View Full Version : When will Korruption be nerfed?

06-23-2016, 12:41 PM
its been long enough, pvp is boring af. Why tf does 1 pet cancel heals, jugg, and take away stupid amounts of mana.

nerf this broken piece of

Rockingtigertiger Tiger
06-23-2016, 12:57 PM
well +1 for this post and alll those posts regarding same issue,this pet is just totallly overpowerfull against other better pets simply likes of sns ,at twink pvp once a side stacks tanks with korrruption and mages with curse its just continous mana drain alll time ;/espeically in blocked clashes it becomes even more worst !! i dont wanna see this pet getting badly nerfed but atleast that it should just meet standards of any legendry pet but currrently this pet is just too much for a legendry pet ! also twinks do have little mana so its just too much for twinks to handle this pet XD

06-23-2016, 02:22 PM
it's too late
deal with it

06-23-2016, 02:27 PM
If you have that much trouble avoiding one pet aa circle then idk what 2 say man also does stampy not cancel out pets aa?

06-23-2016, 03:40 PM
If you have that much trouble avoiding one pet aa circle then idk what 2 say man also does stampy not cancel out pets aa?

I dont have trouble with it. I just fought against 3 tanks, 1 mage, 1 rogue using 3 korruption, my team had only 1 korruption and we still own. This pet makes pvp boring af and no pet should do what this pet does(cancel juggernaut and heals). And ur right stampy does cancel the AA. But guess what, Stampy has a longer cooldown than korruption and has only a 70% chance to remove the pool. And if im fighting against 3 korruptions, as I've said I was, stampy isnt going to do jack.

So why don't you come up with some another solution that you think is clever when in reality its useless.

06-23-2016, 04:08 PM
Sts so claim they did nerfed it, when they didnt listen to a word for what we asked for.

06-23-2016, 09:22 PM
If you have that much trouble avoiding one pet aa circle then idk what 2 say man also does stampy not cancel out pets aa?

Even if stampy removed pools its already too late because ur heals have been removed once you step in that pool so