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View Full Version : Being stood upon!!!

08-17-2011, 03:49 AM
Through out the corse of the last couple days I've fallen victim to getting constantly followed and stood upon so that said players charter is over mine. If I move even slightly I get immediately followed, I don't view this as a nuisance but rather a fun game of tag. But from what I've seen other players take great offense to this fun little game and threaten to report the standing/following player. Quite honestly I don't understand why, it's just a little fun they are having how is it effecting them to such a point where they can't enjoy the wonderful world of pocket legends? Has anyone else had this happen recently? I just want to hear your opinions about it. Please post your thoughts.

08-17-2011, 04:04 AM
This has been happening to me constantly!! But since the culprits claim it to be in the name of god, how could I possibly object? As for people "reporting" these activities, it seems a bit extreme, uptight, and rather childish for them to even claim to do so. I suppose that's the consequence for there being a shortcoming of things for endgame players to be involved in. Perhaps after the new update, such activities will become more scarce to the every day PL player since players will remain occupied.

In the end god is with us all and we shall prevail. God bless.

08-17-2011, 08:45 AM
When I'm just sitting in town wearing some vanity gear (green robin hood hat, Osiris blaster and wings) (or community shield sent talon set) I like to be visible. Having somebody just stand on top of me is a little annoying, since I like showing off :cool:
Of ourselves if it happens constantly, I just switch town instance lol

08-17-2011, 09:02 AM
Lol It doesnt effect me other than the times im trying to take a screenshot for a signature and they get in the way:)

08-17-2011, 09:39 AM
A habit of mine is to move around every time I exit the cs menu to look in my stash, or vice versa, making this not much of an issue for me. I guess I'm just not as popular as you guys, :/ oh well...

08-17-2011, 11:28 AM
Lol I would hate being spammed like that, How did you get that shield! do you work for spacetime! Hacker!