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View Full Version : DTFs Guide: Giving back to the Community

08-17-2011, 06:28 PM
I am sure others do this and for that I salute you.
This is a call to all high leveled people with not only a lot of gold and items but experience and knowledge.
These days I find myself in the game looking back at all the things I have seen, done, and people I've met. There are always new players just getting started that are poor and less equipped and knowledgeable.
There are many things you can do to give back. I will list a few and maybe others can share ideas on things they have done or others may do.

1. If you read someones message of where to find something or someone, for example Leeah the dead rangers wife. Tell them, not only tell them but add them and take them there. This simple act can be the difference between a player staying and enjoying the game and its patrons or logging off forever.

2. Many times you will hear players begging for money. I know this is annoying but I can recall a time where saving up for Iceburg armor seemed impossible. Instead of ignoring them or telling them to shut up, assist them. By assist I don't mean dish out cash, which you can if you want. I mean take a look at their level, talk with them and tell them how and where to farm.
Levels from 1 to 13 should farm in Skeleton Crypts in Forest Haven. Doom items drop there as do recipes. Even 10-20 in a recipe can be A LOT to someone new. Share your knowledge of where things may drop and if they want to they will put their noses to the ground and farm!

3. Improving someones pve gaming experience can be quite easy. If you see a mage with strange looking stats ask if you may help with their attributes. Granted this takes platinum, which some may not have. You can put them on the right track.
For example, I see pallys all the time with all Str. No dex or int. Help them by explaining why that build is bad for a mage, so long as your tone is not judgemental or condescending. If you give them a reason, say - mages need more hit % and int to improve their spell damage and heal they may be encouraged to understand what different attributes do.

4. It may be nothing to you, but a pink ice or pyramid item may be something good for a newer player. Be mindful of what the item is and try to make it match in a beneficial way.
For example. Again, a pally. You see a pally nearing 45 with below top gear. Engage them and ask if they have something for 45, when they level. If no, give them Str Isis gear. It goes with their build and compliments their int since Isis gives plus 8 int per item. They are cheap yes but imagine having nothing then bam!! A full set of Isis gear for free.

5. Advice. Use your vast experience in pve or pvp to give a player tips. I know many, especially in the pvp world, that will not share builds, rings, combos, or skill set up with their own mothers. That is fine, but one little piece of advice can snowball into the gears of the players mind moving and coming up with their own good build. Don't you want more competition? I know I am always looking out for up coming pvp prodigies to face. Help explain rings, either get one that complimemts their weaknesses or adds to the gears strenghts.
Advice on how to kill a boss. We all have been there. A new player hits the trash cans with aoe attacks. Instead of booting or yelling, take a time out and explain how it is done. This may take a minute or two but it beats trying again and again or that same person going into another group and doing the same thing. Basically break the cycle.
Pvp. Explain the importance of knowing the skills range, timing, and speed. Some people do not know every skill has a limit to its range of effectiveness. Also explain combos. I know from experience that some do not know how to complete a combo like cruel blast. It is simple and may help the person be more adept at killing enemies. Just tell them, ice and fire makes hot flash.

6. Many weapons have special procs. Simple auto attack based procedures that create a special effect. There is a wonderful post here all about the different types of procs different weapons class by class do. If you know one tell someone, it is cool information that will increase the depth and excitement to newer people.

7. If you hear bad news or bad behavior be proactive. Someone just got scammed, normally it is a less experienced players. Direct them on how to go about reporting. Guardians can be good mediators and helpful in a non bias way to resolve the issue. If you see someone spamming simply tell them why it could get them in trouble. Prevention is key. Instead of saying "Shut up!!" Say what he or she is doing is against terms of service.
Last night a bird was spamming "if you buy my 2 level 19 purple armors for 16 k get 100 k from me" Scam written all over it. Don't be evil and buy it waiting for the 100 k to report. Warn him. Tell him that is a scam in a pm to please stop. Prevention and being proactive can make a huge difference.

8. Give people a break on items you are selling. If you are selling Void armor for 180 k and got it for 150 or as a drop and someone only has 155 k do the nice thing. I've sold Void armor for 150 k when I bought it as 150 k and was selling for a lot more. Not a big deal right? Basically this one is don't be so greedy! Lol.

9. Direct people to forums. There are so many wonderful pieces written here. It can vastly improve anyones gaming experience. If they do not want to listen, maybe one day they will want to read. Maybe.

Please feel free to add to this. Spread the love, we all enjoy this game :)

08-17-2011, 08:31 PM
Nice guide

08-17-2011, 08:35 PM
You sound like Mother Teresa.
Spread the luuuvvvvveeeeeeeee!

08-17-2011, 09:00 PM
Very nice guide :) +1 to your reputation.

08-17-2011, 09:11 PM
Coulnt have said any better +1 good job :rolleyes: :banana: :watermelon:

08-18-2011, 07:37 AM
Thanks for the support guys. On second thought, i prolly put this in the wrong section :/
Hope many see and read this.

08-18-2011, 08:05 AM
Thanks for the support guys. On second thought, i prolly put this in the wrong section :/
Hope many see and read this.

+1 also.... wish more people thought like you...

You can't add to the guides section so here is fine. The Devs may move to the 'locked' guides section if they think it's suitable. Drop one a PM to highlight its here and they'll take a look quicker.

08-18-2011, 08:24 AM
+1 also.... wish more people thought like you...

You can't add to the guides section so here is fine. The Devs may move to the 'locked' guides section if they think it's suitable. Drop one a PM to highlight its here and they'll take a look quicker.

Whoa that would be cool! Hopefully this helps change some mindsets.
I enjoy helping people, but I must admit! I'm partial to Pallys! Lol. Next step - Guide to being a Pally :)

08-23-2011, 09:18 AM
DTF, great guide. I have experienced similar instances of kindness when I was a new player that I appreciated and will always remember.
This place is better with people like you around

make love, not war :cupcake:

09-08-2011, 10:28 AM
DTF, great guide. I have experienced similar instances of kindness when I was a new player that I appreciated and will always remember.
This place is better with people like you around

make love, not war :cupcake:

Nice to meet you in game Eva :)

12-02-2011, 07:27 AM

12-04-2011, 12:27 AM
Nice guide!

12-09-2011, 02:34 PM
So true, everyone should read this...it would apply to the real world as well! Too much selfishness, greed, & hatred everywhere! Treat people like you want to be treated...with kindness whenever you can. That might be the secret to more happiness.

12-10-2011, 12:57 PM
I couldn't have said this any better when I was 18 didn't know what to do or anything a very nice 40 helped me gave me some tips on skills and just bought me some gear, wasn't much to her but it made me so happy! I might not have kept playing because I really didn't know anything so it's not much to you but it means a lot to them! Always help and remember how good it felt to you when you were helped :)!

01-17-2012, 02:37 PM
Hey DTF... you probably don't remember me. Haven't talked to you for quite a while in game. Use to be Atlanntis but recent changed IGN.

Anyway, I can remember you helping me understand how to dual spec way back in my early days. At the time I didn't know you could use the loadouts to boost your stats to equip gear with different stat requirements.

Thumbs up to you.

02-01-2012, 06:58 AM
Nice guide! Definately more ppl being nice would be a good thing.

I recently finished my 1000 snowballs / yeti pelts quests. I racked up so many purple and green items, which are worthless to liquidate and it takes forever to sell them through the CS (the more valuable purple ones...) that I just hopped around Lost Expedition, the Swamps and the Oasis giving out stuff to random ppl. They get some nice gear, I get rid of inventory which is mostly worthless to me anyways... Everybody happy.