View Full Version : More options for auto attack.

08-18-2011, 01:20 PM
Currently auto attack locks on to a single target and u keep attacking it until either it has been defeated, you stop auto attack, or you switch targets.

An idea I had is that their could be more types of auto attacks and be done fluently. How to switch between auto attack can be done several ways, either through on screen interface during battles, or going to options to switch.

Some of the different auto attack idea I had though are:

Attack closest enemy too you: This would work well for bears so they can continue to auto attack (even if its not very effective) without chasing in order for it too be useful. Often as a bear I don't even bother auto attacking because with beckon + stomping all the time, your more worried about getting into correct position rather than attacking.

Attack enemy with smallest amount of health in weapon range: I often find myself wanting to switch targets to one with less health to quickly get rid of that mob, I would see this particularly useful for range weapons.

Attack mob targeting Bearr: For mages and birds this would be great to help avoid getting aggro.

Sure there are other ideas, this is just to show more options would indeed be useful.

08-18-2011, 01:59 PM
This could be quite helpful if after the targeted enemy died it would auto lock and attack next enemy within range

08-18-2011, 02:44 PM
Hey Durnam
You can switch enemy attack by Double Clicking on the enemy you want to target!
Hope this was Helpful

08-18-2011, 03:57 PM
Hey Durnam
You can switch enemy attack by Double Clicking on the enemy you want to target!
Hope this was Helpful

Thanks Johnaudi, but I already know that

Currently auto attack locks on to a single target and u keep attacking it until either it has been defeated, you stop auto attack, or you switch targets.

I am often playing as a bow bear, this means I usually have 1 hand moving around, kiting and positioning myself for beckon+stomp. The other hand I'm spamming skills, if I manually target the mod I want to target all the time, It takes away from my effectiveness to do my job right and would spend too much time doing that. Also its sometimes hard to accurately double click a target like that in a group of mobs.

If auto attack chooses the target you want it to, for example you want to target the lowest health mob as often as you can, you don't have to look around, you can just click the attack and get back to performing the role of your character.

08-18-2011, 04:12 PM
Why not just allow us to select a skill for auto attack?


08-18-2011, 05:11 PM
So we could stomp before we beckon, firestorm before icestorm and so on?

Auto skills would be very bad... would mess up combos and stuff...