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06-03-2016, 04:35 PM
The latest client had some UI changes. Some like them, some don't, but we needed to move to a more modular system to allow for the expansion of items and categories in the game.

That being said, we'd love to tune it better with how you use them. This is a request for specific feedback. Please let us know:

- How you are using a particular function, and why the current setup no longer works.
- A suggestion for tweaks that would improve upon the current layout.

Thanks in advance for keeping this a focused and drama-free thread!

- g

06-03-2016, 04:40 PM
My problem is that it takes too long to get to a certain item, That said it always had been for me because i'm on pc so i can't just click on it with my finger.

Instead of having to click on "Equipment" and the having to click on one of the other 2. Just have 3 bars going across with "Equipment" "Vanity" "Other" It will save much more time!

Thanks :)

06-03-2016, 05:07 PM
I have 2 minor issues with the change in UI that was made. I've also taken into consideration a natural resistance to change with this as well...

1. Chests, particularly the consumables we have now: shaman effigy, cryo star gems, and all of the elixirs we use in combat (and seemingly becoming more and more required as the game moves forward) are something I consider to be part of our equipment because of how much we need to use them. It would be nice to have these readily available in the heat of battle on the first screen we open (and formerly defaulted to the chests tab) so we can quickly have access to our buffing items. Spending the time to select chests through a drop down menu then selecting the chests tab and then using the elixir we wish to use spends enough time for us to be killed by the enemies we are facing.

2. Minor quality of life issue: toggled "highest to lowest" option in CS rather than 2 separate buttons. Before we had a button for each highest to lowest and lowest to highest for both level and price. I prefer this over the 1 button toggle we have now. I used the filters and would use the lowest to highest button multiple times in a row to refresh the items in the list. Now that there is just 1 button to toggle and no other means of refreshing the CS listed items, it takes more clicks to get the same result. I would like to either see the old way we had it (2 buttons, one each for high to low and low to high) or the addition of a "refresh" button that refreshes the list of CS items based on your current filters.

06-03-2016, 05:43 PM
All have been said above. Nothing to add

06-03-2016, 05:46 PM
I like the old way of inventory too. Easy to swap equipment after checking the chest or jewels

06-03-2016, 05:51 PM
I like the old way of inventory too. Easy to swap equipment after checking the chest or jewels

I understand, but we needed to modify the old way. What would be helpful is if you could elaborate on your use case (how would you tap through swapping equipment and checking jewels)?


06-03-2016, 05:51 PM
1 - Like registering pets as favorites. As the picture below. I have pets too pets that makes low level pets are difficult to summon.


2 - Another thing is to sell jewels of the same type. I do not want nature and water in my inventory.

3 - Maybe leave the decorations home in vanity is the best thing to do. This leaves the interface almost like the old days.

4 - A load skill on the game screen for me would be good. This is the point of view of my mage, I have to change many times my skills. You can put the user or not put this as emoticons.


06-03-2016, 05:51 PM
In the UI, I mostly use the quick weapon/gear loadouts and opening chests (Orc Effigy or that new temporary powerup crafted from small/med/large fragments).

So my scenario is:

I start the level. The UI in the dropdown combo box is "Equipment". Now I have to select "Other". I open my 2 chests.

I run the level, i get to the boss, I want to switch my loadout for my "Boss" setup but the loadout is unavailable because the dropdown combobox is still under "Other". Now I have to switch "Other" back to "Equipment", select my "Boss" loadout. I have my loadout setup but most likely by this time, the boss has killed me and I have to ankh revive hopefully reviving in a safe spot or I revive again.

My request, at the least, is when you close the Inventory screen, the dropdown box resets back to "Equipment" rather than staying in "Other" or whatever the last used selection was.

06-03-2016, 05:52 PM
I actually was never super comfortable w the previous UI. There was something not quite right about it. However, I was used to it, so w the new UI, I would have to pause, remember to select tabs, etc. However, after checking 20+ inventories and auctions yesterday, I am pretty used to the new UI. I must say it feels more comfortable to use than the old one. Something about the way it works fits my mental categories. I did do some giving, no toon-to-toon trading yet, but right now it feels comfortable. It took a little bit to get used to the tabs, but now I select them automatically and have even learned to "park" them for zones. In zone changes will take a bit more work before I get used to them.

06-03-2016, 06:03 PM
As I said earlier put the home decorations (furnishing) in Vanity. And let the elixir / chest and craft items in the old location


06-03-2016, 06:59 PM
When running maps, I open elixirs for myself and effigy and awakening gems for the team at the beginning of a map. Since we have lixes running, we rush to do the killing. When we get to boss, I need to swap to my luck loadout, but then I am the Others tab, so I need to click my way thru the dropbox to go to my equipment and then click my loadout. Oftentimes we run out of buffs midfight, so I utilize the time jardis transforms to refresh buffs. By time I'm done, boss is already active so I need to fight and pot my way again, until boss is almost dead and I need to equip luck again, but I'm stuck on the Others tab once again. By the time I get my lep on, boss is probably dead and so am I.

So here are my thoughts.

1. Return to original UI and label tabs as Equipment and Others. Others can contain vanity and furniture. Crafting materials and chests are part of our active gameplay, so let them remain where they used to be.

2. Maintain current UI, but...
- make a new category on the equipment page for KITS: elixirs, energy, effigies and awakening gems
- have inventory open to equipment page by default, not on the last page we opened (I've been victimized by my vanity page a lot since update, I want to switch to luck loadout and instead change costumes for boss kill)

3. Return the option for us to "override" the animation when opening kits and chests. It takes too long to spam boss chests while clearing inventory, and the few seconds also causes death when we open a luck kit at the boss.

4. The toggle button for price in cs is more confusing than the previous one. I often have to click several times to get jt right. I don't think we really need the toggle button for the levels, I found the min/max level more convenient for finding what I want specifically.

Thanks for listening!

06-03-2016, 07:15 PM
I mostly use equipment loadouts, to load equipment we need three step, my suggestion is to add a toggle button to switch between equipment set 1 to 2

06-03-2016, 07:31 PM
I mostly use equipment loadouts, to load equipment we need three step, my suggestion is to add a toggle button to switch between equipment set 1 to 2

Yes plz put it on the HUD. It would be nice to swap to lepre quickly before the boss dies.

06-03-2016, 07:49 PM
or if you want to save more space

06-03-2016, 10:19 PM
Would be awesome can quickly change our skills loadouts on HUD, like we can select emotes..
Exemple: guildmate calling for help in pvp, so we click on "trade skill build" and go!

06-03-2016, 11:25 PM
Please bring back Higher and lower price button....

Suentous PO
06-03-2016, 11:51 PM
Similar to what Ravager and Spell mentioned, but I have a minor issue with load outs.
If I have something saved to quick change, and it has both vanities and equipment the load out only changes what inventory drop down menu is currently on.

06-04-2016, 01:16 AM
current setup is working, but it's simply not intuitive enough, number of steps needed to do something increase a lot, making transferring items, using items or equipping items need click/tap back to the combo box, + the segregation/differentiation you made between max inventory for gears and chest, max inventory for crafting materials, max inventory of furnitures and max stash makes it more complicated and confusing... also the differentiation between vanity loadout and equipment loadout

my suggestion:
1. combine loadout, and make more loadout slot
2. combine max inventory, increase stash capacity
3. items grouping for chest type, and crafting materials, you don't need to change the database, just change the view
4. shared pet stable

my suggestion layout:
i introduced an item type window here, that should be scrollable, and the position where it was scrolled before should be remembered in stash, trade, auction, and inventory menu, and keep it remembered in an account, between shared toons

1. stash
the general idea i'd like to emphasize is here the balance/symmetry between stash and inventory, so in left side are everything about stash and things you want to do with items you selected in your stash, mid window is the item type window, right window is everything about your inventory
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13305213_10153942131603241_7387519413763609226_o.j pg

2. inventory
the general idea here, is left side is everything about your character and general in inventory, loadout and satchel, middle window is the item type window, right top is everything you can do related to type item you have selected, right middle is list of items you have on selected type, bottom right is everything you can do on selected item
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13392253_10153942131593241_3619197592660668075_o.j pg

3. auction
left side for item type, top side for criteria
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13346241_10153942131598241_5838518198878653928_o.j pg

06-04-2016, 02:25 AM
My statement will be just like the others. About the Inventory.

How about, if we bought items for our house, it'll be automatically put in the "Owned" section inside the house when we are about to decorate.

And if we want to sell some decorations, then just click "Put in inventory" and it'll be in the Chest Section.

This is just to save time when we're on rush whenever we want to change something in our characters. There's a time when we're fighting mobs and I just can't find my Shaman or Cryostar Essence for buff, it took me seconds before I could click it.

And it's more confusing. I wish we could have return the previous style of auction, stash and inventory.

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06-04-2016, 03:00 AM
Or, maybe we can use old inventory system before belt introduced, theres 5 buttons on left side, then make 5 too on right side.

Echo Starz
06-04-2016, 03:23 AM
The new inventory greatly undesirable. Too many clicks. The old inventory much simpler and faster to access an item.

Also, the housing should be based on a "Guild Village" where guildies can choose their spot to build their houses. Guildies can contribute items to develop their village instead of just their houses.

Lastly, "Guild Village" contest.

06-04-2016, 04:23 AM
First off, the new inventory UI is fine,but not for right now because the previous UI was a whole lot easier and faster and theres just not enough stuff for this new UI to be justifiable. Also, if this is the new UI that you want to really stick with, then add more things to make certain tasks even easier besides just an equipment button. I would say have the gear and vanity slots stay in the equipment section and have the other just be its entirely own section. This new UI can also be a good time to add in even more things like maybe a search bar, a favorited pets section, or just an entire section dedicated to an entirely new array of unique items ready to be put into our inventories like equippable emotes that we can swap out and display and use from the emotes menu on the HUD. This new UI can really be convenient for players if more things were added to this. For right now, lets have the old UI back and when you guys come up with a way to make this new UI even more convenient, then bring this new UI back.

Also, speaking of inventory, we really need a quick-equip system added. This can just be an expandable menu (like emotes) displayed on the HUD and just consists of all the current presets for vanities and gear. This would really help out a lot and encourage more use of the preset system. Because of this,also try considering increasing the number of preset slots to 5 or 6. An example of this is in the pictures below:

06-04-2016, 06:11 AM
Switching categories equipment/vanities/other in stash and in give always shows the weapons. This is very confusing, it should be modified so that every category shows the upper sub category like weapons/equipment, vanities/vanity weapons and other/crafting materials. That would make orientation easier.

06-04-2016, 07:28 AM
The new UI gives disadvantage to people who play via phone or tab specially if he/she aren't fast enough or has slow reflexes so playing experience is not pleasant anymore, unlike for people who use chrome with mouse and keyboard or some via gamepads who doesn't have any problem with this new UI so yeah some like it some don't you can't please anyone since everyone has different limits as a human beings.

06-04-2016, 08:35 AM
Umm,, I just realize,, all we need is easy access for changing/using/finding equipments, elixirs, kits, chests and crafting materials right ? Maybe just move crafting materials and chests buttons to equipment page, that way no need to change that drop down menu.

06-04-2016, 11:21 AM
Would be great if we only have to click 2 tab i like it, please consider including the house decor under the vanity tab(previous client inv UI)

06-04-2016, 11:44 AM
Or, maybe we can use old inventory system before belt introduced, theres 5 buttons on left side, then make 5 too on right side.
This is best suggestion I ever seen!
Thank u for this great design, I hope they sts guys can do something like this!

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06-04-2016, 11:50 AM
Takes way to much time to get to the item you want ( like effigies , cryogems , elixirs , atk , atk .)

Place chests back into gear section , and bring back up and down buttons in ac , all I want XD .

( My editing app decided to take a nap , I poked it with a hammer but it didn't work , so no pics for now :/ )

06-04-2016, 11:55 AM
Takes way to much time to get to the item you want ( like effigies , cryogems , elixirs , atk , atk .)

Place chests back into gear section , and bring back up and down buttons in ac , all I want XD .

( My editing app decided to take a nap , I poked it with a hammer but it didn't work , so no pics for now :/ )

And plus remember effigies and cryogems luck elix etc.. are all the way down specially if u have lots of crafted energy kits saved for upcoming events so more in the delay part.

06-04-2016, 12:55 PM
And plus remember effigies and cryogems luck elix etc.. are all the way down specially if u have lots of crafted energy kits saved for upcoming events so more in the delay part.
This is actually a very big problem currently & before this new UI. Most of the elixirs & effigies are stacked right at the bottom of tons of saved up energy kits. The process of scrolling through all the way down and especially in laggy conditions is very frustrating.
What ticklish has mentioned & suggested in an earlier post is pretty comprehensive of the status quo & its fixes. I will add to it in my words.
Adding chests under equipment will definitely solve part of the current problem. A further problem is having to scroll through the tons of items in there to get to elixirs. Maybe a grouping of similar items would fix this as we have mentioned it many times before. Grouping needs to be applied to both crafting materials & chests.
If grouping is not currently possible, then make a totally new tab of elixirs only under the equipment section with effigies & that cryo gem buff in it as well. Energy kits should remain under chests.
Add the highest & lowest button for price in the CS. With the new type, it gets confusing if u have actually attained your desired result. If a person has not checked this carefully them they may end up thinking the highest price is lowest or vice versa. Sometimes even the lowest price is pretty high.
Opening chests animation needs to be reverted to its old self, where by we could skip the viewing of all items that drop from a chest by tapping on the screen.
One more thing. Could you increase the number of loadouts of equipment by another 1 or 2. My dmg gears are not very helpful in the harder elites & I may need to have a more defensive set for such maps. Then I have my lepre loadout & also speed set loadout. And I need a naked one to be able to transfer certain gear pieces to other toons. The current loadouts aren't enough.
Phew....long post...imma go game now.

06-04-2016, 01:29 PM
Yes, opening animations, receiving animations - please revert these to when we could skip them. I nelieve that had been a fix before. Seeing the animations really slows everything down. I wouldnt mind if there werea different way to select elixirs, potions and buffs on the hud - maybe the potion purchase button next to hp/mp pots can be more useful than just showing our elixirs.

Luciano Lobo
06-04-2016, 02:02 PM
Hello. I believe that the new arrange of buttons requieres a learning process for those who used the old version. Overall is great and I don't have big issues with it but I think there should be a reset to the Equipements tab everytime you get out of the Inventory screen. The main reason for this is that Eauioements is the most used tab for everybody, specially when one is farming a boss and close to the end you want to change your setup to for example Arlorian Ring and Leprechaun Pendant for a chance to re-roll. Unfortunaly, the Inventory screen always stay in the last tab you've been taking time of a quick change. Another option could be a 3 tab row but with just icons to save space and a better look, so instead of just Equipements and Vanities, we have now Equipements, Vanities and Others in just one screen. Apply some fade to the screens also, theh are now completely bold.

06-04-2016, 02:11 PM
or if you want to save more space
This, plus pls put crafting and chest back in equipment. And furniture can go into vanities.

06-04-2016, 04:23 PM
The essential issue with the new UI is that of usability. An action-based game requires quick actions from the player. The previous version of the UI was already cumbersome, but the new UI's drop down menu format added significant complexity to gameplay operations.

This issue also delves into design intent. When the leprechaun pendant was originally designed, did developers expect it to be worn at all times? Probably not, since the original pre-crafting leps were level 1, had ONLY a luck stat and had no slots for gems/jewels. Over time design elements were added to the game that increased the need to access the inventory during gameplay. Arlorian rings, tradable elixirs that resided in the 'chest' slot, and gear loadouts.

Intended or not, AL design evolution is such that, in order to achieve maximum loot at minimum cost, industrious players are required to access their inventories as fast as possible - often at the most 'dangerous' moments during gameplay. It requires 2 taps just to get to inventory (or just "I" on chrome) then you have to locate the correct slot and sometimes scroll through items. By the time the player is done tapping about like a chicken hunting for food, the action is often over or the player is dead.

Here's what I think may resolve the situation:

Good Fix: Add another drop down menu item, designated "Quick"
* Place the most frequently used slots under Quick, including Chest, Craft, and Gear Loadouts. Maybe Ring and Amulet also?
* Other menu items stay the same, also meaning that Chest, Craft and Gear Loadouts still appear in their respective menus.
* Whenever Inventory is accessed, it always defaults to Quick regardless of what the player had accessed previously.

Better Fix: Everything from Good plus...
* Make the Quick menu item customizable
* Players could choose whichever slots they'd want quick access to. Yaaa!
* Separate consumable elixirs from the chest slot into their own slot

Best Fix: Everything from Good and Better plus...
* Correct the functionality of the Elixir button to allow players to use elixirs in inventory
* Finding an elixir right now often requires scrolling through 100+ items :/
* Elixirs in inventory supercede the plat option
* When all elixirs of a type are consumed, it defaults to the plat purchase or disappears from the list

Ultimate Fix: Everything from Good, Better and Best plus...
* Add a Gear Loadout button or at least an Inventory button somewhere on the main screen
* Players create epic YouTube ballads about developer Spacetime Studios

06-04-2016, 05:29 PM
it seem you guys won't roll it to the old one :(
but Cactus edit is good it you won't roll it to the old one
plaese bring back the lower/higher button
imagine us trying to buy locked.. or jewels..
we can't go always to the lowest.. it goes the highest then lowest
very bad
same with gear.. everytime i wanna cs it bring me down to level 1 gear
and be4 it was eaiser to open buff/elixers/switch to lepre
I really hope you guys can change it really really soon
i don't even use cs as be4.. much harder now.

06-04-2016, 05:38 PM
And plus remember effigies and cryogems luck elix etc.. are all the way down specially if u have lots of crafted energy kits saved for upcoming events so more in the delay part.
THIS is also affecting me.
What if you separate elixirs/potions/lotions, effigy like stuffs from chests?
BTW I suggest to collect crafted energy kits to one space, like energy essence.

BTW I experienced high ping spikes and very frquent DC with this new UI, especially in the last 24 hours.
Who has similar problem?

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Felipe Pereira
06-04-2016, 08:06 PM
Im happy about this thread, thanks developers to give us the opportunity to discuss game issues. Its great to be heard, and this game support is always present with the players.

The inventory reflects directly in the gameplay, its time to make us life easier.
The whole problem comes because the new setup requires more taps.

You could fix it by

- add 2 new icons on the main screen, one to automatically change gears loadouts and another to automatically change skills loadouts. Without the necessity to open the inventory in the middle of the gameplay

- make the elixir button on the main screen show up all the consumables items in ur inventory. This way by just 2 clicks will be possible to use luck elixirs, effigys, cryo buffs and etc Without the necessity to open the inventory in the middle of the gameplay. Actually this just works for plat users buy elixirs, kind useless to the majority of the players.

About the inventory setup itself, equipment could englobe crafts and chest. At vanity u can put furniture.
The craft slot are really hard to mess. What do you think about stack jewels like the essences? I find diamond and water jewels useless for me, this way they are like a trash spam. Or maybe add a way to delete jewels selecting the type.

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06-05-2016, 06:17 AM
or if you want to save more space

IMO this looks great ^
I believe it solves most of the problems, the current menu bar makes it slower to swab between ex elixirs and buffs to weapons and lepre.

Furthermore i think it would be greatly appreciated if jewels and other items in the crafting section stacked, and mabye all items in the other categories too, to prevent endless scrolling through items your weren't looking for.
Example below:

And then also the option of selling all our water jewels at once, exemplified with selling arcane parchments
The "Sell all" option.

All these things would IMO make it easier, more convenient and time saving to find the item, get an idea og how many of item xx you have, and speed up the process of clearing jewels after farming tombs. Currently people are dumping them on each other since its faster to spam the "give" button than deleting one by one.

06-05-2016, 07:27 AM
I understand, but we needed to modify the old way. What would be helpful is if you could elaborate on your use case (how would you tap through swapping equipment and checking jewels)?


JustG use the old ways of inventory and auction/CS.... why dont u add the furniture section under vanity area, i believe there was still space there for one or two more 'items' add furniture there... and i too want the highest and lowest buttons for CS

umm i dislike the bright orange GUI but thats my opinion, i guess ill get used to it.... also no crafting video thing, but ill get used to that, could u please do the above though?

06-05-2016, 08:07 AM
I understand, but we needed to modify the old way. What would be helpful is if you could elaborate on your use case (how would you tap through swapping equipment and checking jewels)?

Here is my use case
I went to auction to sell jewels
Then I went to dungeon to fight boss,
At the boss, I want to switch to my luck equipment, too slow, I got killed by the boss, or the boss has been killed by my teammates

06-05-2016, 10:27 AM
As galileoGalilei pointed out (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?332032-*-Client-Update-*-6-2-16-New-Housing-and-Pet-Animancy-Systems!&p=2491926&viewfull=1#post2491926) the restriction of joining a map when your Furnishing Inventory is FULL is somewhat frustrating. We were all given a meager 25 furnishing slots with the new UI update, but most of us (by now) have 500 inventory spots that we purchased using saved up story tokens, hauntlet coins, or special event currency over many months (years?) of playing the game. So when I see this:


Despite having almost half of my equipment inventory free...


I'm kind of left scratching my head.

Personally, I'm not interested in purchasing nor furnishing a new house (not criticizing the new content, it's just not for me)... so this roll out (IMHO) has unfairly restricted my game playing experience. The only way to circumvent this restriction is to increase my furnishing inventory capacity; but the only way to do this (it seems) is to use my precious platinum. Please provide alternate methods to increase the furnishing inventory, or raise the default furnishing inventory capacity to 50 or (even better) 100.

Thank you for your consideration.

06-05-2016, 10:31 AM
Skill loadout suggestion: Let it be possible for two profiles to contain the same skills, but have differences in the hot-bar.

For example, let's say a character has 8 skills trained. Sometimes they want skills 1-4 in that order in the hot bar. Sometimes they want skills 5-8 in the bar. Sometimes they want skills 1-4 but in reverse order. Sometimes they want skills 1,3,5,7 in the bar, etc.

Let these be swappable via loadouts that can be loaded at no cost.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-05-2016, 12:10 PM
Or, maybe we can use old inventory system before belt introduced, theres 5 buttons on left side, then make 5 too on right side.

this is good!

06-05-2016, 12:14 PM
This is actually a very big problem currently & before this new UI. Most of the elixirs & effigies are stacked right at the bottom of tons of saved up energy kits. The process of scrolling through all the way down and especially in laggy conditions is very frustrating.
What ticklish has mentioned & suggested in an earlier post is pretty comprehensive of the status quo & its fixes. I will add to it in my words.
Adding chests under equipment will definitely solve part of the current problem. A further problem is having to scroll through the tons of items in there to get to elixirs. Maybe a grouping of similar items would fix this as we have mentioned it many times before. Grouping needs to be applied to both crafting materials & chests.
If grouping is not currently possible, then make a totally new tab of elixirs only under the equipment section with effigies & that cryo gem buff in it as well. Energy kits should remain under chests.
Add the highest & lowest button for price in the CS. With the new type, it gets confusing if u have actually attained your desired result. If a person has not checked this carefully them they may end up thinking the highest price is lowest or vice versa. Sometimes even the lowest price is pretty high.
Opening chests animation needs to be reverted to its old self, where by we could skip the viewing of all items that drop from a chest by tapping on the screen.
One more thing. Could you increase the number of loadouts of equipment by another 1 or 2. My dmg gears are not very helpful in the harder elites & I may need to have a more defensive set for such maps. Then I have my lepre loadout & also speed set loadout. And I need a naked one to be able to transfer certain gear pieces to other toons. The current loadouts aren't enough.
Phew....long post...imma go game now.

maybe STS can make elix and effigys LEGENDARY so it appears on top.. solves everything

06-05-2016, 12:24 PM
IMO this looks great ^
I believe it solves most of the problems, the current menu bar makes it slower to swab between ex elixirs and buffs to weapons and lepre.

Furthermore i think it would be greatly appreciated if jewels and other items in the crafting section stacked, and mabye all items in the other categories too, to prevent endless scrolling through items your weren't looking for.
Example below:

And then also the option of selling all our water jewels at once, exemplified with selling arcane parchments
The "Sell all" option.

All these things would IMO make it easier, more convenient and time saving to find the item, get an idea og how many of item xx you have, and speed up the process of clearing jewels after farming tombs. Currently people are dumping them on each other since its faster to spam the "give" button than deleting one by one.

oooh this too this too

06-05-2016, 12:51 PM
Get rid of the equipment,vanity,other drop down and put chests and crafting back where they used to be add furniture to vanities. Do same for auction also make chests be able to speed opened again pleaase! Thank you

06-05-2016, 08:19 PM
Or, maybe we can use old inventory system before belt introduced, theres 5 buttons on left side, then make 5 too on right side.

This is simple.. i like it
Bring back the old inventory..

06-06-2016, 12:06 AM
This is simple.. i like it
Bring back the old inventory..

The old lay-out waw imo better.

06-06-2016, 12:09 AM
This is simple.. i like it
Bring back the old inventory..

The old lay-out for the inventory is imo better.

06-06-2016, 08:29 AM
I like your idee :) i +1 vote for this

06-06-2016, 11:07 AM
I prefer the old ui better

06-06-2016, 01:08 PM
When I mass open lots of chests, I don't like how it pauses to show you the loot contents. It slows the operation down.

06-06-2016, 04:34 PM
Thanks for all the great feedback! There are some deep changes that we would like to propose to you later, but right now we just want to ease the pain you are feeling.

Three changes coming for Thursday:

1) Add Chests to Equipment tab
2) Loadout on Other page should go to equipment loadouts, not vanity loadouts
3) Bug on CS, pricing toggle should sort on the first click

We're also optimizing things a bit to reduce lag when you select a category with a large number of items in it.

Let us know what you think, and thanks!

06-06-2016, 05:51 PM
Thanks for all the great feedback! There are some deep changes that we would like to propose to you later, but right now we just want to ease the pain you are feeling.

Three changes coming for Thursday:

1) Add Chests to Equipment tab
2) Loadout on Other page should go to equipment loadouts, not vanity loadouts
3) Bug on CS, pricing toggle should sort on the first click

We're also optimizing things a bit to reduce lag when you select a category with a large number of items in it.

Let us know what you think, and thanks!

This is what you should have done

- Add chests and crafting thingy to Equipment tab. Add Furniture to Vanity tab. So we still only have the 2 tabs!

06-06-2016, 10:54 PM
Thanks for all the great feedback! There are some deep changes that we would like to propose to you later, but right now we just want to ease the pain you are feeling.

Three changes coming for Thursday:

1) Add Chests to Equipment tab
2) Loadout on Other page should go to equipment loadouts, not vanity loadouts
3) Bug on CS, pricing toggle should sort on the first click

We're also optimizing things a bit to reduce lag when you select a category with a large number of items in it.

Let us know what you think, and thanks!
Thx for the quick fix.
Looking forward to the deep suggestions as chest section has become problematic to deal with due to the numerous items and also other changes that have been suggested in many posts here.

06-07-2016, 01:09 AM
Can we have crafted energy renamed so it goes at the bottom of the section under more frequently used awakening gem, shaman effigy, and various elixirs? Make it Zzz Crafted Energy or something so it goes way way down and we don't have to scroll down through them.

06-08-2016, 12:33 PM
How about having a presets tab next to the equipment tab? This has 2 options, equipment and vanity. This should prevent some confusion when selecting a loadout. Also,can we have a viewable loot table for dungeons as well like we do for chests?

Vinny Oliveira
08-07-2016, 10:08 PM
Please help I was usually playing my arcane ring was fitted me out of the game when I get back my ring was gone arcane please help me

10-25-2016, 01:52 PM
its nice great work

12-28-2016, 09:31 PM
dear sts support time

why i email to you long time no reply
i have case and i sent detail to you please reply asap

i waiting

sobie from indonesia