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View Full Version : Lobby Time to stay PVP Map

06-24-2016, 07:25 AM

Can we have some enhancement on PVP map that no one should stay in the lobby for at least more than 10 sec. Some players are abusing the lobby like blocking other team to call their teammates when in need.


Guild A : 4 Players

Guild B : 3 Players

Now seems the numbers are not fair and Guild B is calling their teammates to join the team. Then guildies of Guild A enters the lobby and stay their until the match is over only to let the Guild B being defeated as one factors their number has less one.

Suggestion: One player should at least stay in lobby for about 10 sec, if he didn't enter the map then he will be routed in town to avoid blocking.

Thank you STS. I hope you will think about my suggestion as this blocking of map is somewhat irritating. :)

06-24-2016, 07:30 AM
+1 lobby to lobby like in dota 2

06-24-2016, 08:23 AM
I completely agree with this one.

06-24-2016, 08:50 AM
+1 Good idea.

06-24-2016, 08:54 AM
To get rid of dirty lobby blockers..

06-24-2016, 09:04 AM
Yes please, Ronhie always does this to anyone he cannot win against. -_-

06-24-2016, 09:13 AM
I was first to suggest this but sts hasn't correspond and probably won't either again http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?313402-Bored-and-angry-blockers-destroying-pvp-solutions-here&highlight=Bored+blockers

06-24-2016, 09:17 AM
Yes please, Ronhie always does this to anyone he cannot win against. -_-

Mglaxe does it,undecide does it, laucevy does it, purge guild does it,Magnum does it,tribu guild (including rohnie) does, trepidation too, let's say all not half

06-24-2016, 09:25 AM
Going forward. It doesn't matter who does it. Lets make this happen for everyone, not only for someone. I believe if all of us agree then this will make happen. STS this is for us PVP players who enjoys the pvp game. I know that this will take time but please do consider this as one option you will discuss with your teammates. Thank you. :)

06-24-2016, 06:26 PM
Going forward. It doesn't matter who does it. Lets make this happen for everyone, not only for someone. I believe if all of us agree then this will make happen. STS this is for us PVP players who enjoys the pvp game. I know that this will take time but please do consider this as one option you will discuss with your teammates. Thank you. :)

Meh personally I'm fine with people being able to sit in lobby because although people can abuse it to block u, its also a great tool to utilize when you are blocked. I couldnt put a number on how many times ive joined a map with a full team of enemies on 1 side and 1-2 blocks on the other so i just sit in lobby and tt til spots open up and i call my guild/friends to farm

Not to mention its funny to see how long 7-8 people from the same guild will sit around getting 0 kills waiting for me to join a side while i afk in lobby XD people are desperate for kills

06-24-2016, 08:03 PM
Mglaxe does it,undecide does it, laucevy does it, purge guild does it,Magnum does it,tribu guild (including rohnie) does, trepidation too, let's say all not half

The thing is, this player always and constantly does it. The above mentioned guilds and people do not really do it all that much. It may happen from time to time but it's not a common thing.

06-24-2016, 08:09 PM
Mglaxe does it,undecide does it, laucevy does it, purge guild does it,Magnum does it,tribu guild (including rohnie) does, trepidation too, let's say all not half

All those wrongs doesn't make lobby-blocking right!

06-24-2016, 09:27 PM
Meh personally I'm fine with people being able to sit in lobby because although people can abuse it to block u, its also a great tool to utilize when you are blocked. I couldnt put a number on how many times ive joined a map with a full team of enemies on 1 side and 1-2 blocks on the other so i just sit in lobby and tt til spots open up and i call my guild/friends to farm

Not to mention its funny to see how long 7-8 people from the same guild will sit around getting 0 kills waiting for me to join a side while i afk in lobby XD people are desperate for kills

In this scenario that you don't know these people sitting in the maps why you should join. In my own perspective, i don't usually PVP when I don't have guild-mates around inside the map. Lets see the bigger picture here, blocking is a big "NO" for me, it ruins the fair fight especially if both teams are in the midst of intense fight. Blocking is one way of exploiting the privilege/opportunity given to you to enter into the room and to play PVP. Just so you know this is for the enhancement of our PVP to lessen the complains raised by many players. I believe STS can do something about it, if it needs time so be it, but please do include this as one of enhancement. Thank you. :)

06-24-2016, 09:43 PM
In this scenario that you don't know these people sitting in the maps why you should join. In my own perspective, i don't usually PVP when I don't have guild-mates around inside the map. Lets see the bigger picture here, blocking is a big "NO" for me, it ruins the fair fight especially if both teams are in the midst of intense fight. Blocking is one way of exploiting the privilege/opportunity given to you to enter into the room and to play PVP. Just so you know this is for the enhancement of our PVP to lessen the complains raised by many players. I believe STS can do something about it, if it needs time so be it, but please do include this as one of enhancement. Thank you. :)

Except setting a timer on the lobby doesnt stop blocking at all

06-24-2016, 09:45 PM
Not the lobby itself. Timer should be set into each player entering the lobby. E.g. if I enter the map i'll have the time of 10 sec to choose which team, if my times up I'll be routed to one of town's map.

06-24-2016, 10:40 PM
Not the lobby itself. Timer should be set into each player entering the lobby. E.g. if I enter the map i'll have the time of 10 sec to choose which team, if my times up I'll be routed to one of town's map.

I agree with lobby time limit, but 10secs? Its too short, my device sometimes takes more than 10 secs to load in a bad day.
If the time limit is set to 10 secs, then it should be forced random team not teleport to town. It means after 10secs in the lobby you'll be forced to join random team (or random PvP room?) instead of teleporting to town.

06-24-2016, 10:43 PM
10 secs is more than enough as a time limit and forced to join random team should also be fine as long no one sits in the lobby longer than 10 sec.

Imback Al
06-24-2016, 10:45 PM
Mglaxe does it,undecide does it, laucevy does it, purge guild does it,Magnum does it,tribu guild (including rohnie) does, trepidation too, let's say all not half

And time keeper does it ^.^

06-24-2016, 11:17 PM
Not the lobby itself. Timer should be set into each player entering the lobby. E.g. if I enter the map i'll have the time of 10 sec to choose which team, if my times up I'll be routed to one of town's map.

Ik this is what u meant and it doesnt stop blocking at all

06-24-2016, 11:21 PM
Maybe it wont maybe it will stop. But point here is were making progress. Atm this is my idea, whats urs?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-25-2016, 12:45 AM
good idea but i think we need a better solutions, you can change this whole lobby scenario which is great. What happens when they actually take the slot? they just suicide block by staying dead until the game ends

06-25-2016, 01:06 AM
Yes. that's one scenario. If that would add up to the current scenario, below are my revised suggestions:

Scenario 1:

Guild A : 4 Players

Guild B : 3 Players

If Guild A/Random player blocks by sitting in lobby. Set a time for 10 secs before A.) Routing to any town the blocker B.) Forced to join to random team

Scenario 2: Guild A Teammates/Random player acts dead:

Suggestion to add a vote to kick in PVP. Thus this apply to teammates who is not performing well in PVP as well.

06-25-2016, 02:09 AM
And time keeper does it ^.^
Learn to play fair and not gang- block paper rogue then talk on forum we always have someone sitting which u don't do

06-25-2016, 02:16 AM
Yes. that's one scenario. If that would add up to the current scenario, below are my revised suggestions:

Scenario 1:

Guild A : 4 Players

Guild B : 3 Players

If Guild A/Random player blocks by sitting in lobby. Set a time for 10 secs before A.) Routing to any town the blocker B.) Forced to join to random team

Scenario 2: Guild A Teammates/Random player acts dead:

Suggestion to add a vote to kick in PVP. Thus this apply to teammates who is not performing well in PVP as well.
I posted on forum the very same suggestions on days devs are on Wednesday -Friday, it's Saturday they ain't go on, gl on bump until Monday, I hope devs read those stuff

06-25-2016, 02:45 AM
This idea has already been discussed in old threads. I do support putting a timer on lobby. A few suggestions on how it could work:

1 When time is up the player should be teleported to a random side in the room instead of getting booted out.
2. When on a team's side, AFK / Not spawning inside the pvp room for more than X number of secs/mins should be penalized. (PVP Ban for 5-15 mins or so).
3. And last but not the least, the word "block" should be in the list of bad words and users should be muted for uttering it so that i do not get any more "joinnn block joinn jjjj block" requests . :beaten:

06-25-2016, 04:09 AM
Awesomeeee Idea Shimaa Nub ronhie blocks alot I dont knw why he does it but he just piss me off ...


06-25-2016, 07:25 AM
Maybe it wont maybe it will stop. But point here is were making progress. Atm this is my idea, whats urs?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My solution is to win anyways

06-25-2016, 08:35 AM
Yes, the constant annoying blocking -.-

06-26-2016, 02:52 AM
Yes. that's one scenario. If that would add up to the current scenario, below are my revised suggestions:

Scenario 1:

Guild A : 4 Players

Guild B : 3 Players

If Guild A/Random player blocks by sitting in lobby. Set a time for 10 secs before A.) Routing to any town the blocker B.) Forced to join to random team

Scenario 2: Guild A Teammates/Random player acts dead:

Suggestion to add a vote to kick in PVP. Thus this apply to teammates who is not performing well in PVP as well.

I thought the forced to join random team was my suggestion? Anyway, you can add forced to join a different PvP room.

The scenario 2, I don't agree with it. The kick vote can be abused, except if you could think of conditions like.
1. Being auto-booted out of the room if you remain dead for say 5mins? (this is for the dead blockers)
2. Auto-boot if you don't inflict any damage on anemy for the last 5 mins? (this is for a live blocker/s 5v4, 5v3 examples)