View Full Version : It's been a long 3 years...

06-07-2016, 12:46 PM
What's up everybody! I doubt anyone remembers me, (name is Linthar btw) but I played PL, SL, and started playing AL the day it came out. Played for about 8 or so months. (It's been along time lol) I played up until the lvl cap of 26. And at the time I was on leader boards for acheivments, and level. (I think it was those two) I was IN Chivalrous Union, which was a top tier guild. But once I hit 26, I basically got busy with real life, and didn't have time anymore. But now I'm starting to play again. Thankfully I still have my legendary gear which was the best at the time,(Seaford of will/security, and the storm sword of potency) but if you see me around friend me or invite me. I'm level 46 now. I know lots of things have changed, I haven't even messed around with it. Just leveling lol. But I assume the best gear is now crafted and not dropped? How do you go about crafting the best armor and weaps now? I'm still a bit lost with all this new stuff...

06-08-2016, 01:02 AM
new houses
pet combos
lvl 56 cap
arcane weapons (the best, chest dropped and crafted)
-> most used arcane, rendtail ring, cryoheart necklace, arcane daggers/staff/sword.
-> pets: mariados, toor, shady and surge, munch mouth, singe, nekro. (nekro best overall pet, considering cost too)
apperently new token sacks and new maps, new top guilds, new CS and INV design (most dislike it)
huge drop of prices from ur days.

my ign sandeeeep.... feel free to ask doubts if u have any.

06-08-2016, 10:55 AM
Wow everything changed now lol im lost

06-09-2016, 01:17 PM
Welcome back!

06-19-2016, 05:40 PM
Welcome Back!