View Full Version : Your First Time Driving Memories

08-08-2011, 06:38 PM
So i got to drive for the first time while i was at my grandparents and i did ok for being the first time ever driving...Anyways i thought it would be cool to hear everyone elses first driving memories/experiences...Go for it :)

08-08-2011, 07:49 PM
I recall vividly, didn't even get two houses away from home, when my dad jumps out of the car muttering something about a clutch popping ... I sat there bewildered, until my mom came and took over instruction! Now when my dad complains about my driving, I remind him that he bailed out! LOL. Goodtimes!

08-08-2011, 07:53 PM
You should consider offroading LOL :rolleyes:

08-08-2011, 08:06 PM
I learned how to drive in my car, and the gas pedal is really sensitive.. I remember zooming out of my driveway. I was also really bad at right turns for about a day.. haha.

08-08-2011, 08:13 PM
I dont count taking the actual driving portion of the driving test, so bear with me.

So, I drove to school without any problems. Then came lunch period (benefits of being able to go off campus for lunch). I decided I was gonna take a quick drive to the mall (the high school i was at, the local mall wasn't too far away). So I get into my car and turn on the ignition, then look behind me to make sure that no other cars were there. I put the car into reverse, and pulled out. Out of nowhere, this kid in another car speeds up to cut me off. By the time I realized he was there, I couldnt stop in time. Then I hear this loud CRASH. I put the car back into drive and pull back into the parking spot. When I got out, my first reaction was to look at his car to see how much damage i'd caused. His driver side rear door was bent inward (almost into the shape of an "L"). The kid promptly replied "LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY! @#$% CAR!".

I replied back with "Well, you SHOULDNT have sped up to try and cut me off! Serves you right.". I turned around and licked my thumb, then proceeded to rub the paint off my bumper (at that time, I was driving a 1984 Ford Tempo. The kid's car I hit was a 2002 Honda Civic. The reason i was able to get out relatively unscathed, was because most of my car was made out of steel, whereas the civic was made mostly out of carbon fiber).

Was I proud that I pretty much wrecked his car? No. Did I find it hilarious? Heck yes!

Sorry for this post being so lengthy. xD