View Full Version : Differentiality idk if I spelled right lol

06-15-2010, 11:55 PM
All mmos are great because of there differentiality, I would love to see the drop rate lowered. Most people wouldn't agree but it makes the game more challenging so the true gamers can stand out. Also certain bosses dropping certain weapons not a zone dropping those weapons. Maybe new classes or sub classes from the three we have? Or some more awesome races an a indepth storyline. There's so many changes n additions this game can get that would make it so much more amazing than it is. I love this game an I would just like to see it blossom into what it truly is! I hope my suggestions get used..

06-16-2010, 12:27 AM
Nothing wrong with the suggestions except that I think the Devs are trying to target casual players as this is a mobile device game.

I share your enthusiasm though :)

As for storyline, not to be a pain and plug my own work, but take a look at the link in my sig. It is information taken from within the game by reading campaign descriptions and talking to NPCs turned into an interesting story. (I hope).

Thanks :D

06-16-2010, 12:30 AM
You aren't alone in these views, a lot of people feel a class rebalance is in need, and not just a rebalance, more some kind of overhaul, but I get the impression the devs are trying to steer clear of any major undertaking like that and instead tweak what they already have.

As for some boss only loot drops, yeah I'd agree, some kind of weapons with unique names might be nice too.