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View Full Version : I have no idea what to name this :/

08-16-2011, 05:17 AM
So getting to the point it feels like this game just wants my money and dosent care about deliverling us ISO users anything. I remember when I hit 56 in early July I thought the expansion was comming out and was exciteded get it and play it. So I bought 20$ worth of plat for elixers in hopes of getting my crown before it went away. But it seems like you guys just pushed us to spend money on plat. And now it seems like recently STS has pushed new content to the side for things like Tori, Vincent, and the daily deal. Things really unecessary to me and many other players and just focus on spending money on plat. And with the early release of SL on android just makes me feel even more left behind. Not to hate on Android users but imagine a big name game comming out on XBox 360 weeks before PS3 it kinda makes you feel left behind. Im sure many others feel the way I do but rather say nothing in hopes of it comming tomarrow or the next week or whatever. But the thing is you guys havent been giving guys like me hopes of continuing to play. I just hope you guys dont let the fame and suscess get to you and forget about us like many other game companies that focus on making money rather than giving a great experience. Because I have always liked to support the underdog companies because they always bring something new to the table which you guys once were back when I started in Dec. I still look foward to SL and the new PL content but this is how Ive felt during this past few months with you guys. And I really hope you guys prove me wrong in all of this.

08-16-2011, 09:21 AM
It's not exactly STS fault. It's mainly apple.

08-16-2011, 09:35 AM
Things like Tori they are able to add without the whole apple process. Things like guilds, daily deal, etc need a whole new app update, and so we wait.

08-16-2011, 11:14 AM
Oh, Tori and the rest of the stuff are for new players who don't know that they can buy gold, purchase elixirs, and other things, the devs are nice enough to provide us elixirs that cost gold. To the devs platinum is just a number. Meaning it has no real life value. They are also nice enough to make the main spine free, buying plat is an option. There are also free plat offers.