View Full Version : Drop Rates Testing

08-09-2011, 11:57 AM
It's been a while since some nunbers for item drops have been gven.
I think it's time we started checking out the probable drop rates.
I'll be running a same dungeon over and over a few hundred times to see if a pink drops.
If you guys have some spare time, please also post the number of runs you did and how many pinks dropped.
I'm gonna start with Forest Haven, with Skeleton Cult Crypts.
I have a feeling the level of the character affects the drop rate, but I do not think class will.

If you want to help, please use these standards.
Please DO NOT have Big Luck/Luck Elixir, we want raw drop rates only.
Have a password locked game with ONLY you in the dungeon farming.
Run as many times as you can, and be sure to note what drops from the bosses.
Be sure to list the names of the pinks/purples that drop and if any crafting items drop, list those two. Just write white, orange and green if they drop.
Also when you do runs, please ATLEAST do 5.
Here's an example:

Level: 56
Number of Bosses Killed: 7
3 Whites, 2 Oranges, 1 Green

After a few hundred runs of each campaign dungeon, I'll take the average of the items dropped over the average of the bosses killed.

This will give us the drop rate of the item without the variable of different levels.
Another few hundred runs and then ill average these two together and we will have a more accurate percentage.
This should be easy to do for low level dungeons, we should do at least 500-1000 runs to make sure of "lucky drops" in which a person gets a recipe/pink on their first run, which will basically botch the whole expirement.
I'll be doing a hundred or so runs myself tonight, remember Skeleton Cult Crypts is the one we want.
I am going to assume that all the dungeon bosses will have the same drop rate, so the number of bosses in a dungeon DOES NOT affect the drop rate, because we are the taking the drop rate of a specific item from the dungeon's boss, not the dungeon.
Also, I think we will have to assume that if an item drops from a boss, it will be the same drop rate as from another boss, which is probably not true.

08-09-2011, 12:04 PM
I'm in, i'll be using my 55 dex bear. Been meaning to farm here anyways. I'll list all items bosses dropped from bosses including trolls for each run and the money made each run. I'll prob. only do 100-500 tonight.