View Full Version : Why??

05-31-2016, 07:16 AM
I posted a thread to show how annoyed I am not just for me but for other too and then Justg takes down some words like 'stupid' or 'ridiculous' and leaves a comment saying edited because too dramatic. Can't you guys understand the struggle people on this game go through so please take time to understand because it is quite a bug matter.
I am not even complaining about rich people spending money because they play this game for their pleasure and if they actually want to make process then they can spend money I just want other to know that it is not really that acceptable.
Justg/ Gary I know you are the CEO but please don't take down this comment, other need to realise what lower people in the economy go through.

05-31-2016, 07:18 AM
Tip: there is an uninstall button.

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05-31-2016, 07:20 AM
Tip: I don't care
I am not trying to be rude either. :/

Well, if you make 2 threads about it you must care.

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05-31-2016, 08:26 AM
With all due respect to you, I've also read your thread before it was edited. Its all drama, you could have made the thread "constructive" instead of using words like the ones edited-out. I understand your struggle, but it whatever you do in game you can always learn ways and ask questions. There are many guides on how to get rich, I myself is not a platinum buyer but I can get by.

Lastly, if you want your thread to be treated with respect. Respect the community first, and using words like the ones edited-out will not help.