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View Full Version : Hugal boss bugged >:-(

06-02-2016, 01:49 PM
I am a tank who solos normal Hugal boss in glinstone a lot and when hugal is about to die it looks like he gets a buff...his DoT get 4x stronger...is this suppose to happen? Even spamming pots doesnt help me survive. The WORST part is after i die....i use an ankh and the boss resets with the buff still active. This is not even Elite ! come on...please look into this...

Thanks for your time

06-02-2016, 01:57 PM
I see the problem now. The first part of the answer is yes, he does get a buff at 10% health that increases his attack damage 2x. The second part is that no, he should not keep this buff after wiping. There will be a fix so that he properly resets when he resets.

06-02-2016, 04:42 PM
I see the problem now. The first part of the answer is yes, he does get a buff at 10% health that increases his attack damage 2x. The second part is that no, he should not keep this buff after wiping. There will be a fix so that he properly resets when he resets.

thxs, but i still think even with 2x damage the DoT does way more damage than 2x because i can survive 2 stacked DoT for example when fighting jardis but when he gets the buff he completely wrecks me even with pot spams and its only 1 DoT. (feels like 3 stacked DoT when fight jardis before nerf) lol...thxs carapace...im rage free, almost went berserk like hugal on chatbox.