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06-13-2016, 07:01 AM
Leveling Event "June 2016"

Host: Jvilloxford
Prize: Any pet the player chooses.
(as long as pet prize at time of recieving pet is under 35k)
Duration: June 10th to June 30th "20days"

Misc. :
● Players must register thier names and current level for participating in Event.

● Thier names must be UPDATED on this Line App post's COMMENT SECTION. Both current ign and player level.

● Players' name/ign can be entered by anyone on this Chat Group, and is purely for reference only. Multiple entries by the same person is allowed as long as the character chosen differs.
•♢• If player is not in the Line App Chat Group, the player must contact a member who is and have thier name and level registered in the COMMENTS.

● Players Alts or Charaters can also apply and one person can win more than 1 prize if the player reaches the tier cap in time. Also the player may enter 2 tiers as well.
•♢• Eg. Sandeeeep lvl 51 can make a new character named Sandcraftone being lvl 1 and enter the Event as well.
•♢• Eg. Lvl 1 alt Sandcraftone at lvl 1 is eligible for 2 prize pets if the character reaches level 56 by June 30th.


There are 3 tiers in total.

Tier 1 STARTER :
Entry levels: lvl 1 - lvl 35
Prize is to be given when player reaches level 41.

Entry levels: lvl 36 - lvl 50
Prize is to be given when player reaches level 56.

Entry levels: lvl 51 - lvl 56
Prize is to be given when player reaches level 0.
^^^ impossible as lvl 0 does not exist ^^^

---》For any questions or doubts contact Sandeeeep.
---》For Prize Distribution contact Jvilloxford.

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