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View Full Version : HELP!! character in star legends disappeared!!!!

Jean-Renier Kuswadi
08-09-2011, 07:41 AM
I have been using a character and leveled it to 17. but during the time I logged out and logged in my friend's account, I suddenly was unable to see my level 17 character in my account!! it shows me when you create a character for the first time in Star legends.. and my original character was nowhere to be seen!! this is worrying can devs help!? when I try to use the same name as my initial chatacter name, it says that name has been taken... so I know that it hasn't been deleted but I can't play that character anymore... this is a serious issue because I don't want to start again from weeks of leveling up! heeelp!!!!

08-09-2011, 07:52 AM
The devs save all data online, send an email to support(@)spacetimestudios.com explaining your situation, I'm sure they'll help out.

Note: You should change your password, maybe a hacker got in your account.

08-09-2011, 02:01 PM
This almost certainly means you're not logging in with the account you made that character on.

08-09-2011, 02:04 PM
You might have made an unregistered account...therefore you need to make a registered account.

08-09-2011, 02:05 PM
This almost certainly means you're not logging in with the account you made that character on.

He/she said they "logged in my friends account" So either the writer made a char on a friends account and the friend deleted it or they just used a different account.