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View Full Version : please add 3 second invincibility when use ankh

06-13-2016, 03:44 AM
please add 3 second invincibility when use ankh because if i use ankh when i die in an enemy's pool or a big group of monsters (especially gnomes) i cant do anything and i am always dying instantly i cant see anything on screen i just see rintarolycans death i think if you add 3 second invincibility this problem will be solved

Note: sorry for my bad English :(

06-13-2016, 03:59 AM
Yeah I've wasted countless amounts of ankhs when I've respawned into poison pools.

I woudnt mind so much but when the respawn button comes up I can't see my character to see if the poison is still there meaning it's trial and error and therefore wasting ankhs

06-13-2016, 04:16 AM
Agreed. Ankhs just waste too fast

06-13-2016, 05:21 AM
To be true I totally agree with this
I had farmed many ankhs from the arlorian eggs so I went on to do elite southern gates and maybe sts don't know this but after the housing update there have been a lot many screen freezes issus with people
My personal experience is that whn I'm fighting those cogswell brothers in elite southern gates...I just spam my health and mana pots to avoid dying but if by chance I die...there's not even 5% chance that I would find myself alive after using ankhs and this is really very very annoying,wasting our hard earned ankhs I have wasted up to 75 ankhs(approx) cause of this and after that...I left doing these elites :/
The classes which suffer the most in this case r mages and rogues so I would request sts to plz remove screen freezes anyhow or to grant 3 seconds invulnerability
Ty :)

06-13-2016, 07:02 AM
The recent "death on revive" phenomenon has irked me too. But I think it's because AL has become increasingly data-heavy. With all the action happening at the same time on screen including boss and environment effects, multiple buffs and debuffs, proc effects etc. The amount of information being uploaded to and downloaded from your device is very high. So I guess when one uses an ankh the delay when the game reloads is so long that in between if you get hit again or you're standing in some poison pool you'll die again as soon as your game reloads.

Not sure what STS can do about it... from my rudimentary tech knowledge I don't think there's much they can do currently about it (please educate me!). They did put the 5 ankh Revenge buff revival there for a reason (now with this issue it does seem more like a plat/gold grabbing option :/). I guess if you now want to avoid those instant deaths on revive, either use the Revenge buff or revive at the start of the map then use the Venomous Set to speed your way back to your team.

06-13-2016, 04:24 PM
I also stock up on ankhs and pots before runs. On death, because there seems to be a delay for me before the Respawn Options come up, I try to note what I died from and whether any other members of the party survived and/or are reviving right there. If not, then Respawn at beginning + Speed set can be an option. Otherwise, I plan my revive - usually single ankh and immediately shield, move, pet shield, or count to 5 and then revive. If that doesnt work once or twice (and again with each revive I try to note where everyone and the mobs are) and I still decide to ankh revive, I will revenge revive. Just the risks of pools and big gathers I suppose. Living party members can help by moving the mobs slightly and/or stunning or shielding when they see you revive.

06-13-2016, 04:35 PM
A 2-3 second immunity after using an ankh would be nice...gnome pools are deadly RIP Ankhs/KDR

06-13-2016, 11:23 PM
2-3 seconds immunity is not too much to ask, really.

06-14-2016, 03:54 AM

Tapatalkkal küldve az én GT-S7580 eszközömről

06-14-2016, 04:03 AM
1-3 sec, not bad

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06-14-2016, 01:15 PM
Why not use revenge spawn?

06-14-2016, 06:13 PM
Why not use revenge spawn?

Or you can simply buy gold with platinum then buy antinome set almost no deaths gg :D

Eagle Eye229
06-17-2016, 08:31 PM
At least 1.5-2sec invincible or 3 seconds of X% damage reduction.would increase the usefulness and maybe more people will buy ankh from you :)

Plus insta death is ridiculous,always has been.

06-17-2016, 10:01 PM
I agree just something so u can move i wouldnt even mind it being in cryo maps only

06-18-2016, 02:00 AM
I wont use the revenge, since i and lots of my guildmate already count that revenge only ignore all damage for 10second, it was just a waste for me

06-18-2016, 04:42 AM
Agree, sts should add 5 sec lol, 3 just loading screen for someone.

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06-18-2016, 06:14 AM
Add 1hour of invincibility after using ankh.
Jk :)
But if this really happen it would be "AWESOME!" xD

06-18-2016, 04:04 PM
Wtf use the 5 ankh if u want invincibility sometimes u have 2 wait a sec or 2 to revive if u Wana avoid death if any thing ask 2 see screen well dead so u know when 2 revive

Eagle Eye229
06-18-2016, 05:09 PM
Remember though,mages are getting the shortest end of the stick here.It will never be the same to them as it is to rogue or warrior.

At least 1second to accommodate for lag..

06-19-2016, 06:41 AM
agree..i always respawned at the pool and cant see what happen

06-19-2016, 11:59 AM
or simply minimized the respawn button, so that we can what's in the background, but yes, 3s invulnerability won't hurt... we can't move at the first few seconds, but we can receive damage... that's just simply wrong

06-19-2016, 03:47 PM
please add 3 second invincibility when use ankh because if i use ankh when i die in an enemy's pool or a big group of monsters (especially gnomes) i cant do anything and i am always dying instantly i cant see anything on screen i just see rintarolycans death i think if you add 3 second invincibility this problem will be solved

Note: sorry for my bad English :(

why not this idea,
no invincibility instead

for 3sec any such SNARE BLEED POISON or any other DOT effect cannot apply to us,
boss hits or mob attacks on respawn counts if we get hit (its only fair in the boss side of view)

DOT effects dont apply to us for 3secs ...... if anyone else agrees, do thank or something to give this more importance???? maybe????

06-25-2016, 02:35 PM

11 character

06-25-2016, 03:16 PM
Remember though,mages are getting the shortest end of the stick here.It will never be the same to them as it is to rogue or warrior.

At least 1second to accommodate for lag..

lol please mages have so many benefits now and almost same armor stats as rogues now, they've got amazing arcane staff which recks bosses and amazing hex staff which recks mobs, the problem is, I, the warrior am the only one suffering the damage and warriors mostly spam biggest amounts of pots, and most of mages who I run with are using heals in elites so yeah I think mages should be a support class and not the healing or damage class, means that they should buff warriors who tank and rogues doing the main damage, ty.

Eagle Eye229
06-25-2016, 06:38 PM
lol please mages have so many benefits now and almost same armor stats as rogues now, they've got amazing arcane staff which recks bosses and amazing hex staff which recks mobs, the problem is, I, the warrior am the only one suffering the damage and warriors mostly spam biggest amounts of pots, and most of mages who I run with are using heals in elites so yeah I think mages should be a support class and not the healing or damage class, means that they should buff warriors who tank and rogues doing the main damage, ty.

Mage shouldn't be a healing class.....wow....

We are talking about ankh revives.

Fyi other classes can get hit idk where u get warriors are only ones getting hit.

Remember the term almost you used,this almost makes a difference.

Weapons have nothing to do with ankh revives.

Mage using revives in elites has nothing to do with ankh revives.

Please stay on topic.Also it's a good thing to rethink what you are going to say as all of what you said but maybe a few words even pretain to the op.

06-25-2016, 07:02 PM
Mage shouldn't be a healing class.....wow....

We are talking about ankh revives.

Fyi other classes can get hit idk where u get warriors are only ones getting hit.

Remember the term almost you used,this almost makes a difference.

Weapons have nothing to do with ankh revives.

Mage using revives in elites has nothing to do with ankh revives.

Please stay on topic.Also it's a good thing to rethink what you are going to say as all of what you said but maybe a few words even pretain to the op.
I guess you haven't seen who I replied to. Next time read everything before you open your mouth

06-25-2016, 07:09 PM
Remember how old (existing) DOT stop working on a boss after it use reflect? And that new DOT will work and get reflected (and probably kill yourself if same level elite)?

It should apply for ankh revive too

06-25-2016, 07:11 PM
I guess you haven't seen who I replied to. Next time read everything before you open your mouth

Well..... If you look at your post, you WERE replying to him, so makes sense for him to respond........

06-25-2016, 09:48 PM
lol please mages have so many benefits now and almost same armor stats as rogues now, they've got amazing arcane staff which recks bosses and amazing hex staff which recks mobs, the problem is, I, the warrior am the only one suffering the damage and warriors mostly spam biggest amounts of pots, and most of mages who I run with are using heals in elites so yeah I think mages should be a support class and not the healing or damage class, means that they should buff warriors who tank and rogues doing the main damage, ty.

Nah brah, we done with that. No more supporting the privileged classes. We support if we choose. Kill you if you get too puffy.

#benice #feartheblue #comeatmebrah

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