View Full Version : Bear PvP Combo/Tactic Discussion

08-13-2011, 01:28 AM
I don't think a guide would be the best when it comes to PvP combos/tactics, since guides are very one-sided and opinionated.

So, I'll try to open up a discussion on Bear PvP Combos/Tactics.

Bear PvP

In my opinion, PvP is separated into two:

1. Dueling or 1v1

2. FFA (Free-For-All)

Combos and tactics could vary a lot depending on which situation you were in.


Duel Sets:

Fortified Set[*=1]​I use my Fort set against Int or Dex Mages, Dex Birds, and Dex Bears.[*=1]I like the high HS and armour against these damage dealers.[*=1]Good consistent damage, good consistent armour, good consistent health regen.[*=1]Bad dodge, low crit.
Dex Crown + Fortified Pieces

​Dex Birds.
Really just for birds that like to focus on dodge. 12% more Hit, 10% more Crit.
I don't mind the loss in HS/MS since it's a duel. I've never had a duel with a dex bird that I ran out of mana.

Custom Set[*=1]Paladins, Str Bears, Warbirds, Bracer Mages.[*=1]Basically any class that focuses on defense more than offense.[*=1]Low survivability, very high damage capabilities.

Duel Combos:

Things to remember for combo:

After Beckon, you are allowed 2 skills before you need to Stomp for the combo to work.
Hell Scream and SMS has a -10 armour debuff EACH, so -20 if you use both.
You don't need to Beckon+Stomp all the time to kill. Slashes are as deadly.

That said, my combos:

Beckon - Hell Scream - Crushing Blow - Crippling Slash - Vengeful Slash - SMS - Stomp. (Combo 1)

Point here isn't to complete the combo, but to kill them with slashes.
This is an alternative combo, it works on any class.
Favourite to use on: Dex/Int Mages, Dex Birds/Bears.
Least favourite: Str classes.

Beckon - Crushing Blow - SMS - Stomp. (Combo 2)

My anti-dodge and semi one-shot combo.
Crushing Blow to reduce dodge, so SMS and Stomp have a higher chance to connect.
Usually use it on softer classes that I think are weak enough/low health enough to be one-combo'd.
Favourites: Dex Mage/Bird.
Least favourite: Str classes, Int Mage.
This combo rarely one-shots a shielded and full mana int mage (staff or bracer), so this combo only hurts yourself by pushing them away again. I suggest using Combo 1.

Beckon - SMS - Vengeful Slash - Stomp. (Combo 3)

Full one-shot combo.
Completely relies on these skills connecting/critting.
Usually used on wounded/unbuffed characters.
Favourite: Int/Dex Mage, Dex Bird/Bear.
Least favourite: Str classes.

Hell Scream - Crushing Blow - SMS - Vengeful Slash - Crippling Slash - Beckon - Stomp. (Combo 4)

Used when Beckon misses and on str classes.
Useful for those that try to kite, learn the range of Hell Scream well - key skill in this combo.
You know if Hell Scream connects when your target stops moving while kiting, so a small stun.
Usually if you get this combo in, you're gonna be on top of your target the entire time, easier for you.

Combo for Str Classes:

Always be defensive first.
Paladins: If they use two buffs (BoM, BoV), use Iron Blood + Evade + Taunt spam only. Use Combo 4 to pin them and spam debuffs on them. When BoV runs out (estimate or keep an eye on effects), pop Rage and use Combo 4 until they die.
Warbirds: If they use Evade, use your Iron Blood + Evade + Taunt spam only. Rage, then Combo 4 when their Evade is out.
Str Bears: Same, defensive buffs first and wait for their defensive buffs to run out.
Key to finishing str fights quick is to use Rage when they're defenseless. A good duelist will also know this, so it can be tricky.

Free For All

FFA Sets:

Fortified Set

​Since in an FFA it's pretty much continuous, I love this set.
Awesome HS, more than enough MS.
Good armour, so everyone can bash on you and you consistently take low damage.
Good damage, consistently high damage.
Very good all around set for FFA, good tank good damage.

Custom Set

Only used when you have a tank in front of you.
Two tanks aren't needed, so full out damage is better.
Pretty much kills anything.

FFA Combos:

Combos 1-4.

​The dueling combos still work, just not as obvious as duels.
Still depends on what class you want to use them to.
Might be cut short due to your other teammates also using skills.

FFA Combo: Beckon - Hell Scream - (Stomp).

​I use this when I want multiple targets pulled and I can't pin them. In other words, let your team kill them. I usually use this in the middle of an open map.
Beckon them close so your teammate skills can hit all of them.
Hell Scream them when they're close to debuff them and mini-stun them.
Stomp is optional. If your teammates haven't set in their skills yet, don't Stomp. If you see that they have, Stomp.

2nd FFA Combo: Hell Scream - Beckon - Stomp.

​I use this when I am next to a wall.
Walk into your opponents (I usually like to walk into 2-3 players), Hell Scream them to debuff and stun.
Beckon them to wall so they are piled up, Stomp to finish combo.
Your teammates should be more than happy to finish up.


I hope I'm not spilling the beans on any combos/tactics here! :)

Let's discuss! What are your thoughts?

08-13-2011, 08:36 AM
I wish I could write down a smart remark here, but I just realized I'm way to noob in the whole bear pvp thing.

I'll need to put in practice what you described here a bit first. Ow well, at least your topic got a bump :)

08-13-2011, 08:49 AM
I wish I could write down a smart remark here, but I just realized I'm way to noob in the whole bear pvp thing.

I'll need to put in practice what you described here a bit first. Ow well, at least your topic got a bump :)

Thanks for the bump! :p

You've helped me come up with these combos too you know, from back then :)

08-13-2011, 10:36 AM
I like those coboms , most of them i used on my lv55 duel bear (139/140) ,i got custom set and mix str gear (royal helm , FF armor , root sword ,bellow shield) , but i don't like to wear str melee set in PvP .

cuz i killed too meny of str gear bear in pvp in FFA , it is more like free kill , here is what i do :

my custom bow bear :

see a str bear coming : target him , you can shot him few time before he can cast beckon , cast beckon when he come close , if he cast faster then you ,on your way fly to him cast hell scream + stomp ,so you can still keep distance and rang him , if he is stay at wall waiting for cool down ,use your beckon pull him to the mid of the room or battlefield ,never let's them against wall to cast beckon , cuz bow bear is rang class and high crit , a str bear just like free kill to us , just keep distance from them play hit and run .

my custom pure dex bird :

any bear are ez to kill , if you know how , the fast way is shot combos : Break armor > Blast shot > Blinding shot > Repulse shot .... non much ppl can survival after this combos , if they do root them and pew pew more , if a bear beckon pull you over just cast repulse shot to push them away , if that bear is against wall , avian scream so you can get off stun and root also has a chance to aoe stun them , cast root then make distance , distance is the key , and bird are most high dmg class , if they can't kill you instantly , they are already dead . in ffa i never been killed by a str gear bear at 1 vs 1 fight

my mage , i was wear enchant set now i change to custom cross bow set :

as a soft class mage don't have much armor and low on Hp , that is why i use cross bow longest rang weapon in game in order to kitting my target , a melee stupid bear for example , they can never come close to me to cast beckon , and i can shot them for free , also with buff on i got 100% + on crit , few shot can kill a fort bear , even they get lucky come close to me , i just pop my mana shield , drin-life , ice bit freeze him ,then cast fire storm .... unfortunately bear don't have any skill like Blast shot can remove mage's mana shield instantly , so even a bow bear must be not fight a mage with his mana shield on , best way is run and wait mana shied off , but run from a cross bow mage just like suicide ,well look like that bear is dead any way .

and never forget mage can heal and rev are much more valuable then a melee bear in pvp group .

yes fort set gives highest h/s and highest armor in game but for melee class it is just like keep you life few more sec , with a nice group you can carry flag for team mate or run in to a group of enemy to absorb damage ,let your teammate kill them asap , once you find your self along , either your team is winning or you already dead :GB_bonesrock:

the only kid ppl in fort set you need to be careful are the war-birds :p

08-13-2011, 10:22 PM
Not a very lively discussion is it :p


Yeah, mages + birds are definitely the hardest for a bear, mainly because of the range advantage.

Fort set can be really good on a bear too, just saying ;)

08-14-2011, 09:37 AM
Warbirds with fort set are unstoppable! I would go with 2 fort str bears instead of a fort warbird anytime :sentimental:

08-14-2011, 12:04 PM
Im looking fordwars how to become hibrid(use custom talon with fort set) any ideas Elly?

08-14-2011, 02:30 PM
Warbirds with fort set are unstoppable! I would go with 2 fort str bears instead of a fort warbird anytime :sentimental:

If a fortified warbird is unstoppable, why would you choose a bear over it? Maybe I misunderstand what you are saying....

Anyway, good thread. Always nice to see peoples thoughts/philosophies when it comes to pvp. Good stuff, Elly!

08-14-2011, 04:22 PM
Im looking fordwars how to become hibrid(use custom talon with fort set) any ideas Elly?
what is the meaning for this hybrid ? lost both set bonus ? the only reason fort set not a total useless set cuz with set bonus it has highest H/s and highest armor in game ....also good 1h base damage ...

if use custom talon , you will lost the only advantage you can able to get from fort set , and talon only gives you a very short rang , very low on dph (damage per hit )it is useless in pvp , and i can't see this hybrid do any better in pve either .

08-14-2011, 04:39 PM
If a fortified warbird is unstoppable, why would you choose a bear over it? Maybe I misunderstand what you are saying....

Anyway, good thread. Always nice to see peoples thoughts/philosophies when it comes to pvp. Good stuff, Elly!

the reason i say fort set war-bird are supreme in pvp , cuz it is kid of covered bird's weakness ... survivability .....
each class has they weak point , for bird they don't have high armor & high bass Hp like bear ; can't heal or mana shield like mage . that is the bird's blind side ....

with Fort set , birds got high armor very nice h/s , also good base weapon damage , and bird can still use the rang shot combo even in this melee weapon set ,so bird keep the powerful rand power and covered they only soft spot , that is why i call them the supreme in pvp .

but there is not the solidest shield in the world due to the existence of the spear. there is no one can be absolute supreme ,there is always balance , that is the fun of pvp .... keep leaning every day .... stay hungry stay foolish ....

08-14-2011, 06:28 PM
Great guide Elly - I'll def be using this for my future 55+ bear :)

08-14-2011, 07:39 PM
Im looking fordwars how to become hibrid(use custom talon with fort set) any ideas Elly?

This idea is only good for dueling a bird or dex mage. But even then, I would still choose the sword.

If a fortified warbird is unstoppable, why would you choose a bear over it? Maybe I misunderstand what you are saying....

Anyway, good thread. Always nice to see peoples thoughts/philosophies when it comes to pvp. Good stuff, Elly!

Yeah warbird is quite good with a fort, still not complete though, their mana drains out so quick that it's so easy to out last them.

Thanks crim :)

the reason i say fort set war-bird are supreme in pvp , cuz it is kid of covered bird's weakness ... survivability .....
each class has they weak point , for bird they don't have high armor & high bass Hp like bear ; can't heal or mana shield like mage . that is the bird's blind side ....

with Fort set , birds got high armor very nice h/s , also good base weapon damage , and bird can still use the rang shot combo even in this melee weapon set ,so bird keep the powerful rand power and covered they only soft spot , that is why i call them the supreme in pvp .

but there is not the solidest shield in the world due to the existence of the pike. there is no one can be absolute supreme ,there is always balance , that is the fun of pvp .... keep leaning every day .... stay hungry stay foolish ....

What do you mean pike? :)

Fortunately, a warbird cannot usually one combo a str bear, that's where the difference lies, IMO. A dex bird can kite and even kill with their custom set normal attack, a fort bird can barely do damage if he doesn't use skills :)

Oh, and their mana.

Great guide Elly - I'll def be using this for my future 55+ bear :)

Thanks Phys! Look forward to seeing your bear :)

08-14-2011, 09:22 PM
Great guide Elly - I'll def be using this for my future 55+ bear :)

So are you planning on PvPing more often then?

08-15-2011, 04:41 AM
So are you planning on PvPing more often then?

He better!

You know how much he loves PvP ;)

08-15-2011, 10:16 AM
What do you mean pike?

i was try to say spear ,that is a ancient chinese proverb “ 有矛必有盾” when there is a spear will there is a shield , in chinese "矛”(spear)+ “盾”(shield)= “矛盾” (contradiction)。

Fortunately, a warbird cannot usually one combo a str bear, that's where the difference lies, IMO. A dex bird can kite and even kill with their custom set normal attack, a fort bird can barely do damage if he doesn't use skills :)

Oh, and their mana.

well , war-bird are use they shot coboms in pvp , most of them a duel (dex/str) ,if they skill crit , can one comob kill most ppl in pvp , if not ...just use root and they high survivability to run away waiting for cool down , bird's shots has very short cool-down time : Blast shot 6sec , break shot 5sec, blinding shot 7sec , repulse shot 7.5 sec .... all those 4 shot is 12m rang , if i cast order is Blinding (has a -hit% debuff) > Blast shot > break armor > repulse shot (push enemy away buy yourself some time for cool-down) ... about 5 sec after i cast , other then repulse shot all 3 powerful shot are able to cast again ...

war-bird are the only thing i don't want to face in pvp , for my bow bear & cross-bow mage ,even for my custom pure dex bird ... mana is a weakness as you said , but they can kill you before they oom (out of mana) for sure ...

08-15-2011, 10:20 AM
If a fortified warbird is unstoppable, why would you choose a bear over it? Maybe I misunderstand what you are saying....

Anyway, good thread. Always nice to see peoples thoughts/philosophies when it comes to pvp. Good stuff, Elly!

What I meant was I would chose to fight 2 fort str bears instead of a fort warbird anytime :) .

08-15-2011, 09:45 PM
well , war-bird are use they shot coboms in pvp , most of them a duel (dex/str) ,if they skill crit , can one comob kill most ppl in pvp , if not ...just use root and they high survivability to run away waiting for cool down , bird's shots has very short cool-down time : Blast shot 6sec , break shot 5sec, blinding shot 7sec , repulse shot 7.5 sec .... all those 4 shot is 12m rang , if i cast order is Blinding (has a -hit% debuff) > Blast shot > break armor > repulse shot (push enemy away buy yourself some time for cool-down) ... about 5 sec after i cast , other then repulse shot all 3 powerful shot are able to cast again ...

war-bird are the only thing i don't want to face in pvp , for my bow bear & cross-bow mage ,even for my custom pure dex bird ... mana is a weakness as you said , but they can kill you before they oom (out of mana) for sure ...

You're right, any dex/int class would be at a disadvantage against a warbird. Maybe even pallies, not sure. But for a str bear, especially on fort, warbirds really can't do much.. In CTF matches, I ignore them when I go get/score the flag. They'll eventually run out of mana if in fort, but if they're in fury, their damage isn't enough. :p

Have to agree though, any other class I've seen has had trouble with a warbird.

What I meant was I would chose to fight 2 fort str bears instead of a fort warbird anytime :) .

That'd depend, IMO :p I've killed fort/fury bears/paladins/warbirds in one volley because I can catch them unprepared. A good warbird is definitely more deadly than a fort bear though..

08-16-2011, 12:45 AM
interesting info, i use the same combos then spam like crazy lol... anything that will alow me to do damage...

i use royal helm, royal armor, fury sword, and fury shield - i do switch the sword to rooters and shield to bellows some times just to change it up.

08-16-2011, 12:48 AM
interesting info, i use the same combos then spam like crazy lol... anything that will alow me to do damage...

i use royal helm, royal armor, fury sword, and fury shield - i do switch the sword to rooters and shield to bellows some times just to change it up.

Yeah your first setup is really tanky! All that dodge when I was against you earlier made my attacks futile, so I let the birds deal with you :p

More than just spamming though, I also forgot to mention, pin point timing of skills is absolutely vital for a bear. Using the skills in the correct range within the appropriate window you have will determine whether you hit/kill/debuff correctly.

I absolutely hate it when my target locks on a target for too long, then I use my three slashes in the air :(

09-03-2011, 03:40 AM
Yeah your first setup is really tanky! All that dodge when I was against you earlier made my attacks futile, so I let the birds deal with you :p

More than just spamming though, I also forgot to mention, pin point timing of skills is absolutely vital for a bear. Using the skills in the correct range within the appropriate window you have will determine whether you hit/kill/debuff correctly.

I absolutely hate it when my target locks on a target for too long, then I use my three slashes in the air :(

yes, i have decided my pvp role is not to kill it is to tank and have birds follow behind and polish every thing off... tho lately i have been much more efficent on kills.... prob due to hitting skills in correct range...

offten my slashes are in the air as im chasing down my prey... i need to clean that up

10-12-2011, 09:21 PM
i just hit lvl 50 as a melee bear.. and after so much pvp with other specs.. im so disappointed being a warrior.. Gurgox hammer set.. sunblessed scimitar set.. i dont have a hate set but oh well they're all so useless in pvp if facing an enemy with par equipments.

i hate to say it but bow is the best weapon for bears in pvp.. such waste for a 2hand and 1 hand set.. im so reliant to becon and bow bears can becon u away too with ease.. sigh.. when i use HS becon. or becon HS . im usually dead already.. sometimes i can becon then cruhsin blow then SMS them but by the time il cast stomp im dead.. even lvl 48 birds and mages can kill me easily with roots and about 2-3secs.. if ill take my dodge chances its still useless if u cant kill them as fast as they can even if u pulled them with becon.. lvl 50 birds can kill some lvl 51-53.. but its very rare for a sword bear even two hand.. Becon and stomp can kill most pure mages without mana shield and dex birds if skills crit.. but im a squishy myself when using the hammer they will kill me so fast that i can only cast just becon.. like a free kill in open quarters.. even when im using scimitar and shield i need to put them on wall and survive their attacks while using becon which dont happens most of the time coz im dead in 3 secs even with stupid shield.. war birds, bow bears, so much for blade weilding bear section of the forum.. they should give the warrior class to the birds.. and make the bears a "pve meat shield" section part of the forum.. we are not warriors.. i dont want to rely on my crit and dodge coz warriors are not meant to be like that. pvp skills wont matter much. coz even a sligthly skilled range bear or bird will find ease killing a melee bear. at lvl 60 maybe the mace will help.. but melee warrior woud not exist for bears.. just a tank bear with a shield.. its really disappointing.. ask those range birds and bear how they feel when they kill melee bears with 2hand weapon on pvp room.. a stupid warrior.. shud have stayed on pve and farm