View Full Version : About new client

06-04-2016, 11:34 AM
Since it went up, I've been lagging so much with great rooter, my ping can't be green for a single minute even in a town, and my chrome can't even load the game, Imo this client is so totally unneeded... I liked old UI better, and houses are totally unneeded, why to pay for something completely useless? Why are estate tokens purchased by story tokens not tradable? Let the smart players who didn't buy houses make money on those who did buy houses.
Thank you for attention.

06-04-2016, 11:59 AM
Agreed. It takes longer to load now and it's definitely more laggy. And yeah, Estate Tokens need to be tradeable, because there's literally no possible way to get enough of them to support the more expensive houses unless you pay Platinum.

06-04-2016, 12:25 PM
i agree, the auct is so hard to view now
STS y not just use the old layout and add furniture under the vanity section? there was space there, keep everything else the same

houses are ok and all but please make all upkeep tradable even the ones we get via story tokens, we F2P wanna sell upkeep too .... anything for a bit more gold
add loot of ren gol to cryostar locks.... rebring auct, and its highest lowest buttons plz!!!!!!! and no lvls plz!!!!!!!! bring the old one back

and change the recolor of the bright orange user interface to the old one again plzzzzz

i stayed in this game cause u guys actually took players advice and fixed stuff, do fix this too

u can obv see many ppl complain abt it

06-04-2016, 01:15 PM
Pls keep this thread about lag or loading & not new UI complaints.
I have been experiencing a lot of lag after the latest client update as well. I know I am not alone as many ppl on the same maps.....km3, underhul, elite northal etc have been complaining too.
Another thing noticed is that the loading time between maps has increased as well. You actually end up noticing the running dog when you are doing map switches.

06-04-2016, 01:22 PM
lag lag lag aaaaand always lagggggg....new inventory layout is hard to get used to it..it takes time to switch to lepre when u tapped on "Others" previously..old layout is much better..