View Full Version : My List of Suggestions!

08-19-2011, 01:28 PM
I came up with a list of suggestions that might improve the game, or so I see it that way.
1. CS, Stash, and Bag Slot
I've seen the platinum premium packs. Maybe a pack for CS slot, stash slots and bag slots?

2. 2x EXP and IDR hour long events?
I've seen these in other games, maybe developers could make an hourly one 2x EXP and Item Drop rate event each week? This would help attract more players tl be on at that time.

3. Grind Areas?
Maybe places right outside of a town that people can solo grind in and anyone can enter instead of a dungeon.

4. Unlimited Space Townes?
I was thinking of maybe suggesting a town where there is no limit to people. This would be awesome because there would be more communication and connection!

5. Mail System!
I would love to see this feature because it's REALLY annoying having to wait for someone to get on to tell them something or to trade something.

6. Real Vanities?
Maybe an extended version with customizable shoes, weapons, armors, stuff like the Plat Store Hats right now.

That's all that has been wandering on my mind so far.

08-19-2011, 01:49 PM
+1 to mailboxes were in need of them.

08-20-2011, 12:03 AM
I actually want the 2x IDR event most...because you know, I farm alot...;)

08-20-2011, 12:28 AM
I love all those ideas. Sounds kind of like wow. Hopefully we can see some of them in the a future expansion