View Full Version : 1 Million Ways of Getting banned from Convient Stores..

08-07-2011, 01:59 AM
Just for fun's dont forget to click that thumbs up button..

Here it goes

1Million Ways of getting banned from K-Mart, Target, or all those convenient big stores....

1. Throw Skittles at people and yelling "TASTE THE RAINBOW"
2. Steal products and sell them for TRIPLE the price just right out the store
3. Waste "JASONS" (Theres always a Jason in the store) Time by asking him stupid random questions
4. Eat all their candy
5. Hack Their Computers
6. walk around the store darting in and out of isles all the while humming the Mission Impossible theme song.
7. take a dummies clothes and model them
8.. run into the dressing room wait a couple mins and yell "theres no toilet paper in here"
9. steal some paintball guns and play a MASSIVE paintball war!
10. have a food fight with the food samples.
11. while no one is watching switch the men and womens restroom signs,

And many more to come post your own this is a thread to get some laughs while we wait for something cool to happen this does not mean you do any of the above remember i warned you

08-07-2011, 02:04 AM
12. Fill a shopping cart with as much as you can fit in it. (All small items)

Once they take 15 minutes to ring it all up tell them you forgot your wallet home and walk away. Repeat 2 more times in the next 2 hours. (You might have to run after the 2nd time)

08-07-2011, 02:09 AM
13. take a pen and write your own prices for all the items you can find in store

08-07-2011, 02:19 AM
14. Set alarms for random times.
15. Pay for all the items with pennies.
16. As much as possible, skip rather than walk.
17. Ask people what gender they are.
18. Demand that everyone address you as "Conquistador."

08-07-2011, 02:29 AM
19.Go to the food section, grab steaks, hot dogs, hamburgers and all the fixings. then grab beer from the beer isle. walk to the outdoor section, grab charcoal, lighter fluid, cooking utensils, and a bbq grill. fire up the grill and proceed to have a bbq in the outdoor plant area while relaxing on the lawn furniure, dont forget the cooler and ice. make sure to offer some food to any employees that walk's buy. if the manager comes up to you say that you wanted to give everything a "test drive" to make sure you wanted to buy it.

20. Stand over someone's shoulder, mumbling, as they read.
21.Go around screaming the barney song while hugging people and saying I LUV U

08-07-2011, 03:14 AM
22. Egg the ppl at the cash register with eggs from the egg section

08-07-2011, 04:54 AM
23. Run around store naked
24. Whatch the movie all the way through playing on the 56''.
25. Say walmart rules in a target. Visa versa
26. Nap in the bed
27. Ride the bikes around the store yelling'' give me back my bike''
28. Kick security in the bad spot
29. Ask them if their mom is hot
30. Let your dog relieve itself in the store
31. Yell ''there's a bomb in the building'', and then FART
32. Makeout with the maniken( I think that's how u spell if)
33. Beat the whole example game
34. Grab slim jims and run around the store yelling '' snap into a slim jim''
35. Grab a microwave, t.v., dvd player, and dvd, and hook it all up. Then grabe a chair and their popcorn, and put it in microwave and chill.

08-07-2011, 05:25 AM
36: Sing or do fake sports announcements on the intercom!

08-07-2011, 06:00 AM
Lol I did the dress room thing where you yell "there is no toilet paper!" I'm sure a lot of people looked at me funny, also I was wearing a walmart shirt to a kmart store and all the employees looked like they wanted to hurt me :) well it was fun!

Notorious Legend
08-07-2011, 06:37 AM
37. Take a plastic sword, put a shirt on from off a rack somewhere then go to the middle of the store, rip off the shirt right before holding the sword in the air and screaming "I HAVE THE POWER!!!" Then go defeat skelator

08-07-2011, 07:00 AM
38. go with 5 friend to play pocket legends with the ipod sample for 4 hours
39. kick the redbox because somebody take the last movie and you saw it

08-07-2011, 10:36 AM
[QUOTE]walk around the store darting in and out of isles all the while humming the Mission Impossible theme song.[\QUOTE] IMA DO THAT LOL

08-07-2011, 10:41 AM
40. Get a price tag, and sell yourself in the store. lol.

08-07-2011, 10:48 AM
41. Ask to call somebody on the intercom, and when they let you say, "Would the real Slim-Shady please stand up!" multiple times.

08-07-2011, 11:28 AM
42. Topple over tons of food on the shelves and lay on the floor. Then yell "CLEAN UP ON ISLE Q!!!"

08-07-2011, 11:35 AM
43. Take a can of tomato sauce and make a trail leading to the womens restroom.

08-07-2011, 11:35 AM
44.Drip drops of crazy glue on the floor while checking out at the express lanes... Then try not to laugh too hard when the carts and people behind you find the express lane can't move.

08-07-2011, 11:38 AM
45. Get a batman costume, put it on, and run around the store screaming at the top of your lungs, "COME ROBIN! TO THE BATMOBILE!"
46.Dress up in a pacman costume and get some friends to dress up as ghosts then start playing pacman...

08-07-2011, 11:39 AM
46. Get a baseball glove, few baseballs, a bat, and few bases and have a mini baseball game with your friends

08-07-2011, 11:57 AM
48. poor olive oil on the floor and watch the fun begin

08-07-2011, 12:18 PM
49. Beg...

08-07-2011, 03:08 PM
50. After a free smaple throw up
51. Sneak into both bathrooms and steal all the toilet paper
52. Get some eggs and when about to put on check-out station "accidentally" drop them

08-07-2011, 03:25 PM
Lmaooooooooooo these are great lmaoooooo thnk you for the laughs pricless!

08-07-2011, 03:31 PM
Hope u like them and thank you for all that post it some keep them coming

08-07-2011, 03:50 PM
53. buy a 30 pack of water bottles and after the cashier hands the pack to you, immediately throw it back and scream "FIRE IN THE WHOLE!"
54. Hand someone a watermelon and run away yelling "GRENADE!"

08-07-2011, 04:11 PM
Open food, eat some and then put it back on shelf.

08-07-2011, 04:26 PM
#45,53,54 best ones ROFL. Laughed at everyone of those. Good laugh

08-07-2011, 04:47 PM
#55 Have a bunch of friends go with you and start playing monopoly by a bench, make sure to tell the manager "its working so far"
#56 Fill your cart up with EVERY SINGLE apple they offer, tell the cashier "I'm not sure which ones are good can you pick a couple for me?"

08-07-2011, 05:02 PM
This is
This is so
This is so incredibly
This is so incredibly hilarious!

Btw did you actually do this?

The Flame shall fly on.

08-07-2011, 05:15 PM
dress up like a hobo then when kids walk by tell them and there parents (I have candy in my car if u want some lmao c what happends)

08-07-2011, 05:35 PM
Plank on top of the the thing where u put your food on when you are checking out.

08-07-2011, 05:39 PM
#56. Open and take huge hunks out of cakes on display at the bakery isle while no one is watching then make a run for it!
#57. Pick pocket nearby employees.
#58. Stand in the busiest part of the store holding a sign that says : Will work for food!

08-07-2011, 06:01 PM
#59. Find the sports equipment and play every game possible

08-07-2011, 06:22 PM
Play a very explicit song on their cd players and put it on max volume

08-07-2011, 06:28 PM
61.Fill in all the Mad Libs and color in all the coloring books

08-07-2011, 06:32 PM
62. Get a pack of hot dogs and get one out, then when someone walks by try to fit it in there ear.

08-07-2011, 06:40 PM
#63 Raid the jewelry section and as security drags you away yell "MY PRECCCIOOOUSS!"

08-07-2011, 06:49 PM
64. moon walk on a treadmill

08-07-2011, 07:15 PM
65. Steal someones stuff at the cash register then barbecue it
66. Make the intercom play lady gaga

08-07-2011, 07:16 PM
67. Push over one of the shelves...... Onto another shelf....... Onto another shelf......................

08-07-2011, 08:18 PM
Sing any of Rebecca Black's songs repeatedly extremely loud in the bathroom. So that everyone outside of the bathroom can hear.

08-07-2011, 09:49 PM
^ if i heard that i would exploded

08-08-2011, 03:54 AM
69.over the intercom yell baby baby oh by justin beiber

08-08-2011, 09:05 AM
70. Leave the water on in the bathroom
71. Keep flushing the toilet until water starts pouring out
72. Remove all the employee check-in cards
73. Play "hit as many people you can with a shopping cart" against a friend

08-08-2011, 09:27 AM
74. Steal a tag of the shelf, put it on your forehead and ride down the conveyor belt thing yelling "SCAN ME!" when you reach the employee smack him/her and say "B**** I'm Priceless!"

08-08-2011, 04:47 PM
^ ROFL good one

08-08-2011, 05:01 PM
75. Poop in a urinal

08-09-2011, 04:14 AM
76. Get a friend to push you round in a shopping cart

08-09-2011, 05:39 AM
I love the one when you rip your shirt off and say I have the POWER :)

08-09-2011, 05:42 AM
64. moon walk on a treadmill


08-09-2011, 06:33 AM
77.Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals
78.Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you will invite them in if they bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department
79.Look right into the security camera and use it as a mirror while you pick your nose
80.While handling knives in the kitchen department, ask the clerk where the antidepressants are
81.Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, yell "PICK ME! PICK ME!"
82.Charge at the automatic doors with a trolley to see which is faster
83.Excrete by the scented candles as a form of extreme product testing
84.Try bowling over old people with water melons. Remember to shout ‘Strrr…ike!’ when you knock one down. Remember to switch aisles now and then to keep them on their toes

08-09-2011, 10:18 AM
85. Weigh yourself on the checkout scale, then go to the Icee machine, put your mouth on the spigot and fill yourself up. Offer to re-weigh yourself and pay for the difference.

86. Buy a package of Twinkies and ask for a straw. Suck the filling out and ask them to throw away the "cake" part since you only like the filling. Bonus points if you ask for a refund for the part you didn't consume.

87. Buy a box of cereal and ask for a spoon. Tear a hole in the side of the box, go to the coffee counter and open up a gazillion of the little half-and-half/creamer containers, pour them in and start eating.

08-09-2011, 02:55 PM
88. Sit cross legged RIGHT in front of the door, on the inside.

89. Buy a random item and return it a few minutes later. Rines and repeat.

90. Lay down in the middle of the store and daydream

91. Find or bring a stamp, lick it, and put it on an employee

08-09-2011, 03:24 PM
#92 By doing this


08-09-2011, 03:27 PM
93. in an ikea get some toilet paper and go over to a toilet and lay a deadly one. right before you do it yell FIRE IN THE HOLE!

08-09-2011, 03:32 PM
94. Bring a pair of flip-flops to the counter. Insist on only buying one as you want the flip--you don't want the flop. Insist you only have one foot, the left one. When it's pointed out that you have two, declare the right foot to be an impostor that follows you everywhere and you won't reward its harassment by buying it anything.

95. Go to the pet-food section and pick up a large (mondo-sized is even better) rawhide dog bone. Carry it around the store in your mouth. Growl fiercely at anyone who attempts to take it from you including the cashier attempting to ring up your purchase.

96. Conversely, pick up a rubber dog ball and say, "Cmon,boy, gettheballgettheballgettheball!!!" and throw it across the store. Drop onto all fours and scramble after it, barking the whole way.

08-09-2011, 05:09 PM
97. Flick the lights on and off

08-10-2011, 04:52 AM
Ninty EiGHT. Tell Chuck Noris jokes on PL facbook wall untill they stop letting people comment on their wall...xD

08-10-2011, 04:57 AM
99. Successfully order a Big Mack at BK.

100. This one time at band camp......... And thats how I first...... (;

08-10-2011, 07:49 AM
101. Bring a hand-puppet with you. Have loud arguments with it throughout the store reference possible purchases. When you go to the register, insist the clerk talk to it since it's the one buying.

08-11-2011, 01:45 AM
102. put a whoopie cushin on the seats in the dressing rooms.

08-11-2011, 05:27 AM
103. take something small and put it in your pocket, run through the sensors then start playing tag with security :)

08-11-2011, 06:03 PM
Haha these are great! :D

08-11-2011, 06:22 PM
Wouldn't it be cool if the devs would post some:)

08-11-2011, 06:46 PM
104. Stand in front of the store and have a friend stand with a long coat and "deal drugs"
Have your own Jay and Silent Bob moment;)

Fk fk fk fk muthamutha fk muthamutha fk fk. Muthafk muthafk noise noise noise. 1,2,1,2,3,4 noise noise noise, smoking weed, smoking wiz, doing coke drinking beers. Drinking beers beers, rollin carries smoking blunts, who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunted, rollin blunts and smoking 'em.


EDIT: Don't blame me if you go to jail:p

08-11-2011, 06:51 PM
105.Or higher some bouncers in front of the store and dont let anyone in unless they pay :)

08-12-2011, 08:19 AM
If the devs posted it would be awesome :D

08-12-2011, 09:37 AM
106. Get naked.

08-12-2011, 03:36 PM
107) grab random items and host a garage sale in the middle of the store

08-12-2011, 04:00 PM
Call the police for a fake robery :)

08-12-2011, 07:25 PM
107) grab random items and host a garage sale in the middle of the store

109) Grab random items and start an auction...."Who will give me twenty-five, twentyfivetwennyfi'twennyfi'...." :-)

08-12-2011, 07:51 PM
110.whisper "I know your "little secret"' to people in the checkout line...

08-13-2011, 09:15 PM
111. set a baking soda and vinegar bomb off at the manager

08-15-2011, 10:34 AM
O no, were running out of ideas!

08-15-2011, 11:54 AM
112 go up to the ipods and stuff ask for 3 ipads and 3 ipods then go into the middle of the store and shout free idevices! then walk out of the store casually as if nothing ever happened

08-16-2011, 02:18 AM
113 - fill up a portable pool with water, take a swim in it, invite random people in. When security comes to escort you out, say you can't because you lost your swimmers in the water somewhere and it's too deep to dive in to look for it.

08-21-2011, 04:27 PM
114. When People aren't looking throw out everything in their shopping cart and run.

115. Go to a shelf, clear everything, get on top, and like an owl look straight with a wicked straight face and stay there.

08-22-2011, 03:25 AM
Hang out near the pharmacy section, dropping Trojan Magnums into each cart, if any reach the checkout stand promptly reach in and grab them out say "Don't fool yourself, you don't need these" and drop them in another cart.

Stand in book section asking every customer and attendant "Where are the Hustlers? Can I preorder the next issue?"

Order chicken wings in the deli, with a six pack in your cart. Open them then ask "Where my Hooters girl?"

Clear out a freezer, and a place a sign saying deal of the day on the outside. Hop in the freezer and wait.

Wear revealing clothing and ask all attendants handing out samples to "sample your wares"

Tell manager "I am a cereal killer, can you help me?" Then reach behind your back for a spoon

Smash watermelons with a sledge hammer or any fresh juicy fruit

Place two Alka Selters under tongue, fall to floor and convulse

08-22-2011, 03:29 AM
^ for the last one The voices are back noooo make them stop help me and start crawling like a ZOMBIE!

08-23-2011, 01:15 PM
^ for the last one The voicea are back noooo make them stop help me and start crawling like a ZOMBIE!Haha that works too

Also wear a vest made of road flares and different wires continously asking every employee to see their leader.

12-17-2011, 04:31 PM

What a great thread this was lol

12-17-2011, 04:42 PM
Omg I loved this thread ^_^
How about...
Walk in completely naked and ask for the clothes aisle

Ivan Johnson
12-17-2011, 05:02 PM
116: Trust fall a maniquin then walk away like nothing happened

12-17-2011, 05:53 PM
117: Ask the cashier where do you pay

12-19-2011, 01:49 AM
118• Make yourself a sandwich and if nobody notices give the sandwiches to random people
119• Go to the bread isle and eat some bread
120• Go towards the dressing rooms change into just your underwear go outside and say "How does this look on me"

12-19-2011, 02:46 PM
Do all of the above ! While, you know eating their golden watches that are on display .

12-19-2011, 02:57 PM
122: Plunger nipples!!

12-19-2011, 03:19 PM
Lol never seen this thread before. Subbed!

12-19-2011, 03:29 PM
123: Walk Down the aisles like a Nazi saying "Hail Hitler."

Ivan Johnson
12-19-2011, 03:46 PM
124: gas up one of the go carts, take a pack of mushrooms, and drive through the aisles yelling "Wahoo!" & "Its'a me!" while throwing mushrooms at people.

12-19-2011, 05:54 PM
Hey guys,

While there is no doubt some good humor in this thread, there is also some pretty off color remarks and actions that are illegal. As such, closing this one down.