View Full Version : So just came back to AL

06-12-2016, 11:14 PM
I stopped paying platinum for a while and quit the game but just came back and i would like to know what to farm for gold? I might not be able to farm elite so anything else to farm? Thank you

06-13-2016, 05:39 AM
I don't know who u r(lol)
But wcb XD
About farming :
Plz plz plz don't go behind those crap locks -_- give them least priority
U can farm glintstone coins buy a sack and sell
U can farm dragkin teeth buy a sack and sell or u can buy a dragonite bar and sell
U can farm planar arena for a chance at fossil(not a good idea though :/)
U can farm those maps which drop "gold" elite runner chest for a chance at mind/fury/finesse elixir and sell them/use them up to u (I prefer selling)
I don't know much information bout elite maps which drop gold elite runner chest sorry for that
And also u can farm story tokens XD
U can also farm the mythic bubble frog in elite wilds and sell for 90k wish
Ign zauilet/juddgyy
I didn't mention anything bout cryo maps cause u r new