View Full Version : MODERN DAY DISPUTES! Your opinion wanted!

08-15-2011, 09:03 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3
PC vs. Mac
Nike vs Adidas
Pocket legends vs Starlegends
Att&t Vs Verizon
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds
Dvd vs Blueray
IOS vs Android
Old Spice vs Axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee
Army vs Marines
Rushing Vs Camping
California Vs New york
Boxers vs Briefs
Running vs Walking

Note when it says Rushing it means when your playing a first shooter the rushers are the people that hunt for kills and campers are the people that stay in the same spot or area and wait for people to come to them so they can get easy kills but rushers memorize there camping spot so they come around and kill them it did not mean Tents like camping

Or both pick which one's and simple put both.......

And many more to come
Big modern disputes make sure u answer as many as you want 1,2,3 or all of them at the End we will see which came on top and which collapse to the bottom |
No hate or trolling or Spamming
This is not to start wars its simple for fun as i was bored and wantes to see the communities opinions on this modern day disputed just for funs...
HOPE YOU ENJOY i will keep this thread monitor and i will ask to keep it cool from everyone and remember have a nice day......
More to come and tell me what needs fixing perhaps i made a mistake.......

08-15-2011, 09:04 PM
New York is so much better than Cali :p too many Cali players out there, sometimes I feel I need to get rid of some O.O

08-15-2011, 09:08 PM
Nah California has more to offer thats why and we do have it all i dont think New York has everything like california

Oh yeah im from Cali thats why this my opinion hehe

08-15-2011, 09:23 PM
Nah California has more to offer thats why and we do have it all i dont think New York has everything like california

Oh yeah im from Cali thats why this my opinion hehe

I like New York because of the skyscrapers :)

08-15-2011, 09:27 PM
I like Chuck Norris phrases and all, but Bruce Lee = epicness :cupcake: he brought kung fu into the spotlight without him there may have been no -gasp- Kung Fu Panda! :grief:

08-15-2011, 09:28 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3
PC vs. Mac
Nike vs Adidas
Pocket legends vs Starlegends
Att&t Vs Verizon
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds
Dvd vs Blueray
IOS vs Android
Old Spice vs Axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee
Army vs Marines
Rushing Vs Camping
California Vs New york
Boxers vs Briefs
Running vs Walking

Or both pick which one's and simple put both.......

And many more to come
Big modern disputes make sure u answer as many as you want 1,2,3 or all of them at the End we will see which came on top and which collapse to the bottom |
No hate or trolling or Spamming
This is not to start wars its simple for fun as i was bored and wantes to see the communities opinions on this modern day disputed just for funs...
HOPE YOU ENJOY i will keep this thread monitor and i will ask to keep it cool from everyone and remember have a nice day......
More to come and tell me what needs fixing perhaps i made a mistake.......

360 (don't have PS3)
PC (Self explanatory)
Nike (duh)
PL (again duh:p)
Verizon (better phones and service)
Don't play em
Dun play em
Blue ray?
Camping. I like tents :D
CALI no doubt. Beaches, mountains, city. Easy


08-15-2011, 09:30 PM
I like California we have all everything like Cities San Diego,Los Angeles,Beverly Hills and Hollywood E3 Comic con and we also have skyscrapers Snow,Rain,Beaches lakes and mountains....
OFF Roading MLG and many more stuff im not gonna mention!

08-15-2011, 09:30 PM
I'm still not tying into Cali!

08-15-2011, 09:31 PM
I'm still not tying into Cali!


08-15-2011, 09:32 PM
Starlegends both times
Tighty whiteys all the way lol
Oh ya! Nice thread :)

08-15-2011, 09:34 PM
Starlegends both times
Tighty whiteys all the way lol
Oh ya! Nice thread :)

Tighty whiteys ROFL

08-15-2011, 09:36 PM
New York beats those Cali dorks! New York beats those Cali dorks! New York beats those Cali dorks!

Sorry...but I had to say it D:

08-15-2011, 09:38 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3
PC vs. Mac
Nike vs Adidas
Pocket legends vs Starlegends
Att&t Vs Verizon
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds Don't have SL but Spacetime all the way!
Dvd vs Blueray
IOS vs Android
Old Spice vs Axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee
Army vs Marines
Rushing Vs Camping
California Vs New york
Boxers vs Briefs
Running vs Walking

08-15-2011, 09:38 PM
California for Life....

08-15-2011, 09:44 PM

BURN LA!!! BURN!!!!!

08-15-2011, 10:21 PM

BURN LA!!! BURN!!!!!

I wouldn't be talking

08-15-2011, 10:32 PM
Playstation forever!!!

08-15-2011, 10:35 PM
Playstation forever!!!
My opinion Xbox 360 better graphics faster wifi more games
Nicer controller made by microsoft
My opinion indeed :rolleyes:

08-15-2011, 11:20 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3= Xbox
PC vs. Mac= Mac
Nike vs Adidas= Vans
Pocket legends vs Starlegends= BOTH
At&t Vs Verizon= Tmobile
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds= Really? Why is this a question?
Dvd vs Blueray= Blueray
IOS vs Android= Android
Old Spice vs Axe= Axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee= Bruce Lee is better but Chuck has great jokes...hahaha
Army vs Marines= Marines
Rushing Vs Camping= WTF is rushing?
California Vs New york= Cali Life all the way
Boxers vs Briefs= Boxer briefs
Running vs Walking= I walk fast lots of people have to run to keep up...lol

08-15-2011, 11:27 PM
I wouldn't be talking

Hahahahaha ...... IDK if anyone else got this comment but I definatly did...

Shame Supa.... ROFL

08-16-2011, 02:00 AM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3 - neither. Don't own either one
PC vs. Mac - PCs
Nike vs Adidas - Asics (best running shoes ever made woot)
Pocket legends vs Starlegends - PL
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield - I'm so not a gamer... pass
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare - pass #2
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds - pass #3
Dvd vs Blueray - I'm old school so DVDs it is
IOS vs Android -IOS
Old Spice vs Axe - lol really now... au naturale
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee - Bruce ftw
Rushing Vs Camping - tents are cosy...
Running vs Walking - I'm a runner. I run to tents and get cosy there

08-16-2011, 02:07 AM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3 - neither. Don't own either one
PC vs. Mac - PCs
Nike vs Adidas - Asics (best running shoes ever made woot)
Pocket legends vs Starlegends - PL
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield - I'm so not a gamer... pass
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare - pass #2
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds - pass #3
Dvd vs Blueray - I'm old school so DVDs it is
IOS vs Android -IOS
Old Spice vs Axe - lol really now... au naturale
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee - Bruce ftw
Rushing Vs Camping - tents are cosy...
Running vs Walking - I'm a runner. I run to tents and get cosy there

Im a runner too but i prefer adidas custom ones there expensive but good my last running shoes were 240$USD
My fastest mile was 3:56 got a scholership to UCLA but declined it

08-16-2011, 02:21 AM
Im a runner too but i prefer adidas custom ones there expensive but good my last running shoes were 240$USD
My fastest mile was 3:56 got a scholership to UCLA but declined it

Nice... I prefer marathons. Eyeing the Boston, but getting to the US is the problem. You are all too far away lol

08-16-2011, 02:28 AM
Im a runner too but i prefer adidas custom ones there expensive but good my last running shoes were 240$USD
My fastest mile was 3:56 got a scholership to UCLA but declined it

Nice... I prefer marathons. Eyeing the Boston, but getting to the US is the problem. You are all too far away lol oh hehe im eyeballing the Rock and Roll marathon here in SO*CAL

08-16-2011, 03:39 AM
PC < Mac, Started with Apple II, eventough ended up with pc. But got pad/pod.

Nike = Adidas, as long my feet feel alrite.

Pocket legends = Starlegends, playin both. Cant wait for new maps on both.

Att&t = Verizon, Dont have that in Belgium.

Modern Warfare = Battlefield, bim bam boum.
Black ops = Modern Warfare, boum bam bim.

StarLegends > Angrybirds, by far. But angrybirds got no sounds bug.

Dvd < Blueray, quality.

IOS > Android, still more stable. But android catchin up. Got android phone.

Old Spice = Axe, I use XS set.

Chuck Norris < Bruce Lee, better movies and no moustache.

Army = Marines, make love not war!

Rushing > Camping, faster play.

California = New york, same. Filled up both with americans. But beaches r nicer in cali.

Boxers = Briefs, as long they r clean.

Running < Walking, like to take time and no sweat.

08-16-2011, 04:03 AM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3 - neither, needs my Zelda
PC vs. Mac - error
Nike vs Adidas - Converse
Pocket legends vs Starlegends
Att&t Vs Verizon - BT
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds - Starlegends
Dvd vs Blueray - Theatre
IOS vs Android - Android
Old Spice vs Axe - Clinique Happy
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee - Immovable object meet irresistable force
Army vs Marines - Marines
Rushing Vs Camping - S&C with a team
California Vs New york - Don't make me choose. I love you both the same
Running vs Walking - Zombies should never run

The Flash
08-16-2011, 04:35 AM
Wow there someone on these forums that done the mile faster then me? Didn't see that comming but i exceed in the 5k and 10k anyways. Did you guys know Sam like to run also?

I've done a marathon here and there but that for old people lol. My PR for the mile is 3:58:26 but i mosly do sub 4 depending on how hard i try. I got a full paid trip to Santa Clara University which is in my opion the best school in the westcoast.

08-16-2011, 05:18 AM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3
PC vs. Mac
Nike vs Adidas
Pocket legends vs Starlegends
Att&t Vs Verizon Sprint
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds
Dvd vs Blueray
IOS vs Android
Old Spice vs Axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee
Army vs Marines Air force
Rushing Vs Camping
California Vs New york Las Vegas
Boxers vs Briefs
Running vs Walking swimming

The Flash
08-16-2011, 05:33 AM
X-Box 360 vs. PS3(360) I dont play much but if i had to choose i would say 360 for its better selection of games. WII is more fun with friends.

PC vs. Mac (PC) Dont like the way apple runs there company. Greedy, Bad customer service ect... and there is a reason why Verizon rejected iphone(they got asked before at&t). They wanted full control over replacement rights, price of phone ect... basicly they didnt care about the outcome of what there action had on verizons customer service. Thats why i love STS, they care about the consumer and know we both need each other.

Nike vs Adidas(Nike) If i have to choose but perfer aisis

Pocket legends vs Starlegends (PL) I'm loyal

Att&t Vs Verizon (Verizon) There is a reason why they changed there name to cingular then back to AT&T(Bad customer service but phone service about the same).

Modern Warfare vs Battlefield(I work full time, Run at the national level, play PL and SL dont have time for non handheld games).

Black ops Vs Modern Warfare(same as above)

StarLegends Vs Angrybirds (Is this a rethorical question?)

Dvd vs Blueray (Blue Ray) Thats what i use my PS3 for lol no joke

IOS vs Android (droid) same reason as pc vs mac and droid has flash which is like air to humans.

Old Spice vs Axe (neither) i like to smell like soap.

Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee(Bruce Lee) i love the Chuck Norris jokes but we all seen the outcome of the fight

Army vs Marines (Army) Im in the Army Reserves so yeah, that and the marines arent even a branch there part of the navy lol but in all seriousness both serve there country and there is no better way of showing you love your country then by serving it).

Rushing Vs Camping(Rushing) I'm a man of action and i dont wait for thing to come to me. And i like to attack not counter attack.

California Vs New york-Caly since im from Caly and caly has the safest city with a population of 100,000(Sunnyvale) and 900,000(San Jose), we also got "california girls", beachs, hollywood, lakers, next to vegas, ect...

Boxers vs Briefs-Boxers since i like room lol.

Running vs Walking-Running since it allows me to have a colorie intake of over 6k.

Sorry for anything typed wrong, wrote this at 330am since i cant fall asleep.im off the week :)

08-16-2011, 05:35 AM
Didnt Bruce Lee already beat Chuck Noris?? Plus I pretty sure Chuck Noris as cool as he is cannot do a two finger push up xD

08-16-2011, 08:18 AM
Sorry but the simple fact of using the letters "vs" around Chuck Norris made everything else on this list loose, including the original poster and any moderator who casually glanced at the thread. In fact I think you may just have killed us all.

08-17-2011, 02:34 PM
Sorry but the simple fact of using the letters "vs" around Chuck Norris made everything else on this list loose, including the original poster and any moderator who casually glanced at the thread. In fact I think you may just have killed us all.

We all know chuck norris got whooped by Bruce lee so theres nothing to be afraid off :)

08-19-2011, 01:46 PM
Now I wanna go watch to movie again xD

08-19-2011, 03:52 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3
PC vs. Mac
Nike vs Adidas
Pocket legends vs Starlegends
Att&t Vs Verizon
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds
Dvd vs Blueray
IOS vs Android
Old Spice vs Axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee
Army vs Marines
Rushing Vs Camping
California Vs New york
Boxers vs Briefs
Running vs Walking

Note when it says Rushing it means when your playing a first shooter the rushers are the people that hunt for kills and campers are the people that stay in the same spot or area and wait for people to come to them so they can get easy kills but rushers memorize there camping spot so they come around and kill them it did not mean Tents like camping

Oh boy.

PC vs Mac:
But otherwise Windows 7 lol (ps you forgot several forms of Linux, and chrome OS)

PL vs SL:
I love sl gameplay, and how different places like numa are, but PL just has more content right now, and is more developed.

Sl vs birds:
Seriously? no contest, sl wins.

DVD vs blu:
Well blueray might give movies like avatar a whole dimension on a huge LCD screen, otherwise DVD is good enough.

Apple vs Droid:
We all have to admit that apple devices are pretty decent, and don't need tuning. Their app store also has a very nice selection, and is a first choice for many developers.
But Android devices are more for those who enjoy tweaking their toys, making them better still. The market might be a jumble, but has all you need, and the Droid community can do anything.
I won't say my Nook Color is better than my itouch 4g. But I enjoy them differently.

Norris vs lee:
Didn't Lee kill C.Norris, or his actor, in some film? 'Nuff said.

Rush vs camp:
I honestly am not a steady enough hand for sniper camping. My two best games are halo 1 multiplayer and team fortress 2 (used to be CS fan, but unless you always practice you just fail). In halo my favorite pair is a pistol for medium range gunfights, and a shotgun for base raiding (ctf Ftw). Unless your base is being sieged, rushing is the best way to get a flag.
As for team fortress 2... Class dependent. Engineers and such of course just sit on key areas with turrets, teleporters and dispensers, but almost every other class you will never win by sitting around.

08-19-2011, 11:12 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3 : I would lean on the ps3 side because of the fact that we don't need to purchase a only access card.
PC vs. Mac: Mac
Nike vs Adidas: Nike cause they have much better designs and it's more popular than adidas.
Pocket legends vs Starlegends: pocket legends so far because never tried star legends yet.
Att&t Vs Verizon: I'm on AT&T so I'm going to have go with that.
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield: modern warfare because I'm more of a sniper, and modern warfare has much better snipers than battlefield.
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare: again modern warfare because of the better sniper controls.
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds: I don't really like angrybirds so I'm going to have to go with star legends.
Dvd vs Blueray: Blueray
IOS vs Android: iOS
Old Spice vs Axe : axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee: both
Army vs Marines: both
Rushing Vs Camping: rushing, I'm personally against camping :)
California Vs New york: never been to either, so I'm in the middle
Boxers vs briefs: I wear both
Running vs Walking: both

Very nice survey :) most of them had me thinking on each answer, but very nice survey. Hopefully you can make more!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-19-2011, 11:16 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3 - xbox (:
PC vs. Mac - Mac
Nike vs Adidas - Adidas
Pocket legends vs Starlegends - Star Legends.
Att&t Vs Verizon - Verizon
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield - Call of duty(:
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare - Modern Warfare
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds - Sorry, Angry Birds lol
Dvd vs Blueray - Blueray
IOS vs Android - IOS
Old Spice vs Axe - Axe. I think my fiancee smells so frickin good when he puts it on.
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee - Honestly, I have never seen any of there movies.
Army vs Marines - Marines
Rushing Vs Camping - Camping ;)
California Vs New york - California
Boxers vs Briefs - Briefs ;)
Running vs Walking - Walking lol

08-19-2011, 11:24 PM
My opinion Xbox 360 better graphics faster wifi more games
Nicer controller made by microsoft
My opinion indeed :rolleyes:

Sony makes TV's with HD, so I would say ps3 has better graphics :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-20-2011, 09:09 AM
360 (don't have PS3)
PC (Self explanatory)
Nike (duh)
PL (again duh:p)
Verizon (better phones and service)
Don't play em
Dun play em
Blue ray?
Camping. I like tents :D
CALI no doubt. Beaches, mountains, city. Easy


Only 13 year old boys use Axe David >_>, if you're gonna use deodorant at least use Old Spice, If you're going out on a date or something use cologne. And by camping and rushing he meant in like Shooter Games where you either wait for somebody to come your way (camping) or you go out and just attempt to kill everybody (rushing)

Old Spice is the better choice it has a classic scent to it. not to mention its been around since like the 1930's (i think) haha. Axe is perfect if your'e a teenager who loves the over powering smell of a perfume that chokes the air around you. Old Spice, is a better choice for men who want to smell good but don't want an over powering scent.

08-20-2011, 09:26 AM
Xbox 360 < Ps3.
PC < Mac
Nike > Adidas
Pocket legends = Starlegends
Att&t < Verizon
Modern Warfare > Battlefield
Black ops > Modern Warfare
StarLegends > Angrybirds
Dvd < Blueray
IOS < Android
Old Spice > Axe
Chuck Norris < Bruce Lee
Army < Marines
Rushing > Camping
California > New york
Boxers > Briefs
Running = Walking

08-20-2011, 02:24 PM
Only 13 year old boys use Axe David >_>,

Nuhh uhh?

08-20-2011, 03:51 PM
Old Spice.. and Axe are both lame.. I prefer Victoria's Secret perfume.

08-20-2011, 04:40 PM
Nuhh uhh?

Real men use Old Spice, kids use Axe. I used to use axe when I was like 12-13 then I realized how stupid I was. My dad bought a 6 pack of old spice one day, and I've been using Old Spice ever since. I prefer cologne over any type of deodarant when I'm going out. Axe just reeks, its way too powerful and the only decent smelling scent is essence. Old Spice may not be as popular as axe, but its better you want to smell more like a man and not like a 12 year old kid who uses deodorant just because he thinks its cool, not because he actually needs it.

08-20-2011, 04:47 PM
Real men use Old Spice, kids use Axe. I used to use axe when I was like 12-13 then I realized how stupid I was. My dad bought a 6 pack of old spice one day, and I've been using Old Spice ever since. I prefer cologne over any type of deodarant when I'm going out. Axe just reeks, its way too powerful and the only decent smelling scent is essence. Old Spice may not be as popular as axe, but its better you want to smell more like a man and not like a 12 year old kid who uses deodorant just because he thinks its cool, not because he actually needs it.

Well dear Sigkill, My MAN wears Axe all the time and i think it smells amaaaazzzzingg. And you cant get much more manly than him.

08-20-2011, 04:58 PM
Well dear Sigkill, My MAN wears Axe all the time and i think it smells amaaaazzzzingg. And you cant get much more manly than him.

Ask him to try Old Spice then :) Also, you can't provide one isolated account of one man who prefers Axe to Old Spice. Check out Yahoo answers and you will see the majority of people ( a good 70% prefer Old Spice) Not to mention all of my friends who are 16-18 all prefer Old Spice, Not including my dad ( Who I consider very manly uses Old Spice) I'm at loss here that more people who play PL are in the 13-14 sort of age range and I have to admit when I was that age I used axe also.

08-20-2011, 05:03 PM
Ask him to try Old Spice then :)

He said thats what feminine guys wear (:

08-20-2011, 05:09 PM
Old spice is for real man thats why i buy it axe is cheap and that why some people buy personally i dont care i wear micheal jordan.

08-20-2011, 05:09 PM
He said thats what feminine guys wear (:

Wrong, deodorant should be use so you don't smell like sweat, not to have an overpowering scent hang around you and burn your eyes.

And if you still think old spice is for feminine men, I suggest you read this


08-20-2011, 05:17 PM
Just dont put the whole can on and you wont have that overpowering scent. Old Spice smells like my grandpa. In other words, like old man.

08-20-2011, 05:20 PM
Just dont put the whole can on and you wont have that overpowering scent. Old Spice smells like my grandpa. In other words, like old man.

I doubt you even looked at the link I provided >_<. Just because your grandfather uses Old Spice doesn't automatically make exclusive to old people. I'm sure axe is used by old people also. Old Spice is for real men, not for little kids who like having 30 different scents of deodorant to choose from.

08-20-2011, 05:22 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3
PC vs. Mac
Nike vs Adidas
Pocket legends vs Starlegends
Att&t Vs Verizon
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds
Dvd vs Blueray
IOS vs Android
Old Spice vs Axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee
Army vs Marines
Rushing Vs Camping
California Vs New york
Boxers vs Briefs
Running vs Walking

Note when it says Rushing it means when your playing a first shooter the rushers are the people that hunt for kills and campers are the people that stay in the same spot or area and wait for people to come to them so they can get easy kills but rushers memorize there camping spot so they come around and kill them it did not mean Tents like camping

Or both pick which one's and simple put both.......

And many more to come
Big modern disputes make sure u answer as many as you want 1,2,3 or all of them at the End we will see which came on top and which collapse to the bottom |
No hate or trolling or Spamming
This is not to start wars its simple for fun as i was bored and wantes to see the communities opinions on this modern day disputed just for funs...
HOPE YOU ENJOY i will keep this thread monitor and i will ask to keep it cool from everyone and remember have a nice day......
More to come and tell me what needs fixing perhaps i made a mistake.......

Xbox 360
Pocket legends
Modern warfare
Modern Warfare
Old Spice
Bruce Lee

You all know im right...


greater then three

08-20-2011, 05:25 PM
Xbox 360
Pocket legends
Modern warfare
Modern Warfare
Old Spice
Bruce Lee

You all know im right...


greater then three

Australlia > Canada (:

08-20-2011, 05:26 PM
I doubt you even looked at the link I provided >_<. Just because your grandfather uses Old Spice doesn't automatically make exclusive to old people. I'm sure axe is used by old people also. Old Spice is for real men, not for little kids who like having 30 different scents of deodorant to choose from.

The same smell everyday... I would get sick of it. and i did. i just didnt watch the videos.

08-20-2011, 05:30 PM
The same smell everyday... I would get sick of it. and i did. i just didnt watch the videos.

Wheres my lv 10 pinks? LOL

08-20-2011, 05:34 PM
Wheres my lv 10 pinks? LOL

Still on my acc lol lost my iPod though so it might be a while.

08-20-2011, 05:35 PM
Australlia > Canada (:

Australias sick,but you got huge *** spiders and its a small place.


08-20-2011, 05:37 PM
Australias sick,but you got huge *** spiders and its a small place.


I have a reply to that buttt its inappropriate for public eyes so check your inbox in like 2 mins :P

08-20-2011, 05:50 PM
Usa <3!

08-20-2011, 05:53 PM
I prefer camping solely my opinion

08-20-2011, 06:01 PM
Awwwww im from cali and over here we have more thene parks and I dont think new york has any :p

08-20-2011, 08:56 PM
Whatchoo talking about Axe is for kiddies?

They both smell the same, actually imo. lol. It's just the kiddies that apply too much, son. ;)

08-20-2011, 09:42 PM
Whatchoo talking about Axe is for kiddies?

They both smell the same, actually imo. lol. It's just the kiddies that apply too much, son. ;)

Sorry bro, Old Spice is for real men

08-20-2011, 10:16 PM
Sorry bro, Old Spice is for real men

Nope. -trollface- NO WONDER YOU DONT USE IT! ;) -endfailtroll- jk jk

08-20-2011, 10:43 PM
Awwwww im from cali and over here we have more thene parks and I dont think new york has any :p

Yeah agree which is your favorite theme park mine is Six flags oh oh oh yeah.

08-20-2011, 11:23 PM
Xbox 360
Pocket legends = Starlegends
Modern Warfare
Old Spice
Chuck Norris
California (Haha can't help but remember Budders from South Park singing: "I'm goin', goin', back, back to Cali, Cali...Uh")

08-22-2011, 02:44 PM
360 (don't have PS3)
PC (Self explanatory)
Nike (duh)
PL (again duh:p)
Verizon (better phones and service)
Don't play em
Dun play em
Blue ray?
Camping. I like tents :D
CALI no doubt. Beaches, mountains, city. Easy


This, but android > iOS.

08-22-2011, 03:51 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3 - Homebrew Wii :)
PC vs. Mac - My PC can run Snow Leapord in a VM far better than it runs on a Mac, plus I got triple the power for a third of the price.
Nike vs Adidas - Adidas, but only because Korn made that song so dang catchy!
Pocket legends vs Starlegends - Pocket 4tw!
Att&t Vs Verizon - Sprint, unlike these guys, unlimited 4G actually exists.
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield - yuck
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare - yuck
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds - Is this even a question??? Star Legends!
Dvd vs Blueray - neither, the way of the world is not stored media
IOS vs Android - Android by a longshot... iOS is run by Führer Jobs
Old Spice vs Axe - Old Spice, I've never met a girl who actually preferred Axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee - As cool as Chuck is, Bruce would whomp him.
Army vs Marines - Coast Guard :)
Rushing Vs Camping - yuck
California Vs New york - I'm for New York, quite a bit more to do with a tinge of history to boot.
Boxers vs Briefs - Well, that depends...
Running vs Walking - Walking, life is to short to not enjoy every step.

08-22-2011, 04:23 PM
I'm a mac girl

Please don't hit me..

08-22-2011, 05:09 PM
Xbox 360 vs Ps3 - Homebrew Wii :)
PC vs. Mac - My PC can run Snow Leapord in a VM far better than it runs on a Mac, plus I got triple the power for a third of the price.
Nike vs Adidas - Adidas, but only because Korn made that song so dang catchy!
Pocket legends vs Starlegends - Pocket 4tw!
Att&t Vs Verizon - Sprint, unlike these guys, unlimited 4G actually exists.
Modern Warfare vs Battlefield - yuck
Black ops Vs Modern Warfare - yuck
StarLegends Vs Angrybirds - Is this even a question??? Star Legends!
Dvd vs Blueray - neither, the way of the world is not stored media
IOS vs Android - Android by a longshot... iOS is run by Führer Jobs
Old Spice vs Axe - Old Spice, I've never met a girl who actually preferred Axe
Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee - As cool as Chuck is, Bruce would whomp him.
Army vs Marines - Coast Guard :)
Rushing Vs Camping - yuck
California Vs New york - I'm for New York, quite a bit more to do with a tinge of history to boot.
Boxers vs Briefs - Well, that depends...
Running vs Walking - Walking, life is to short to not enjoy every step.

I agree xD