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08-17-2011, 11:18 AM
So now the market is completely messed up, all thanks to Dope, yes him.... Getting greedy and making the prices so low its unbelievable!

Now merchanting is worthless until Apple release comes out and pinks are introduced.

I'm not trying to flame or anything but seriously go check out the market, there is way too much supply and not enough demand. Already lost 90k on investments, and not making it back any time soon.

Any opinions?

08-17-2011, 11:22 AM
don't get green drops so no opinion.

08-17-2011, 11:25 AM
How is this greedy? He has a lot of stuff to sell. If you have 1 item to sell, you have 1 thing in the auction. If you have 2,000 things to sell, you can have 2,000 things in the auction. The average seller fixes a price so that you can get profit and hopefully not let anyone undercut you.

08-17-2011, 11:27 AM
its tough, living a merchants life :(

08-17-2011, 11:27 AM
How is this greedy? He has a lot of stuff to sell.
He instantly under-prices everyone who puts an item in...almost instantly. It's gotten to the point where people don't know what to list an item at because the CS has stuff listed so low, so they just list even lower.

08-17-2011, 11:30 AM
He instantly under-prices everyone who puts an item in...almost instantly. It's gotten to the point where people don't know what to list an item at because the CS has stuff listed so low, so they just list even lower.

On the flip side, perhaps the green items are priced way too much for what they're actually worth, and he's doing the market a favor. Sellers are mad, buyers are happy, as opposed to buyers are mad, sellers are happy. You still have equilibrium in the marketplace, so greed remains stagnant.

08-17-2011, 11:33 AM
He's letting nobody else make any kind of money, I have lots of money myself... But still nobody else has the chance to make any money if he instantly undercuts you, I'm a merchant myself and this is outrageous.

08-17-2011, 11:36 AM
On the flip side, perhaps the green items are priced way too much for what they're actually worth, and he's doing the market a favor. Sellers are mad, buyers are happy, as opposed to buyers are mad, sellers are happy. You still have equilibrium in the marketplace, so greed remains stagnant.

Yep, everytime a new map comes out, prices for the new items are extremely high, this guy's just bringing the prices back to "normal" whatever the normal price is.
how bout this. start a price war, until each item is like 500gold. then buy everything you can, and sell them at a higher price agin :D

08-17-2011, 11:38 AM
So it's greedy to charge less for an item? Man I wish more people were greedy...

08-17-2011, 11:41 AM
He does that on PL as well but, honestly, I never took offense. I just undercut again. If he's able to sell that many items, it means he's working his butt of to get them in the first place. Not trying to sound offensive here, but maybe you could do the same. I don't see how lowering the market price is a bad thing, it just means more items will be affordable for more people. And, as said, probably the prices right now are just ridiculous.

08-17-2011, 11:50 AM
Walmart tactics are annoying but it does work well for Walmart.

08-17-2011, 11:55 AM
He does that on PL as well but, honestly, I never took offense. I just undercut again. If he's able to sell that many items, it means he's working his butt of to get them in the first place. Not trying to sound offensive here, but maybe you could do the same. I don't see how lowering the market price is a bad thing, it just means more items will be affordable for more people. And, as said, probably the prices right now are just ridiculous.
I have to agree here. Pl prices are insane considering that once a new expansion is released the gear is for the most part obsolete. I'm sure that to a smaller degree the same is going on in sl. You can either undercut him and farm more and deal in volume or can sit back watch him rack up the credits.

08-17-2011, 12:34 PM
Supply and demand, kids. That is how life works.

08-17-2011, 12:49 PM
if i can remember, when i first saw dopey on sl cs, he was over pricing, he then prob figured he wasted that much cred for posting the outrageous prices he had em at.

08-17-2011, 01:09 PM
Does anyone know dopey? Or dopeys guild? He was offering beta players 212k and 500 stim or powerpacks if you joined his guild which I know some that did and he kept his word.. for someone who can give that much away in the beginning indicates that the credit don't mean anything to him as he has prob million's so puts then on cs for however much he wants as hes not really going to gain anything from it.. that said other players that rely on making credits (for stim or there own guild 10k) as there is no other way atm than the CS.. also the new equipment that came out is only a few stats lower than plat items so there is a reason they are being sold high

PL I paid prob over 3mill or more on FF set so 5-20k is nothing in comparison

08-17-2011, 01:11 PM
It's annoying maybe but if they are under priced then buy buy buy.....

08-17-2011, 01:17 PM
He's just smart & using the system.
Like said above, if it's too low, buy buy buy & list for more.

08-17-2011, 01:17 PM
I though dopey put stuff super super high when there weren't any others of the items in cs :confused:

Anyways, dopey, although I don't know him/her, isn't a greedy person from what I hear. Quite the opposite. He supposedly is a very generous person and gives gold, plat, pots, credits, etc. to friends and those in need. Even if he was, why make a thread trying to flame him? As a merchant, he buys and sells items. Everyone has a different play style. Some farm, some twink, some merchant, some do a little of each. Etc. Just how the game comes together.

08-17-2011, 02:40 PM
Wait im confused on ur logic boo, doesnt him selling stuff for cheaper than everybody else make him the opposite of greedy? Personally i like that he's doing it, stuff was sooo overpriced before (yes for greens at this low level they were overpriced), the prices he's currently selling at are much friendlier to the average player and not the average merchanter.

08-17-2011, 02:45 PM
Wait so he's greedy for selling items to people at prices they can afford, which make it harder for you to make masses of gold???

08-17-2011, 03:07 PM
Wait im confused on ur logic boo, doesnt him selling stuff for cheaper than everybody else make him the opposite of greedy? Personally i like that he's doing it, stuff was sooo overpriced before (yes for greens at this low level they were overpriced), the prices he's currently selling at are much friendlier to the average player and not the average merchanter.
from what I can tell, he's putting in starting prices, then when someone undercuts him, he undercuts them by a certain amount (seems like it ends in 950 or 995, I forget the amount) hoping that they will attempt to undercut him as well. When they do that, once the prices reach a certain low lvl, he'll buy theirs. So now that person got much less credits than they originally expected, and he's got another piece of the market. He'll then list for whatever he wants because he literally owns the entire market of greens right now. The items are low priced and he's still making profit, but one would see this as greedy because instead of allowing other people to make profits from their drops, he undercuts them to a minimal profit. People will buy more when it's cheaper, meaning he can sell all the items easily. This wont work everytime, like say someone buys one of the items he's using to undercut you before he drives the price down low enough. I got this theory because I listed strange metal pistols today. 3 other pistols were listed at the time, 2 from dopey and 1 from bod. The day before, dopey had a bunch listed for like 9995 or something. He now had 2 listed for 14995 (or something) and bod for 19kish. I listed mine at 12 because I wanted to see what he would do. Within minutes, he relisted both of his pistols at 10995. I kept mine at 12, and I hope no one tries to undercut him.

but who knows, maybe I'm wrong and he's just a weird person who buys a lot of credits with plat and likes making the market cheap. I'm gonna go with the first.

08-17-2011, 04:38 PM
He instantly under-prices everyone who puts an item in...almost instantly. It's gotten to the point where people don't know what to list an item at because the CS has stuff listed so low, so they just list even lower.
Wow I did not know I caused such an upheaval. First let me begin by saying I don't even go on SL everyday so there is no way I could instantly undercut everyone's price. Second when I do check the store it is usually my prices that have been undercut. All I have done is set a price that I feel is fair and that I am willing to buy at if anyone now prices under. I have simply let the market set itself and priced my items accordingly. I tried to price higher but was instantly undercut. I repriced and so on until I reached a price that I know feel is appropriate. If u feel my prices are to low then buy them. Third I am the one willing to take the risk of setting a market and inventorying items. If pinks and newer items hit the market tomorrow I am screwed and will have greatly overpaid. The prices I am currently listing at seem to be appropriate, I am still getting undercut but am selling more than I have to buy.

Finally and most importantly please don't go throwing my name out in a negative light especially when ur premise is off base and u have never even spoken to me. I am not just a "greedy" trader. I give away way more than I keep. Your accusations are not appreciated and more importantly are just plain wrong. You accuse me of being greedy when in fact it is sounding like your inability to make ur own profit is what u are complaining about. Be careful when ur throwing stones from a glass house!


08-17-2011, 04:40 PM
Wow I did not know I caused such an upheaval. First let me begin by saying I don't even go on SL everyday so there is no way I could instantly undercut everyone's price. Second when I do check the store it is usually my prices that have been undercut. All I have done is set a price that I feel is fair and that I am willing to buy at if anyone now prices under. I have simply let the market set itself and priced my items accordingly. I tried to price higher but was instantly undercut. I repriced and so on until I reached a price that I know feel is appropriate. If u feel my prices are to low then buy them. Third I am the one willing to take the risk of setting a market and inventorying items. If pinks and newer items hit the market tomorrow I am screwed and will have greatly overpaid. The prices I am currently listing at seem to be appropriate, I am still getting undercut but am selling more than I have to buy.

Finally and most importantly please don't go throwing my name out in a negative light especially when ur premise is off base and u have never even spoken to me. I am not just a "greedy" trader. I give away way more than I keep. Your accusations are not appreciated and more importantly are just plain wrong. You accuse me of being greedy when in fact it is sounding like your inability to make ur own profit is what u are complaining about. Be careful when ur throwing stones from a glass house!


Congrats on being the official SL CS investment shark!

08-17-2011, 04:53 PM
from what I can tell, he's putting in starting prices, then when someone undercuts him, he undercuts them by a certain amount (seems like it ends in 950 or 995, I forget the amount) hoping that they will attempt to undercut him as well. When they do that, once the prices reach a certain low lvl, he'll buy theirs. So now that person got much less credits than they originally expected, and he's got another piece of the market. He'll then list for whatever he wants because he literally owns the entire market of greens right now. The items are low priced and he's still making profit, but one would see this as greedy because instead of allowing other people to make profits from their drops, he undercuts them to a minimal profit. People will buy more when it's cheaper, meaning he can sell all the items easily. This wont work everytime, like say someone buys one of the items he's using to undercut you before he drives the price down low enough. I got this theory because I listed strange metal pistols today. 3 other pistols were listed at the time, 2 from dopey and 1 from bod. The day before, dopey had a bunch listed for like 9995 or something. He now had 2 listed for 14995 (or something) and bod for 19kish. I listed mine at 12 because I wanted to see what he would do. Within minutes, he relisted both of his pistols at 10995. I kept mine at 12, and I hope no one tries to undercut him.

but who knows, maybe I'm wrong and he's just a weird person who buys a lot of credits with plat and likes making the market cheap. I'm gonna go with the first.

Wow man ur way over thinking this thing. I'm going to say this and hopefully u get the message. STOP MAKING ACCUSATIONS U NO NOTHING ABOUT if u have a problem with me come and talk with me or talk with people in the game who know me. Ignorant uninformed accusations are good for no one and only stir up bitterness when we are just playing a game. If I wanted to control the prices and run the market I could. I dont sit around all day thinking about the SL CS. I am a former hedge fund manager and I enjoy the trading side of the game. Nothing more, nothing less. O sry I gotta go... Strange pistol just listed at 10994 (some guy named flowmin or something like that) 10288 here we come :)


08-17-2011, 04:54 PM
Congrats on being the official SL CS investment shark!

Thanks I think

08-17-2011, 04:54 PM
I stopped reading this half way through. Dopey bought everything on the cs and tried selling it all for 30k to much. Now he must be broke and have stock coming outa his ying yang, and is trying to recoup some kind of money. ( or is there 2 sellers with dopesomthing in there name?)

It balances out, he made me money buying everything i used to undercut him with. I knew no one else would buy it at that price, but he was.

Makes me laugh.

Sure your not going to make 10k a green right now. But so what. That price just causes people to buy gold and inflate the currency.

New maps have been out for a week now, so supply is catching up with demand.

08-17-2011, 04:55 PM
I am a former hedge fund manager

Which hedge fund?

08-17-2011, 05:03 PM
You know what I am just feeling way to greedy ATM. Ill be on SL shortly. Free green sets for anyone who wants one. (until I run out of course). I have about 100 so first come first serve one apiece please.


08-17-2011, 05:05 PM
You know what I am just feeling way to greedy ATM. Ill be on SL shortly. Free green sets for anyone who wants one. (until I run out of course). I have about 100 so first come first serve one apiece please.


LOL, that should shut them up :D

08-17-2011, 05:06 PM
Wow man ur way over thinking this thing. I'm going to say this and hopefully u get the message. STOP MAKING ACCUSATIONS U NO NOTHING ABOUT if u have a problem with me come and talk with me or talk with people in the game who know me. Ignorant uninformed accusations are good for no one and only stir up bitterness when we are just playing a game. If I wanted to control the prices and run the market I could. I dont sit around all day thinking about the SL CS. I am a former hedge fund manager and I enjoy the trading side of the game. Nothing more, nothing less. O sry I gotta go... Strange pistol just listed at 10994 (some guy named flowmin or something like that) 10288 here we come :)


Flowmin? One, that's not even my forum name. Two, that's not my account name in game. Go buy some more plat credits.

08-17-2011, 05:10 PM
Wait so he's greedy for selling items to people at prices they can afford, which make it harder for you to make masses of gold???
+1 rep, buddy. Irony defined.

08-17-2011, 05:13 PM
Flowmin? One, that's not even my forum name. Two, that's not my account name in game. Go buy some more plat credits.

Yep was joke. Flow really I don't want to get in any kind of tif with ya. This is really kinda stupid let's just forget this issue and walk away friends. Please take no offense I really have not targeted you and apologize if you feel any different. I hate getting drawn in to these things. I will not comment on it any further. I wish u success in your trading endeavors.


08-17-2011, 05:14 PM
Which hedge fund?

I was independent and sold to UBS.

08-17-2011, 05:20 PM
Wow, that must've been quite a lump of cash for you.

08-17-2011, 05:23 PM
Free green sets for anyone who wants one. (until I run out of course). I have about 100 so first come first serve one apiece please.

If you are serious about this let me know where you are!

08-17-2011, 05:28 PM
He's letting nobody else make any kind of money, I have lots of money myself... But still nobody else has the chance to make any money if he instantly undercuts you, I'm a merchant myself and this is outrageous.

Honestly ive put an item down and five minutes later like five of the same item lower so its not one person, ive seen millions of people do it, and im part time merchant, so just find pinks and purps

08-17-2011, 05:47 PM
Haha i love this thread its completely rediculous,usless,causes people to be mad,influences flaming,and every other bad thing if u have an issue with someone go to them spill ur thoughts or what ur mad about not cause them to look bad on the forums because of ur opinion....end of story

08-17-2011, 05:57 PM
I think you ate mad for no reason. So what if he undercutting you its te way of buainess and if you cant deal with it stop merching. Merchs always inflate prices very high for their greed anyways just look at PL prices of sewer pinks and sets. Im glade theres a person like him is around to make merchs feel bad.

08-17-2011, 06:04 PM
Zboo i think its the other way around ur mad cause hes selling for reasonable prices but u wanna be greedy so you flame him make him look like the bad guy eventhough ur the greedy one thats what im getting at here i like people that undercut makes stuff more reasonably priced for my pl income lol...said my 2 cents on that thought

08-17-2011, 07:20 PM
Wow, that must've been quite a lump of cash for you.

It was definitely a decent amount. I was very very fortunate to sell out before the whole Lehman debacle. I wish I could say it was skill but there definitely was a whole lot of luck and Devine intervention involved.

08-17-2011, 07:30 PM
If you are serious about this let me know where you are!

I was very serious. I just got off and gave away over 100 of the 25 green sets. Hopefully no one cheated and got multiple but it happens. What was really sad is many people wouldn't accept or clear out inventory for fear it was a scam. Is there really that many scammers out there? Anyway hopefully u got one, if not, hit me up in game as I still have quite a few left.


08-17-2011, 07:52 PM
Man giving away all your stuff. Sounds really greedy how are people going to over charge for gear if you are giving stuff away

08-17-2011, 09:42 PM
Man giving away all your stuff. Sounds really greedy how are people going to over charge for gear if you are giving stuff away

Lol someone should get a picture of this greed in action

08-18-2011, 12:23 AM
All I know is you bought one of my items and ended up listing it at a hair over half as much as what I had it listed for. I have no problem with that, I made my credits. If anything you have driven prices down to a reasonable level a week or two ahead of time. They might go back up, and they may not. I'll just stash and wait. :D

08-18-2011, 12:32 AM
I think it's great that people are able to afford things if you can't purchase platinum.
And I don't feel bad for the people who lost money when they were overcharging to begin with.
I wish we had somebody like that in pocket legends for the sewer items.
Last I knew the game was about having fun not making money.
And I for one am having a lot of fun!

08-18-2011, 10:29 AM
Wow man ur way over thinking this thing. I'm going to say this and hopefully u get the message. STOP MAKING ACCUSATIONS U NO NOTHING ABOUT if u have a problem with me come and talk with me or talk with people in the game who know me. Ignorant uninformed accusations are good for no one and only stir up bitterness when we are just playing a game. If I wanted to control the prices and run the market I could. I dont sit around all day thinking about the SL CS. I am a former hedge fund manager and I enjoy the trading side of the game. Nothing more, nothing less. O sry I gotta go... Strange pistol just listed at 10994 (some guy named flowmin or something like that) 10288 here we come :)



08-18-2011, 11:05 AM
I am back making money again. Thanks Dopey.

08-18-2011, 12:45 PM
My character Auctioneer is temp on leave because of the low prices. If you dont like cs current pricing well, bend over. Complaining wont do ypu any bit of good. Ill wait on my stash to see what happens. Items were overpriced. Kinda like a vanity helm for 400k, lol. Yeah right. Was nice while it lasted though.

08-18-2011, 04:28 PM
He instantly under-prices everyone who puts an item in...almost instantly. It's gotten to the point where people don't know what to list an item at because the CS has stuff listed so low, so they just list even lower.

Save your items until demand is higher. Be happy you can get items cheap. I know I am. I can save the money I already have and get items cheap. Or, you can farm as much as his guild did and do the same thing.

EDIT: I assumed these were sales for your guild. If you farmed those yourself... you are a beast.

08-19-2011, 02:33 AM
So now the market is completely messed up, all thanks to Dope, yes him.... Getting greedy and making the prices so low its unbelievable!

Now merchanting is worthless until Apple release comes out and pinks are introduced.

I'm not trying to flame or anything but seriously go check out the market, there is way too much supply and not enough demand. Already lost 90k on investments, and not making it back any time soon.

Any opinions?

I know I should not be laughing but going by things like the above this game should be taught in every school as an introduction to real life business.

All I will add is welcome to the real world, check out the stock exchange, and see this enacted in real life, lol

08-19-2011, 09:55 PM
He does that on PL as well but, honestly, I never took offense. I just undercut again. If he's able to sell that many items, it means he's working his butt of to get them in the first place. Not trying to sound offensive here, but maybe you could do the same. I don't see how lowering the market price is a bad thing, it just means more items will be affordable for more people. And, as said, probably the prices right now are just ridiculous. How does he work for it? He shamelessly admits to purchasing platinum to earn a ridiculous amount of credits, and then purchases all of the market, if this is hard work I should buy platinum more and I load up once a month with 2000 platinum. He doesn't work hard for his credits in the least. I do have some respect for the guy though as buying and selling isn't easy but he needs to realize if he over buys, and then keeps under cutting people he is not only hurting himself but the market place in general.

08-20-2011, 12:33 AM
How does he work for it? He shamelessly admits to purchasing platinum to earn a ridiculous amount of credits, and then purchases all of the market, if this is hard work I should buy platinum more and I load up once a month with 2000 platinum. He doesn't work hard for his credits in the least. I do have some respect for the guy though as buying and selling isn't easy but he needs to realize if he over buys, and then keeps under cutting people he is not only hurting himself but the market place in general.

Sorry. But there is nothing shameless about buying plat. Its his money so he can do whatever with it.
In fact. You should be thanking him for paying for your updates.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

08-20-2011, 12:52 AM
[/QUOTE] How does he work for it? He shamelessly admits to purchasing platinum to earn a ridiculous amount of credits, and then purchases all of the market, if this is hard work I should buy platinum more and I load up once a month with 2000 platinum. He doesn't work hard for his credits in the least. I do have some respect for the guy though as buying and selling isn't easy but he needs to realize if he over buys, and then keeps under cutting people he is not only hurting himself but the market place in general.[/QUOTE].

He is also taking the risk of losing a lot of money from buying all the armor and then no one wants it or the prices some how go lower. But he has a good tactic because say if you buy all of the desert rat armor that means less of a supply. Then people will want it so you put price higher then bam he is making his money back plus more. Remember it's a risk. He not guaranteed to get all his credits and more back. It takes skill to do what he is doing. Say if I did that I bet you I probably would lose money. He's not being greedy he's being smart at doing "business". Just be happy some one does it so you can get cheaper armor. I've actually been in this guy's clan he is the nicest person you will ever meet. But the only reason I quit because no one was really on. Dopey probably goes on maybe a hour or two a day not even thats how good he is at what he does. He makes a difference for lower levels who need good armor ,but don't have enough credits. He allows people to be able to afford decent armor. It might annoy people who are trying to sell for a lot of credits ,but honestly items shouldn't be expensive their really not hard to get. All we do is clear a map under like 3 mins and usually get the item. I mean I understand some people want to make their money back from the stimpack and power packs I understand that ,but if a wise player and know what you are doing you will be making money in no time.

08-20-2011, 01:12 AM
So you are basically calling a guy greedy for making his own profit(and helping a BUNCH of people in the process)because it prevents you from doing the same?

Talk about hypocrisy. Sometimes it's even worse than racism.

08-20-2011, 01:55 AM
The way i see it, its ur greed not others. If everything is 1,000 credits than you wont need any money. Nor will anyone. See the idea? Ur mad cause u cant make money, the problem is, u dont need any cus prices are so cheap...but u want it...did i read this wrong or what? Cus i dont see a prolem...

08-20-2011, 02:25 AM
How does he work for it? He shamelessly admits to purchasing platinum to earn a ridiculous amount of credits, and then purchases all of the market, if this is hard work I should buy platinum more and I load up once a month with 2000 platinum. He doesn't work hard for his credits in the least. I do have some respect for the guy though as buying and selling isn't easy but he needs to realize if he over buys, and then keeps under cutting people he is not only hurting himself but the market place in general.

If it's even true that he 'shamelessly' buys huge amounts of credits (did he tell you? Do you even know him?), wouldn't this mean he probably has worked his butt of to earn this money in the first place? To me, YOU're the one being greedy. It seems you can't stand the fact that someone 'sabotages' your credit earnings. Now, THAT sounds greedy to me. And saying he's 'hurting himself'... LMAO! :)

08-20-2011, 08:38 AM
lmao sound like your the greedy one man

08-21-2011, 12:37 AM
Ever been in a room and everyone's talking about you like your not even there?

08-21-2011, 01:04 AM
idk lol sry

08-21-2011, 01:26 AM
So now the market is completely messed up, all thanks to Dope, yes him.... Getting greedy and making the prices so low its unbelievable!

Rofl that made no sense. At all. Seems like you are the greedy one here :) Good on Dopey if he's trying to help poorer people out.

08-21-2011, 02:03 AM
Congrats on being the official SL CS investment shark!

Thanks I think

I don't relish the thought of trying to make a profit in this market but...this is free market capitalism in raw form. (Without the dark side of the richest merchant buying laws that favor them.) Dopey is savvy and that's how the market works. Honestly, 500k seems a bit steep for an enchanted gemstone wand.

Just another part of the game and if you aren't a whiz with supply/demand calculations, probably should avoid being a merchant. (Disclaimer - I support democracy and a supportive society, not raw capitalism, irl.)

08-21-2011, 02:09 AM
How does he work for it? He shamelessly admits to purchasing platinum to earn a ridiculous amount of credits, and then purchases all of the market, if this is hard work I should buy platinum more and I load up once a month with 2000 platinum. He doesn't work hard for his credits in the least. I do have some respect for the guy though as buying and selling isn't easy but he needs to realize if he over buys, and then keeps under cutting people he is not only hurting himself but the market place in general.

Sorry. But there is nothing shameless about buying plat. Its his money so he can do whatever with it.
In fact. You should be thanking him for paying for your updates.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

I'll thank him (or her?) Thank you Dopey for supporting a game I enjoy so GENEROUSLY!

08-21-2011, 03:22 AM
I'll thank him (or her?) Thank you Dopey for supporting a game I enjoy so GENEROUSLY!

There we go. Lol

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

08-21-2011, 09:00 AM
Whole lot of jealousy and fail floating around.

Sent from a G2x

08-21-2011, 12:49 PM
All this hate for me buying so much plat. Hey wait is my wife on this forum? I figured it out, crap my wife has been talking to all of you. No no I am done. Honey I love you and it was all on sale I promise. :peaceful:

(And for all u serious, cant get sarcasm, never told a bad joke type, yes this is a joke. I always burn my credit card statements so I think I'm safe :devilish:)

08-21-2011, 03:53 PM
Can this die already!

Everyone has said what they needed call it quits :D