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08-19-2011, 01:25 PM
I dont know what to do anymore ive lost too much but they always say it get's better i highly doubted ive been robbed my dog in july and one of my bestest friend dies a week ago she died so young with such a high future in front her she was my mentor my leader and my teacher she will be missed as for the gaming industrie for me might just be beggining but eveything i do in life will be in the memorie of those ive lost.
R.I.P Catherine 22
R.I.P Royce 12
Gone but not forgotten.
I was gonna take a short break to see what i can do nothing seems to cheer me up ive lost everything i cared about. I will keep the community on touch in what i can do.... just when i was getting something good in life it gets taken away. I'llness is such a drag and death is not a friend well hope to see you soon.
SupaProdigy taking a break
Happy hunting's.:confused:

08-19-2011, 01:33 PM
Hey man- sounds like your having a rough time. Maybe a little break is best. Whatever you decide, I'm sorry for your loss.

08-19-2011, 02:04 PM
Hey man- sounds like your having a rough time. Maybe a little break is best. Whatever you decide, I'm sorry for your loss.

Yeah one was one month ago and i had barely recovered from it and now this month i dont know death does not goof around! I will try my best to be myself again and fight this pain

08-19-2011, 03:00 PM
I am sorry you have been having a rugged time in lifes journey, the circle of life is a hard one to comprehend especialy at young ages. taking time to fi d lifes enjoyment is difficult, remeber all the qualitis about those you lost and remeber their zest in life is somthing you can carry on in honor of them, keeping a part of them alive in you will help you find peace.

I will keep you in my prayers

08-19-2011, 04:16 PM
Hey man, I feel you pain, but when somethings bad happens to me I say to myself, " it happens for a reason and we can choose to find that reason or not." Don't let it drag you down because you should make the most of you life.

08-19-2011, 04:43 PM
:monkey::banana::fatigue:aw, didnt knnow you but asways sad to see someone go

08-19-2011, 06:33 PM
sorry to hear that supa even though I don't have anything to say

08-21-2011, 04:15 PM
Last year, when i was fourteen years old. My best friend who's been "supposedly sick" for a year was eventually diagnosed with lung cancer. My friend never did drugs or smoked, and to think only 5% of the world gets lung cancer from second hand smoke, since his dad smoked. A day after he was diagnosed he died, too late to treat the cancer. It was so hard knowing my best friend, at the age of 14 has passed away. That same week, my dog died from age. I've never been so upset in my life and I know it's hard. You feel like there's nothing left out there but there is. You will always have the people you love in your heart and they will never be forgotten. As hard as it was, i learned that life is full of happiness and lots to come. We have so much to live for and we will always carry on the good times we had with the people that we have always loved. All my prayers are to you and I hope you find what makes you happy, because there are still so many people out there that care about you and love you. Don't lose hope.


08-22-2011, 03:41 AM
Last year, when i was fourteen years old. My best friend who's been "supposedly sick" for a year was eventually diagnosed with lung cancer. My friend never did drugs or smoked, and to think only 5% of the world gets lung cancer from second hand smoke, since his dad smoked. A day after he was diagnosed he died, too late to treat the cancer. It was so hard knowing my best friend, at the age of 14 has passed away. That same week, my dog died from age. I've never been so upset in my life and I know it's hard. You feel like there's nothing left out there but there is. You will always have the people you love in your heart and they will never be forgotten. As hard as it was, i learned that life is full of happiness and lots to come. We have so much to live for and we will always carry on the good times we had with the people that we have always loved. All my prayers are to you and I hope you find what makes you happy, because there are still so many people out there that care about you and love you. Don't lose hope.


How long did you know your friend and my condolences go to you and your family but mostly yoy thanks for your words but i knew my friend all my life and for the hospital not to know what was wrong made me more upset to know how far Technology is and they coulnt heal her or make her bettet even though she was always in and out of the hospital....

08-22-2011, 06:18 AM
Hi Supa,
Sorry to hear about your losses, that really sucks :( . My advice is take a break and get outside and enjoy life for the friends you have lost and who knows you may just make a new one(s) who can help you through this tough time.

08-22-2011, 10:51 AM
How long did you know your friend and my condolences go to you and your family but mostly yoy thanks for your words but i knew my friend all my life and for the hospital not to know what was wrong made me more upset to know how far Technology is and they coulnt heal her or make her bettet even though she was always in and out of the hospital.... I've known this friend since first grade, but your situation seems a bit harder. I know taking peoples words and thoughts for you is easy but actually doing those things is hard. You just have to find that strength in you to find what makes you happy.

08-24-2011, 04:12 PM
Supra, man oh man, the list of people I've lost to death is very long. They all hurt. The hurt lasts for a while, eases up, then comes back again and again. You might see in my profile that I like poetry. This is why. I often turn to Walt Whitman when I need solace. On 9/11, for instance, only Walt Whitman kept me going. Maybe for you it will be a different writer or a band.

Sometimes the pain is so deep in your heart you think it will never go away. But that's a good thing. If you didn't feel the pain, you would be some kind of crazy!

All I can say is, it eases up, but never goes away. So we learn to live with it. That's your #1 job right now. Embrace that pain. Know that it is because you are a man who feels love deeply, and accept it. It is a very important part of life.

I hope you make it to my age, and when you do you'll have seen a lot of really nice people leave this life. I hope you can find a means of coping.

08-24-2011, 04:24 PM
Most of us know what its like to lose a loved one. Eventually it will start to fade, but you will never get over it. Hope you get better bro.

R.I.P Chris Diez
R.I.P Lil Speedy
R.I.P Frankie