doesn’t happen again, anyways ty!

01-05-2019, 06:11 AM
Make Guild hall Camera 360.
add Fishes and make Fishing rods that can be purchased in Guild Store.

Add Guild Raids. Where the bosses is so high hp, after killing The boss there are rare drop of Gold Guild Furnitures, arcane chest, arc eggs that is individual loot, And a massive Gold drop. Note this is only 1 run and if the guild wants to play it again they need to buy a pass using plats.

Sent from my SM-G360H using Tapatalk

01-28-2019, 08:17 PM
Hi! I’m the Guildmaster of Insane Asylem, and i have a few things I’d love to see added to guilds!

1. Some sort of message board that can hold bigger messages than the guildmotd. (This would be placed in the guildhall)

2. I would love to be able to send my members the link to our guilds forums page so they can see our rules and requirements better, but due to some bad ppl spamming links, you guys where forced to block links in msgs, so if you could lift the block on the guildmotd, so this link could at least be put in the guildmotd, that would be wonderful!

3. Some sort of banner for lb guilds, I think it would put more motivation in guilds to work for the lb, and it would be a wonderful reward for guilds who have worked hard to reach the lb. now I realize that would be allot of banners, and so at first I thought you could just give the banner to the guild masters, but I thought more about it and realized this would be unfair, yes we (Guild Masters) do lots of the work to put guilds on the lb, but it’s a team effort. So if we cannot have a banner, possibly some sort of title for lb guilds? Example:

1st through 15th get guild title written in gold: GUILD

16th through 30th get guild title written in silver: GUILD

31st through 50th get guild title in written in bronze: GUILD

(I already made this a thread whoops but I’ll put it here too)

Noxbot AL
09-18-2019, 04:12 AM
Guild Suggestion:

1)Guildhalls converted to a deed so it will be tradable/can be placed in auction for sale, but u need a certain recipe to craft it into a deed. because there are people like me who cant afford plat or only have 1 or 2 plat offers available (Cos plat eggs are costy and if u open them u would mostly get 5 plat each and u need 50 plat-100 for a guildhall).

2) Guildmasters can have an option to disable pets so that if people are in the guildhall it would reduce lag on the screen.

3) Guildhall for tavern can have a max capacity of players for 75-100.

4) Guildmasters can set certain requirements for people to join guilds like set lvl for guilds for only lvl 61-71

5) (Credits to Deadly for this Suggestion) Add a certain font color for LB Guilds

6) Allow people to send party request in guildchat with a message. for example: In guildchat, [Player Name] requests a team/party for [Player's reason of party invitation]. If the invitation expires within 10-15 minutes with no one who accepted the invite, the player who is requesting a party will recieve a message/notification that the party invite has expired. But make a cooldown for requesting a party invite, maybe like 30 minutes if the invitation was accepted and 15 minutes for the unaccepted ones.

7) If Suggestion #5 can't be done, maybe add a badge for Guildmasters and maybe also Officers of the certain LB guild. (Of course badge appearance will differ basing of the ranking of the guild.)

8) Allow guild invites to last up to 1 day unless declined by player.

Thats all for now xD Have a great day! +1 and say the number of the suggestion which u want to see in game :) thanks!

10-15-2019, 07:07 AM
Guild Suggestion:

1)Guildhalls converted to a deed so it will be tradable/can be placed in auction for sale, but u need a certain recipe to craft it into a deed. because there are people like me who cant afford plat or only have 1 or 2 plat offers available (Cos plat eggs are costy and if u open them u would mostly get 5 plat each and u need 50 plat-100 for a guildhall).

2) Guildmasters can have an option to disable pets so that if people are in the guildhall it would reduce lag on the screen.

3) Guildhall for tavern can have a max capacity of players for 75-100.

4) Guildmasters can set certain requirements for people to join guilds like set lvl for guilds for only lvl 61-71

5) (Credits to Deadly for this Suggestion) Add a certain font color for LB Guilds

6) Allow people to send party request in guildchat with a message. for example: In guildchat, [Player Name] requests a team/party for [Player's reason of party invitation]. If the invitation expires within 10-15 minutes with no one who accepted the invite, the player who is requesting a party will recieve a message/notification that the party invite has expired. But make a cooldown for requesting a party invite, maybe like 30 minutes if the invitation was accepted and 15 minutes for the unaccepted ones.

7) If Suggestion #5 can't be done, maybe add a badge for Guildmasters and maybe also Officers of the certain LB guild. (Of course badge appearance will differ basing of the ranking of the guild.)

8) Allow guild invites to last up to 1 day unless declined by player.

Thats all for now xD Have a great day! +1 and say the number of the suggestion which u want to see in game :) thanks!

+1 Very Good Stuff
I like all but #6 & even that is ok just would rather see a friends request tell to all rog friends 71 up ect... XD

I particularly like #4 & #5 cheers!!!

10-18-2019, 10:20 PM
Add guild quests/tasks for guild members. the currency from these quests can be used for guild merchandise.
Add new npc and vendors in guild hall.
Add a training dummy in the guild hall, this will help us test our skills and know numbers.
Add guild hall goals/collective tasks - make guilds run old maps to gather materials to get upgrade for guild hall like a library, a bar, a war room.. etc. Optionally you can add buffs to every upgrade that every guild member will get.

12-31-2019, 12:59 AM
Guild Suggestion:

1)Guildhalls converted to a deed so it will be tradable/can be placed in auction for sale, but u need a certain recipe to craft it into a deed. because there are people like me who cant afford plat or only have 1 or 2 plat offers available (Cos plat eggs are costy and if u open them u would mostly get 5 plat each and u need 50 plat-100 for a guildhall).

2) Guildmasters can have an option to disable pets so that if people are in the guildhall it would reduce lag on the screen.

3) Guildhall for tavern can have a max capacity of players for 75-100.

4) Guildmasters can set certain requirements for people to join guilds like set lvl for guilds for only lvl 61-71

5) (Credits to Deadly for this Suggestion) Add a certain font color for LB Guilds

6) Allow people to send party request in guildchat with a message. for example: In guildchat, [Player Name] requests a team/party for [Player's reason of party invitation]. If the invitation expires within 10-15 minutes with no one who accepted the invite, the player who is requesting a party will recieve a message/notification that the party invite has expired. But make a cooldown for requesting a party invite, maybe like 30 minutes if the invitation was accepted and 15 minutes for the unaccepted ones.

7) If Suggestion #5 can't be done, maybe add a badge for Guildmasters and maybe also Officers of the certain LB guild. (Of course badge appearance will differ basing of the ranking of the guild.)

8) Allow guild invites to last up to 1 day unless declined by player.

Thats all for now xD Have a great day! +1 and say the number of the suggestion which u want to see in game :) thanks!+1

Sent from my CPH1803 using Tapatalk

01-24-2020, 04:44 PM
Hello i have a idea for guildhall furnishings..

I am a bubble frog collector ...yes we do exist :)..

I am Topfrog...My tavern currently has 270 bubble frogs in it..yes im a little obsessed.. The little green guys need a home :).. Any ways could we have... Guild Bubble frogs added to guildhall furnishings? Doesnt have to be right now.. Just a idea for the guildhall event i cant remember the name of it.. Also.. Maybe a super rare.. Golden Guildhall Bubble frog event loot.. Now im talking about frogs.. Another idea.. I have is... a Arcane Frog pet... Mythic Frog pet.. Heroic Frog pet.. Not sure what names..maybe....Ribbito ....Ribbiton... Ribbitato .. Lol idk..just be neat.. I speak on behalf of the frog collectors in Arlor.. Thank You Devs for a fun game thru all these years.. Heres a shot of my frogs...https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200124/eeea2b139993e97c5e053e8f1dc2fe09.jpg

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

09-07-2020, 07:30 PM
Hi! I’m the Guildmaster of Insane Asylem, and i have a few things I’d love to see added to guilds!

1. Some sort of message board that can hold bigger messages than the guildmotd. (This would be placed in the guildhall)

2. I would love to be able to send my members the link to our guilds forums page so they can see our rules and requirements better, but due to some bad ppl spamming links, you guys where forced to block links in msgs, so if you could lift the block on the guildmotd, so this link could at least be put in the guildmotd, that would be wonderful!

I think this could be really helpful