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View Full Version : Feedback on new 30-35 level

06-14-2010, 12:22 PM
Quick note to the Dev's to say that it was a great call to make an alternative 30-35 level. Since most players start multiple characters, it is good to give some variety to us as we level up, and I like the fact that the item types you get in Skeller Crunch returns are somewhat distinct from Ancient Swamps (beyond the names/designs, they seem to have a enough difference to make it interesting).

I would humbly recommend continuing the practice. I would happily pay for additional content of this sort.

I also think that it would be great to repeat the model for FC's Mega Maze mash-up. While I like the new special levels with all the bosses crammed together, they really only serve the needs of those who are focussed on getting items. It would be great to have more options for those who are trying to level up- and a vast network of enemies is a great way to do that.

Thanks for making a great game- keep up the good work, and continue to resist the calls for making stricter class affiliations and limits on hybrids. Its great that people can experiment as they will. We don't need another WoW- you have absolutely nailed the sensibility for an iPhone device- Its great to be able to get in a quick session on the train to work.

06-14-2010, 02:03 PM
I've heard complaints that it's just a remix of old stuff. But I agree with you and enjoy it very much, rather than more trips to Swampland. I also agree some longer, less boss-intensive gauntlets of endurance might be very fun, albeit painful.

Those long runs are actually really nice for mixed groups too: expected levels looking to level, while higher levels tag along just to make lots of gold (for those of us not interested in selling to players.)