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View Full Version : House upkeep help pls

06-13-2016, 04:17 AM
Hey folks!
I only got the smallest house, so I'd need only 2 estate tokens but i can't find the quest for it...I have been told Boltag in windmoore town should give it to me but he does not have any quests so i wondering what have i done wrong? if anyone knows how to help me, please reply thx!

06-13-2016, 05:52 AM
You need to get story tokens by doing quests by the travelling bard in travellers outpost.Then you can buy estate tokens from a trader on the top part of travellers outpost (near the stash and klass).

06-13-2016, 06:57 AM
i thought there is also a quest where you can directly get estate tokens...30 story tokens for 1 estate seems very expensive

06-13-2016, 07:48 AM
I did the quest from Boltag once and it gives 1 estate token per week. I tried to do it again yesterday but he didn't give me the quest. Maybe it hasn't been a week yet.
Did you talk to Boltag?

06-13-2016, 10:26 AM
I did the quest from Boltag once and it gives 1 estate token per week. I tried to do it again yesterday but he didn't give me the quest. Maybe it hasn't been a week yet.
Did you talk to Boltag?

I did but i didnt take the quest yet, not even last week, maybe they removed it this week

06-13-2016, 10:39 AM
If he is not providing the quest you may have already completed the quest for the week or you owe passed due upkeep. If you do not currently have your house available due to late rent you cannot receive the quest from Boltag until it has been paid.

06-13-2016, 11:14 AM
If he is not providing the quest you may have already completed the quest for the week or you owe passed due upkeep. If you do not currently have your house available due to late rent you cannot receive the quest from Boltag until it has been paid.

Ahh thanks a lot, i am too late for rent hehe

Suentous PO
06-13-2016, 01:11 PM
I read the title and came to apply for the janitors job- sigh

06-16-2016, 08:27 PM
If he is not providing the quest you may have already completed the quest for the week or you owe passed due upkeep. If you do not currently have your house available due to late rent you cannot receive the quest from Boltag until it has been paid.
Circular logic...Can't pay rent because can't get quest...Can't get quest because rent isn't paid because can't get quest to pay rent.....oh, sts...((insert colorful expletives))

06-17-2016, 01:33 AM
Circular logic...Can't pay rent because can't get quest...Can't get quest because rent isn't paid because can't get quest to pay rent.....oh, sts...((insert colorful expletives))

It's like in real life: no home <--> no job

06-17-2016, 06:27 AM
It's like in real life: no home <--> no job

No wrong. In RL u can buy a house OR rent a house. If u would buy a house in RL and pay also rent for it, its time to visit a mental home :witless:

06-17-2016, 07:30 AM
A house owner has to face monthly costs like taxes, insurances and any additional costs plus savings for maintenance, to sum it up, upkeep, not rent. If I have no job, I can't buy a house nor pay the rent for an appartment and without a fixed home address I won't get a bank account and without the bank account, I won't get a job. At least in my country, I don't know how it is in Wurmiland. So, no home <--> no job.

06-17-2016, 08:01 AM
A house owner has to face monthly costs like taxes, insurances and any additional costs plus savings for maintenance, to sum it up, upkeep, not rent. If I have no job, I can't buy a house nor pay the rent for an appartment and without a fixed home address I won't get a bank account and without the bank account, I won't get a job. At least in my country, I don't know how it is in Wurmiland. So, no home <--> no job.
Ahhhh now i understand the logic behind upkeep! Thank you! U clarified it .
But upkeep should be a bit less costly

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06-17-2016, 01:57 PM
Then we can shine a light on the relation between acquisition costs and upkeep: e.g. for the lodge the monthly upkeep is 8x4 estate tokens, if I buy the 25 estate token kit plus 7x1 estate token I need to spend 270 plat, that would be more than half of the house purchasing costs and is disproportionately high. Realistic upkeep shouldn't be higher than 1% of the original costs and since this is a game, players should be able to work for their progress in game, so not giving the weekly Boltag quest is really stingy.

06-17-2016, 02:33 PM
Then we can shine a light on the relation between acquisition costs and upkeep: e.g. for the lodge the monthly upkeep is 8x4 estate tokens, if I buy the 25 estate token kit plus 7x1 estate token I need to spend 270 plat, that would be more than half of the house purchasing costs and is disproportionately high. Realistic upkeep shouldn't be higher than 1% of the original costs and since this is a game, players should be able to work for their progress in game, so not giving the weekly Boltag quest is really stingy.

SOLUTION: Burn house down collect insurance???

06-17-2016, 03:27 PM
SOLUTION: Burn house down collect insurance???

*insert THANK YOU gif*

06-17-2016, 10:57 PM
A house owner has to face monthly costs like taxes, insurances and any additional costs plus savings for maintenance, to sum it up, upkeep, not rent. If I have no job, I can't buy a house nor pay the rent for an appartment and without a fixed home address I won't get a bank account and without the bank account, I won't get a job. At least in my country, I don't know how it is in Wurmiland. So, no home <--> no job.
Yes...but upkeep is disproportionate to your real world equivalent. At that rate, My upkeep would be very near to my purchase price....every month. That's not realistic. If sts wants housing to be successful, it must reconsider...or foreclosures will rise and the homelessness rate will skyrocket. I've already seen a tent encampment in Windermere...how soon before the Occupy Arlor movement takes root?

06-18-2016, 03:09 AM
Yes...but upkeep is disproportionate to your real world equivalent. At that rate, My upkeep would be very near to my purchase price....every month. That's not realistic. If sts wants housing to be successful, it must reconsider...or foreclosures will rise and the homelessness rate will skyrocket. I've already seen a tent encampment in Windermere...how soon before the Occupy Arlor movement takes root?

My real worl equivalent was a reference to your post on the circular logic: If we don't pay our upkeep fee = no home, we don't get the Boltag quest = no job. Upkeep costs should be a small percentage of the acquisition costs and rent isn't that much higher since the renter pays for additional costs. Nobody would rent a house if he pays 1/2 of the whole price every month, that was was Wurm said, we practically have to buy and rent our houses at the same time. So if we pay some sort of installments we are getting charged with astronomical high interests and thus ripped off by the property sharks. I am not completely against any payings for upkeep, but those should be possible by doing quests in game. If we keep our posts up, maybe we get heard some day. My post in housing feedback has already been edited, so a good sign that it has been read lol.

06-18-2016, 01:34 PM
Until they lowered upkeep I'm staying homeless. :hopelessness::rolleyes::banana:

06-18-2016, 01:53 PM
I feel bad for all the people who spent money on platinum for a luxury house only to not be able to even use it lol.

Nice one sts.

06-21-2016, 06:07 AM
A house owner has to face monthly costs like taxes, insurances and any additional costs plus savings for maintenance, to sum it up, upkeep, not rent. If I have no job, I can't buy a house nor pay the rent for an appartment and without a fixed home address I won't get a bank account and without the bank account, I won't get a job. At least in my country, I don't know how it is in Wurmiland. So, no home <--> no job.

Lel.....good statement. But if monthly costs in 1 year r higher than the prize of the house u should change ure insurance - hehehe :encouragement:

BTW: Your norm doesnt fit at all. In AL i have a job, no home and i am soooooooo happy in my little Wurmiland :triumphant:

06-22-2016, 02:01 PM
I will pull the trigger and spend some plat on a nice house despite the high upkeep only and only when the house stops being a vanity and has some tangible useful benefits. Needs a daily npc that give elixers/pots or a garden that you can rake and dig up each day and some kind of gift is granted like pots/elixers, or so on. Please sts give me something for the cost or work of upkeep ;)

06-22-2016, 04:42 PM