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08-06-2011, 11:34 AM
Guidelines to become a Guardian of Alterra (Personal Opinion and Experience!)

• Do NOT expect the shield. If you are exhibiting behavior to become a Guardian, it is highly unlikely that you will become a Guardian. Let me explain the philosophy behind it. If you are trying to follow a Guardian of Alterra's guidelines in order to become a Guardian, it is highly unlikely you will become one because of the fact that (even if you may not realize it) you are displaying Guardian like characteristics for your own personal greed to achieve the shield. The original Guardians are role models as they were actively helping the community BEFORE awards were announced.*

•Do not lose your personality or be a drone reciting the TOS in every instance you see somebody committing a wrong action.*

• Kissing up doesn't necessarily get you the shield. So, again I stress. Keep your personality and don't become a TOS reciting drone. The occasional "Spamming is bannable" and things like that is fine. But one does not have to recite the TOS in order to become one.*

• Reference to Snakespeare's quote in the original thread of what is expected of a Guardian. It details the qualities needed very explicitly and well.*

• Giving away all your gold or hosting multitudes of forum contests will not guarantee you a shield. Especially if you are doing it so you can achieve the shield. It is pretty evident when that is the case. :)

• The bottom line is, if you are helping to become a guardian. It is highly unlikely. IMO, STS is looking for the guys who are genuinely helpful and don't complain on the threads of why they weren't picked. Recommending others above themselves. All that chivalrous stuff. So, those people you see that are helpful without knowing about the Guardian Status or are aware of it but don't care are the role models you should look up to, if you wish to become a Guardian.*

Again, this is all personal opinion and patterns from what I've seen. It is always open to criticism, but if you are going to bust out the Flaming Hot Cheetos, please make sure your digestive system is in check so you don't take it out on the innocent. :)

08-06-2011, 11:43 AM
I think its very clear what certain people's intentions are when they post now.

08-06-2011, 11:44 AM
Do not lose your personality or be a drone reciting the TOS in every instance you see somebody committing a wrong action.
+1, we want experienced, but fun/ understanding guardians :):encouragement:

08-06-2011, 11:47 AM
You need to help people cause u want to help them not because u want something in return. Thats my opinion.

08-06-2011, 11:47 AM
You should include making guides too. There's always a sudden inflow of guides before and after guardians are announced with many of these being rushed and just regurgitating info other people spent writing in their own guides.

08-06-2011, 11:47 AM
The wise Sage words of Apollo, lol. But anyways, see where your coming from.

08-06-2011, 11:51 AM
Seriously I pretty much just joined forums and you can really separate the wanna be's and the naturals. Just like on another game I used to play I got mod by just being myself and then the admins made a dumb idea to put a mod guidelines and you can tell who changed.

08-06-2011, 12:04 PM
Also good idea to add into main post is, not to change personality/acting/helpfulnes after being chosen as one of guardians, it's possible to lose your status too. :)

Overall looks good guide and hopely we see high quality guardians in future.

08-06-2011, 12:05 PM
I believe the guardian of alterra think there better then the community of people who aren't guardians

08-06-2011, 12:07 PM
Also good idea to add into main post is, not to change personality/acting/helpfulnes after being chosen as one of guardians, it's possible to lose your status too. :)

Overall looks good guide and hopely we see high quality guardians in future.

It's already up there :)

08-06-2011, 12:09 PM
Well, I can say this: It's kind of impossible not to want the shield in some way, somehow. Maybe it's just me though. :o

The thing is, I have a different viewpoint. I mean, if you offer help, even IF it's for the shield, it's still help. I mean, if say, Phys (No Offense, not for real, just an example) did all those guides, with intention of a GoA shield, it still would have helped ALL those people.

And don't accuse me of saying that just because I want the shield as well. Because I don't, except for the greedy part of my soul.

08-06-2011, 12:16 PM
I believe the guardian of alterra think there better then the community of people who aren't guardians
Far from it Supra :) Alot of GoA's enjoy the honor, but also what people don't see is responsibility that comes with being a GoA. I mean this whole thread, as Parth said, is opinion based. I could care less if I was a GoA. It's just an honor, and more responsibility... Nothing else.... And nothing makes anyone better then anyone else :)

08-06-2011, 12:17 PM
Also good idea to add into main post is, not to change personality/acting/helpfulnes after being chosen as one of guardians, it's possible to lose your status too. :)

Overall looks good guide and hopely we see high quality guardians in future.

It's already up there :)

Yeah but I mean to add into it that it's possible to lose your status if you do so.

08-06-2011, 12:26 PM
Am I the only person who would hate to be a guardian???

08-06-2011, 12:29 PM
Far from it Supra :) Alot of GoA's enjoy the honor, but also what people don't see is responsibility that comes with being a GoA. I mean this whole thread, as Parth said, is opinion based. I could care less if I was a GoA. It's just an honor, and more responsibility... Nothing else.... And nothing makes anyone better then anyone else :)

I think its better if you GOA acted the same way before you became guardian of alterra cause once you become guardians this whole maturity level rises and you guys aren't the same way as you used to be and your probably thinking we are setting and example... That is my main point in you guys becoming someone your not

08-06-2011, 12:38 PM
Am I the only person who would hate to be a guardian???

Probably not. I wouldn't like to be GoA either. I hope there is some kind of rejectment system for us.

You guys kind of know I'm the guy who likes fun.
Like, I'm pretty sure the general PL Public views me as a clown, haha. I would hate being monitored, having to be civil and have to set an example.

08-06-2011, 12:57 PM
C'mon, Noob. You could still have fun! Look at Wounded, Otu, Apollo....they help people, but they did before they became Guardians. They liked to have fun and goof around and they still do. I don't think it's changed any of the GoA's I know, it's more of the Dev's acknowledgement of the sort of people they just *are*. A shield doesn't change that.

08-06-2011, 01:01 PM
I think its better if you GOA acted the same way before you became guardian of alterra cause once you become guardians this whole maturity level rises and you guys aren't the same way as you used to be and your probably thinking we are setting and example... That is my main point in you guys becoming someone your not

I can't speak for the others but I haven't changed since I became one. I also rarely wear the shield or at the very least it's not viewable since I have a staff. I've never been one to show off and act like I'm better than everyone. This is also one of many reasons I don't like pvp.

08-06-2011, 01:04 PM
Am I the only person who would hate to be a guardian???


08-06-2011, 01:06 PM
I think its very clear what certain people's intentions are when they post now.

Get out of town ;)

08-06-2011, 01:07 PM
C'mon, Noob. You could still have fun! Look at Wounded, Otu, Apollo....they help people, but they did before they became Guardians. They liked to have fun and goof around and they still do. I don't think it's changed any of the GoA's I know, it's more of the Dev's acknowledgement of the sort of people they just *are*. A shield doesn't change that.

But I will get spammed. And I'll get mad and have to control myself.
And they do still goof around, but I don't handle responsibility the way they can. :p

08-06-2011, 01:10 PM
I worded that wrong. I didn't mean to call anybody greedy, Migo. I meant, if you are helping other people for your own personal benefit, isn't that morally wrong? Meh, maybe I look too much into it and hold people to an unattainable standard. :p

08-06-2011, 01:18 PM
But I will get spammed. And I'll get mad and have to control myself.
And they do still goof around, but I don't handle responsibility the way they can. :p

As long as you remember to report yourself when you lose your temper, you'll be fine. ;) As far as being spammed, weren't you in the middle of like five convos already when I PMed you the other day in CS? See? You're already used to it. :beguiled:

08-06-2011, 01:18 PM
Bout time someone came and said it... Lots of kissing butt in forums! Haha not a bad thing btw

08-06-2011, 01:20 PM
I worded that wrong. I didn't mean to call anybody greedy, Migo. I meant, if you are helping other people for your own personal benefit, isn't that morally wrong? Meh, maybe I look too much into it and hold people to an unattainable standard. :p

Hm, I suppose it is morally wrong.
People who are idols of the community, such as you, holding others to a high standard is good for the community.
It promotes good, clean fun, and helpful people!

08-06-2011, 01:25 PM
(Golem) Myyy Precciiioouuussss (/Golem) Hehe had to add some humor :)

08-06-2011, 01:31 PM
(Golem) Myyy Precciiioouuussss (/Golem) Hehe had to add some humor :)

LOL, would you like to hijack this thread with me?

Mastahs of Evil!

08-06-2011, 01:33 PM
(Golem) Myyy Precciiioouuussss (/Golem) Hehe had to add some humor :)


Anyhow, I think this guide brings a really good message to all of us. IMO, I don't see how a player could make such a big deal out of a shield (like no offense) it's a virtual item, it just distinguishes you from other players, absolutely nothing else.

08-06-2011, 02:28 PM
My thoughts...

1: Be yourself!

2: Have fun!

3: Treat others with the respect and kindness you want to receive!

4: If you get a shield, cool

5: If you don't get a shield, no biggie! At least you have 1-3! What more can you ask for?

08-06-2011, 03:02 PM
I worded that wrong. I didn't mean to call anybody greedy, Migo. I meant, if you are helping other people for your own personal benefit, isn't that morally wrong? Meh, maybe I look too much into it and hold people to an unattainable standard. :p

Just playing devil's advocate here...

Would helping someone be for your own benefit anyway regardless of what your motives are? Obviously if you help someone hoping for personal gain, that's not selfless. You could go as far as to helping someone is not selfless since you're getting something out of it (feel-good feeling). Gotta love philosophy!

08-06-2011, 03:11 PM
Philosopher! :) I don't know that anybody does anything for purely selfless reasons, so I guess we could now philosophize on whether or not the Truly Selfless Person (tm) even exists. I think doing it solely because you know it's the Right Thing to Do (tm) and that it makes you feel good to do the RTtD, is about as close to selfless as you can get. Since we're dealing with philosophy, YMMV, of course. ;)

08-06-2011, 03:11 PM
I mean, if say, Phys (No Offense, not for real, just an example) did all those guides, with intention of a GoA shield, it still would have helped ALL those people.

About 1/4 of my guides were created prior to the announcement of the GoA program, so no offense taken. If there is still stuff to report then I will certainly devote my time to disseminate information.

08-06-2011, 03:17 PM
About 1/4 of my guides were created prior to the announcement of the GoA program, so no offense taken. If there is still stuff to report then I will certainly devote my time to disseminate information.

Yes, I wasn't finger pointing, you were just the First GoA to come to mind. :o

@Awesome Cheerleader, why the (tm)?

08-06-2011, 03:20 PM
Philosopher! :) I don't know that anybody does anything for purely selfless reasons, so I guess we could now philosophize on whether or not the Truly Selfless Person (tm) even exists. I think doing it solely because you know it's the Right Thing to Do (tm) and that it makes you feel good to do the RTtD, is about as close to selfless as you can get. Since we're dealing with philosophy, YMMV, of course. ;)

I learned the same exact thing from Phil 101. Selfless acts don't exist because we do them to make us feel like we've done some sort of right. So to take it a step further, would a completely selfless act be doing absolutely nothing? :)

08-06-2011, 03:23 PM
I learned the same exact thing from Phil 101. Selfless acts don't exist because we do them to make us feel like we've done some sort of right. So to take it a step further, would a completely selfless act be doing absolutely nothing? :)

Doing absolutely nothing is not a selfless act. Also, I think it is mentally and physically impossible to do absolutely nothing.

08-06-2011, 03:34 PM
A helps B and A gets better. Helping others helps yourself feel good...

08-06-2011, 03:44 PM
The way things are going, I am afraid that the Guardian status may not have been the success that devs have hoped for. It has triggered jealousy and people with selfish motives. Certainly, there are people who deserve recognition, but we're seeing people who aspire for the GoA as an end into itself ...

08-06-2011, 03:46 PM
Get out of town ;)
Bahaha. I pretty much agree with everything Parth wrote.

08-06-2011, 04:03 PM
Hmmm... to me it sounds like most guardians or other people think that other people that are attempting to become a guardian, are only doing it for the shield and that doing things to become a guardian are wrong which in my case would be hosting contest. This somewhat offends me bc there are many other reasons to want to become a guardian other than having the darn shield. Also I am sure that other guardians that were not among the first group were doing things in mind that they would become a gaurdian. Am I right?

lol this is just a game thats why I stopped trying but still people should lighten up and stop judging people for trying:D

08-06-2011, 04:12 PM
My advice: Forget the shield and just play the game and have fun...cuz having fun is the reason why we play video games right? You shouldnt have to have a incentive to be a nice and helpful person...Anyways just my 28 cents :)

08-06-2011, 04:16 PM
My advice: Forget the shield and just play the game and have fun...cuz having fun is the reason why we play video games right? You shouldnt have to have a incentive to be a nice and helpful person...Anyways just my 28 cents :)


08-06-2011, 04:19 PM
Hmmm... to me it sounds like most guardians or other people think that other people that are attempting to become a guardian, are only doing it for the shield and that doing things to become a guardian are wrong which in my case would be hosting contest. This somewhat offends me bc there are many other reasons to want to become a guardian other than having the darn shield. Also I am sure that other guardians that were not among the first group were doing things in mind that they would become a gaurdian. Am I right?

You misunderstand. Apollo did not say or mean (I am willing to bet) that everyone who holds contests is "trying" to be a Guardian. Apollo himself did many a contest, before and after STS introduced the Guardian program. If this "offends" you, then in my opinion (for whatever it's worth) you're reading too much into it.

08-06-2011, 04:26 PM
The point of this thread says you should not do all these things to get a shield!
You should do it because it IS FUN! And yes it is fun!
Notice most people making guides are end game, nothing else to do.
What is there to do at level 56 when you get bored of PvPing?
Well, that is where we get these contests from: boredom.
Foruming never gets old, so have some fun giving away stuff you're too lazy to sell.

08-06-2011, 04:31 PM
Yeah when i hosted my first picture contest I didnt have guardian in mind at all it was purely for the fun and I really enjoy looking at all the entries which was the best part of hosting them:)

08-06-2011, 04:36 PM
As good as the intentions were, I don't think a thread like this can solve anything. As long as there is something desirable to be obtained, there will be people who will try to get it. Some may be able to fool everyone into thinking they're doing it just to be helpful, while others won't. Once the can's been opened, I don't think there's much to do about it. I think most of us saw this issue right away when the first GoAs were chosen -- some people will simply try to get one, and there's not much that's goin to stop them. I think even if the Devs said they would never appoint another GoA again, there would still be people who would do things JUST to get the shield.
Just have to hope that the devs can see through their shenanigans.

08-06-2011, 05:04 PM
You misunderstand. Apollo did not say or mean (I am willing to bet) that everyone who holds contests is "trying" to be a Guardian. Apollo himself did many a contest, before and after STS introduced the Guardian program. If this "offends" you, then in my opinion (for whatever it's worth) you're reading too much into it. your right i take things to seriously some times forgive and srry apollo:)

08-06-2011, 05:08 PM
Solution: Strip the current GoAs from their titles and their shields, close GoA program :) Logically, that would be the most balanced and equal thing to do to completely kill all doubts for any prospective GoAs.

The end!

08-06-2011, 05:28 PM
Solution: Strip the current GoAs from their titles and their shields, close GoA program :) Logically, that would be the most balanced and equal thing to do to completely kill all doubts for any prospective GoAs.

The end!


The shield shouldn't, in any way, alter how you view or behave towards the community.

The shield just make us anything more than normal players, aside from Phys, his bird has 3 brains. No stats, no level 7 skills, nothing. We're just normal players.

What I find funny is how GoAs almost have a double-standard in-game. Lol.

08-06-2011, 05:54 PM
I think its very clear what certain people's intentions are when they post now.

IKR? It's so obvious Parth is angling for that King of the Guardians spot I was hearing about :p

I only hope that the vanity costume reward that replaces his head with Justg's glamour shot is worth all this legwork.

08-06-2011, 06:02 PM
My honest opinion really, I agree 50/50 with Guardians, and no Guardians. If there are Guardians, those who've helped out a lot would feel rewarded. However if there weren't any Guardians (not saying this will happen bit) people would probably stop helping each other just because they knew there weren't any rewards. And let's go back to 09' of my Club Penguin days just to give the feeling of what things would be like. When you would first join the game, you'd get no welcome or respect at all, except from the tutorial. Don't get me wrong, there were some nice players! But in the end, the majority of the players there always harass or bully the newer players just because they don't have that "glitzy" outfit. Which in my opinion...is stupid. I would crack if that happened here on both MMO's

08-06-2011, 06:05 PM
My honest opinion really, I agree 50/50 with Guardians, and no Guardians. If there are Guardians, those who've helped out a lot would feel rewarded. However if there weren't any Guardians (not saying this will happen bit) people would probably stop helping each other just because they knew there weren't any rewards. And let's go back to 09' of my Club Penguin days just to give the feeling of what things would be like. When you would first join the game, you'd get no welcome or respect at all, except from the tutorial. Don't get me wrong, there were some nice players! But in the end, the majority of the players there always harass or bully the newer players just because they don't have that "glitzy" outfit. Which in my opinion...is stupid.

Ao in your opinion, the forums were a mess of rude and obnoxious people beforethe GoAs were appointed, and now it's all sunshine and bunny rabbits?

08-06-2011, 06:08 PM
Ao in your opinion, the forums were a mess of rude and obnoxious people beforethe GoAs were appointed, and now it's all sunshine and bunny rabbits?

Think of it this way...at least it improved! No website/forum/community is perfect...and never will be. Well that's kind of obvious, we have definitely heard that before.

08-06-2011, 06:16 PM
Solution: Strip the current GoAs from their titles and their shields, close GoA program :) Logically, that would be the most balanced and equal thing to do to completely kill all doubts for any prospective GoAs.

The end!

Physio with the most logical solution. I would have no problem with this happening.

08-06-2011, 06:18 PM
IKR? It's so obvious Parth is angling for that King of the Guardians spot I was hearing about :p

I only hope that the vanity costume reward that replaces his head with Justg's glamour shot is worth all this legwork.

Darn it. I should have put on my anti mind control helmet. You got inside my head, didn't you? :(.

08-06-2011, 06:18 PM
Physio with the most logical solution. I would have no problem with this happening.

I wouldn't mind a fully body costume replacement either.. :eagerness:

08-06-2011, 06:19 PM
Phys and Les have some really good brains. There will always be someone who works and helps for a reward, but then again let's just throw out the GoA program so that no one will seem to have more privileges and such.

08-06-2011, 09:22 PM
So Guardians are like Goku from Dragon Ball Z? I wanna be Vegeta xD

08-06-2011, 09:26 PM
I don't get on the forums all day, and I miss all this stuff. Everything I wanted to say has been said. :(

08-06-2011, 09:56 PM
Ao in your opinion, the forums were a mess of rude and obnoxious people beforethe GoAs were appointed, and now it's all sunshine and bunny rabbits?

**SOME** bunny rabbits. Mine's been on here from time to time. ;) I dunno, I like the idea of the GoA's just because it's someone a new person can approach with confidence that they'll get some help. And Roasty? I've honestly run into more nice, helpful people in the game (and I go back a fair ways before there were any Guardians) than bad ones. Shoot, I have people constantly dropping gear on my baby bird(s) now, just because. I've honestly never been hassled, never been called a noob (well, except by Haikus, but he's allowed), been booted less than 10 times over my whole career in game. Really, it's a pretty nice world we have here.

08-06-2011, 10:09 PM
Listen, the Guardians earned their title and a nice shield because the developers wanted to award people who helped them and the community in their game that they made. It's natural that people will strive to become one to gain a title and a shield, but even if that's at the core, if they've helped enough to be recognized by the devs then they deserve it. Hey, GoA status is not necessarily permanent. :)

It's literally impossible to create a system that is 100% fair to everyone in every situation. Companies/governments aren't in charge because they can cater to every single person; if you're looking for that then we're talking about something much bigger. But the point is that nobody has a perfect solution, so the devs have a responsibility to do what they think is best for the community. Hey, rewards motivate. That's why they gave away shields also. :)


P.S.- I agree, the new smileys are terrible :P

08-06-2011, 11:18 PM
I agree with Night here. The Devs introduced it, people will want to attain it, sure, that's unavoidable. Personally, I don't understand why any GoA even cares if people are "trying" to get it. Why try to teach people who you fault for their goal (of becoming a Guardian) how to better achieve it?

Isn't the idea of giving people "guidelines" on how to become a guardian self defeating?(and first point says "... if you are exhibiting behavior to try to become one, its unlikely you'll become one...")

Maybe it should go like this: 1. Don't read guidelines on becoming a Guardian :)

08-06-2011, 11:50 PM
@ Duped:
The problem is motive: People want the GOA status. People want it for their ego.

The original GOAs did what they did because they were passionate: they wrote guides, helped the community without any thought of recognition or gaining a superior status. We now have people who are writing guides and doing other things solely for the purpose of gaining recognition. Many of these guides and posts are not what would regard as high quality. In many cases, people have vented frustration at not getting the GOA status. Once they get their GOA, well, they are probably going to stop. Odds are they won't lose their GOA because you don't lose your GOA for not being active; you lose it if you do something that violates the community spirit or TOS.

Who deserves to become a GOA? That's a very subjective question. I for one, don't agree with all of the devs GOA choices. But I do not feel any jealousy, as I don't aspire to become a GOA.

With too many GOAs and this recent problem, the quality of GOAs begins to dilute.

08-06-2011, 11:55 PM

The problem with that is, who but them can determine their motives? If they want recognition and the shield and they manage to get it, they had to have done outstanding helpful things with a humble attitude to get it! We shouldn't worry about people's motives here, but rather, about people who ask for it and try to get it in the wrong ways. :)

08-07-2011, 12:12 AM
Usually, people who have the selfish motives are reasonably obvious.

But it has created a bit of jealousy and some other unintended effects ... people will be resentful that they didn't get the GOA.

I see your point. There's nothing wrong in "wanting" the GOA. The problem is that the act of trying to get it could have undesirable effects. Solutions? Well, it is going to be a problem as long as the GOA exists. That said, I guess there is a point in having a GOA - it does give people something to aspire to, just as seeing your name on say, the leaderboards would too. This is one of those types of problems where there is no easy solution.

08-07-2011, 12:58 AM
After reading through all of this, I can't even think straight...

My vote as of now is to stop the program right now and leave all the current GoAs as is. If the devs become aware of someone being honestly helpful and all around supportive, induct him/her. But I don't believe that they should induct two, every two weeks. It's just too much. As said earlier, quality, not quantity. Just my thoughts :D

08-07-2011, 02:02 AM
I like the metaphor at the end

08-07-2011, 02:07 AM
I agree with King, devs should stop introducing more GoA's. And Apollo, regarding your point about clones, I know multiple people (who shall remain un named) that did this and became GoA's, which IMO is quite sad really.

08-07-2011, 09:38 AM
I think King's got a good idea--freeze it. If we lose GoA's due to attrition or they spend all their time in SL after release or the population of Alterra requires more hands on deck, then start recruiting again.

08-07-2011, 12:34 PM
This is correct, absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to get a GoA shield.
It's a goal, in real life people will want to get into a college and face it, they will do community service and study hard ONLY to get into the college. I'm fine with people doing this, as long as getting GoA is not the only reason for doing so.
Just like getting into a college aiming for it is fine by me.
However, if they are resentful and angry that they do not get GoA after their efforts, just like those who think they will get into a college they aim for but don't and get mad, this is where it gets annoying.
I've come across so many people lately after every GoA release saying the same thing, "Please make me GoA, I've done so much!" Yes you have done so much, but honestly, anyone can say that.
It is what OTHERS think you as.
This is the community, the shield is called the Community Shield, therefore the community sees what you deserve.
Announcements of GoAs should be locked right now, to see what the true aims of people were.
Honestly in my opinion of what a GoA is, is that they just help out enough to be deserved a public announcement on the forums and deserve some respect.
What people don't understand is that, you don't need to be dubbed as a guardian if you help out.
Sure, you want one really bad, but honestly, why?
Do you feel that simply helping out is not enough and you need a fancy vanity to prove it?
One reason that I see sometimes is newly announced GoAs thanking Developers for the shield.
Not taking any offense here, but why?
You're the one who earns it, right? Why thank the Devs?
Of course it is nice and everything for them to help, but either you have low self-confidence or either you just believe what the Devs say.
If you think you helped out a lot, then believe it. You don't need to be honored, you simply honor yourself when you help out.
A final conclusion is that, whatever you do, striving for a goal is always right, but remember whether you reach the end of the path having completed or not completed this goal, you will still have gained many valuable experiences along the walk there that will change you to the good or to the bad whichever way you choose.

08-07-2011, 12:39 PM
If they didn't thank the devs, it would look ungrateful and snobby. They should thank the devs, just like anyone who wins an award thanks everyone who helped them get there. The GoA status is, after all, an award.

08-07-2011, 12:43 PM
Im making my competition just for fun:/
I have no intention of becoming a guardian:watermelon:

08-07-2011, 01:10 PM
So your saying don't be a fake?