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06-03-2016, 12:41 PM
You guys have something agent sam ik you do.it wasn't a bug that made his hidden heal ability go away u were hoping no one would care and you could get rid of his abbility. So next if you change any of his abbility his heal ability goes away. This pet was Samhain legacy what is this someway prudoctor is geting rid of it? That would be the main reason ppl would mix pets with sam and u messed that up. Productr may not like that sam has a hidden abbility and doesn't want any pet to have one but sam is us the players history don't try to rewrite history to your own liking. Ty and have a nice day

06-03-2016, 02:11 PM
We are aware of the bug and are working on a fix

06-03-2016, 03:13 PM
Sam heal is happiness bonus

06-03-2016, 03:15 PM
Sam heal is happiness bonus

It's tied to it, but according to Carapace, this is a bug that will be fixed.

06-03-2016, 03:15 PM
It's tied to it, but according to Carapace, this is a bug that will be fixed.
Oh so it gonna be passive ability. Thanks!

06-04-2016, 08:23 AM
We are aware of the bug and are working on a fix


I just tested...with Sam, if you take his happiness and put it on another pet, then they get the healing aura. However, if you remove the happiness of Sam and replace it with another pet then Sam loses the healing aura.

So, by your quote, I am understanding it's supposed to be reversed and the heal is supposed to be in passive? I'm just double checking, because this is the million dollar question for many players. :p