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View Full Version : Control your "guildies"

08-10-2011, 07:37 AM
I have been asked thousands of times to join a guild- when i say "no thanks" dont reply with "whatever dude, good luck gettn anywhere in this game" or "FU then" ect ect..., I have screenshots of all of them- Big Name guilds as well- Now I dont want to report people or guilds because i'm sure your "leader" did not intend for this to happen- the vulgar language and hostility is out of control--- So here is your fair warning-CONTROL YOUR GUILDIES-- otherwise.., sending emails with approprietly attached screenshots to STS (I am 100% positive that bans will be enforced) - By the way I am BAZOOKAJOE- *1001 peoples jaws just dropped**Oh S**t they are thinking*-----just to give a number 89 screenshots of bannable offenses--- I'm not going to post pics here or publicly announce names, but 2 MAJOR guilds members were harassing a few people on the public chat in game--Un-called for-- smarten up!

08-10-2011, 07:43 AM
I'm sure the guild leaders don't want this in their guilds. Send the photos to them, I'm pretty sure the leaders would kick those members out.

08-10-2011, 08:06 AM
Hope none of your pics are about Blackstar Militia (lowlyspy wouldn't be too happy about anyone in his guild doing those kinds of things...)

Deplorable none the less.

E D I T : I'm assuming this is sl, right?

08-10-2011, 08:21 AM
If any of the pics are of Knights of Cydonia members, please pm me with them, the offending user will be dealt with swiftly. We'd prefer people ask us to join, or our members offer someone once, if someone ISNT in a guild already, and leave it at that. Thanks in advance.

08-10-2011, 08:28 AM
Guilds: When daytime soap opera is just not dramatic enough. :D

08-10-2011, 08:35 AM
Hey I would like to join you're guild. My in game name is Recount lvl31 avian and have a lvl 28 tank... I have been asking pretty often while I'm on and never get a response from anyone. I was starting to wonder I guilds even existed in PL LOL

08-10-2011, 08:38 AM
I know it isn't Gears of War as we don't invite players. They make a app on are website and after that its running in maps and getting to know them before we invite. I for one knew this would happen its all goes back on the guild leader and officers not having rules in place. Now I'm not pointing fingers just going by a old sayin "Lead by example".

08-10-2011, 08:40 AM
Hey I would like to join you're guild. My in game name is Recount lvl31 avian and have a lvl 28 tank... I have been asking pretty often while I'm on and never get a response from anyone. I was starting to wonder I guilds even existed in PL LOL
??? wrong game hehe

08-10-2011, 08:58 AM
I made a new character yesterday and got hit up with two guild invites when i came out of training. LOL. Whats this world coming to.

08-10-2011, 09:01 AM
I hope its not the guild im in, we can't afford to lose people, I've been in groups bigger than my guild. 8(

08-10-2011, 09:16 AM
Like I said, just a "fair warning" no one is getting reported or otherwise- simply take the next few days to explain to everyone in your guild about the behavior problem. As Acyer said- "Lead by example" Leaders you can make this work!

08-10-2011, 09:27 AM
Yup. Your completely right but I didn't expect it from the big cool guilds. Cmon guys be respectful when someone is already in another guild don't recruit him.

08-10-2011, 09:58 AM
I'm sure the guild leaders don't want this in their guilds. Send the photos to them, I'm pretty sure the leaders would kick those members out.

AGREED! ROM guidelines state that we play fairly, equally and absolutely No fighting.
If this happens I would like screen shot proof. thank you.

08-10-2011, 08:32 PM
I've dealt with a few people that seem really chill in my guild, and then I'll sign on later and have complaints that the guy was being a total jerk.. some people just thrive on this kind of stuff. People like this will be very lonely once no guild will accept them.

08-10-2011, 09:18 PM
Like most of the gms posting on here, if any of my guildies have been included in any of this, please pm me with a picture and they will be dealt with.

08-10-2011, 10:04 PM
ok Dad.

08-10-2011, 10:19 PM
Why the need for the thread? If guilds start seeing half of their people missing for days I'm pretty sire they will figure it out...if not sl/pl os better off without them