View Full Version : Damage Refinement for Rogue Vs Rogue

06-21-2016, 01:06 AM
This is feedback regarding pvp after the balancing tweaks.

While the recent tweaks to the pvp system are appreciated (for balance) I'd like to put forward certain facts observed recently about the rogue class.

I play a rogue and honestly, it is hard to have a "good fight" with my own class anymore (like it was before) because after armor has been slashed away and the damage-nerf has been removed, Rogue Vs Rogue ends way too fast. Ina duel either me or my opponent kills too quickly (playing under lvl 15 bracket). Glass cannon rogues do not last long enough on their own.

There is no pleasure of a combat in a rogue vs rogue because 1 combo and a lucky crit cannot be called a "fight", whether I win or my opponent wins. Who wins does not matter, atleast the experience of having a fight should be there. It should last at the least more than a few seconds. In a rogue-only duel, high damage and low armor means we have no chance to use strategy or skill to win- the damage burst and a lucky proc or crit is all we need - too easy, too quick and no fun.

Unlike Rogue duels, a duel among other classes is fun. Tank vs tank, tank vs mage, mage vs mage, rogue vs mage is pretty enjoyable right now because the fight lasts a bit longer (because of damage dealt/armor/shield/survival abilities etc).

So how about the idea of rogues dealing less damage on their own class? Rogues will still be like glass cannons when facing other classes or in a clash setting but this will prolong a duel between only rogues and would make pvp more enjoyable. Does anyone agree/disagree?