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08-17-2011, 08:14 PM
Am i the only one who thinks the level 25 desert set for operatives is a fail? its just a lot of armor with no crit and some hit... the plat gear makes it look like poop and really galotech gives you more damage output D: am i the only one who thinks so? X.o

08-17-2011, 08:21 PM
Ya this is disappointing that you have to have all the plat gear to have best op

08-17-2011, 08:25 PM
Ya this is disappointing that you have to have all the plat gear to have best op

Ya it really sucks.. completely unfair.. everyone elses gear is atleast contributing to what they need..we dont even get crit and our main damaging skill comes from crit...

08-17-2011, 08:29 PM
It all depends i would say

08-17-2011, 08:33 PM
Well i mean from the point of the class... if we have a decent group we dont need high armour.. we need dps hit and crit.. imo thats all we need as a dps.. but thats how i play every dps char in every mmo i know some appreciate the high armour.. but whats the point? im not a tank ima killer o.o but i do know some pepole see it differently

08-17-2011, 08:46 PM
Plat gear > Desert Rat gear.

08-17-2011, 08:56 PM
Plat gear > Desert Rat gear.
and that is where STS went wrong, same as gameloft did. They have never does this before though, usually the best gear is from bosses

08-18-2011, 07:42 AM
and that is where STS went wrong, same as gameloft did. They have never does this before though, usually the best gear is from bosses
Exactly ive never seen plat gear out do normal hard to get hear in pocket legends... so why in star legends? D:

08-18-2011, 06:58 PM
Actually, at low levels, plat gear is ideal in pl too... I'm sure that once sl gets pinks and higher levels, plat gear wont be best...

Though as a financial guy by profession, making plat gear best is the smarter business move... It lets casual players keep up and actually generates revenue for sts...

And lets be honest... that is ultimately why sts makes games... If plat gear isn't the best, then it isn't worth buying... And if it isn't worth buying, then it is essentially costing sts money for designing something that doesn't add value...

Cheers to sts from this adult who actually rewards a company for putting out a quality product... Over $200 from me so far, and I'm sure a lot more if you keep making plat worth spending and buying!

08-18-2011, 07:13 PM
To build on my previous post and still keep the kids and cheap people who dont want to support the company that provides them so much enjoyment, maybe all future gear in both pl and sl should be identical... Kind of like you can be cheap and farm or support and buy the gear...

Just make the stats equal and maybe change the look and name... Just stick with the whole can't be traded or sold... I hate to say it, but if there isn't a way for casual players to compete with kids and unemployed people who dont have jobs and play 24/7, then casual players who actually are profitable users will stop playing... Which hurts the bottom line...

But thenagain, what do I know... I'm only a partner at one of the top investment consulting companies in America that has been featured in Forbes and Barron's that manages over $800 million in assets...

08-18-2011, 07:20 PM
Oh yeah... And in case sts is reading this, let me put my money where my mouth is... When pl hits 60 or sl hits real end game that will last months, I'd gladly pay 100+ plat per piece for end game gear... Would have in sewers when it first came out too!

08-19-2011, 07:04 AM
I see your point STS needs there pay checks.. and its not like i dont buy plat and not like others dont... but there is enough to spend plat on that isnt gear... no i dont have the deep pockets like some pepole might or... i do but prefer not to throw it on a game no offense to sts.. point is theres enough from char custimization to respecs skill respecs vanity items and elixrs that the average player would probaly get 60-150 plat during the course of the game....... in PL atleast...and seeing all the players on both... i highly doubt they are hurting for a pay check