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View Full Version : Bow Bear VS. Clever Birdy

06-14-2010, 03:09 PM
hello guys i recently made to hybrids 1 bow bear and 1 clever birdie. i herd a lot about bow but not as much about clever birdie. any way i was wanting your help to figure out witch is the strongest hybrid. i would like to get some screen shots from you guys of your hybrids. may the best hybrid win. and by the way add runedarkblade ill own you all in pvp.:cool:

06-14-2010, 03:28 PM
Bow bear... By miles. A Bow bear is if not almost as good as a bird with pure dex.

06-14-2010, 03:33 PM
a good bow bear will beat a clever bird

trust me, the only thing a clever bird can do is knock the guy back and root and run away until his rage disappears

trust me, a bow bear for sure

theres no question, no denying it, no point sticking up for bow bears, its fact