View Full Version : Rally Cry and Juggernaunt Combo

06-27-2016, 11:22 AM
Hey all, I was experimenting with the skills a little and found that a rally cry and jugg combo is pretty darn good for tanking. with the new expansion jugg is easily a top skill to have now and the latest buff(s) made the skill better than when I took a break from AL

Original Stats
HP: 8120
Damage: 758.99
Dodge: 7.3%
Armor: 2505

Only Jugg activated
HP: 8746 (+626)
Damage: 758.99
Dodge: 7.3%
Armor: 2610 (+105)
Skill: also get to ignore 65% damage for the first 6 seconds. the duration for hp and armor boost is right around 12 seconds

Only Rally Cry activated
HP: 8708 (+588)
Damage: 811.56 (+52.57)
Dodge: 32.3% (+25%)
Armor: 2505
Skill: noted this skill increased hp and damage bc I used all 10 mastery points to give 1.25 str per lvl. I'm only 46 so at 56 it will reach full potential.
On top of the dodge, hp, and damage. the cooldown is only 20 seconds! with increased duration upgrade, the skill lasts for 12 seconds! not to mention 5% damage reduction. increased speed. lastly, the party can also receive the buffs.

Both Activated
HP: 9334 (+1214)!!!!!!!
Damage: 811.56 (+52.57)
Dodge: 32.3% (+25%)
Armor: 2610 (+105)

I like to use jugg in rotation, count to six or 2 CS/ 1 AT to time with cooldowns, by this time the 65% damage reduction from jugg is over and the 5% damage reduction from rally cry is in effect for the next 12 seconds. the cooldown is only 8 seconds after effects end (20 second cooldown for skill). time that with a charged horn of renew and 3 of those 8 seconds can have invincibility. 5 seconds with no buffs attached. rinse and repeat.

Noted: plus 10 mastery for rally cry is needed.
vengeful blood isn't a true tanking skill since it only increases hp by 500. increasing damage and a 25% crit boost. just let the rogues and mages do the damage.

I don't like the mastery for horn of renew bc the added armor doesn't last for very long. so instead of increasing the party's armor. just give them 5% damage reduction and HP instead of the armor for 12 seconds!

06-27-2016, 11:40 AM
i only use rally to farm jewels :) otherwise its just useless even with the mastery

jugg is good but the armor is 15% of str .-. useless.
but together its like using nekro AA :) speed and shield

06-27-2016, 11:54 AM
I accidentally sent it before I was done. But I've tried it and the PUGS I've ran love it! Munch Mouth AA and this HP. Red zone can't touch me

06-29-2016, 09:56 AM
Hey all, I was experimenting with the skills a little and found that a rally cry and jugg combo is pretty darn good for tanking. with the new expansion jugg is easily a top skill to have now and the latest buff(s) made the skill better than when I took a break from AL

Original Stats
HP: 8120
Damage: 758.99
Dodge: 7.3%
Armor: 2505

Only Jugg activated
HP: 8746 (+626)
Damage: 758.99
Dodge: 7.3%
Armor: 2610 (+105)
Skill: also get to ignore 65% damage for the first 6 seconds. the duration for hp and armor boost is right around 12 seconds

Only Rally Cry activated
HP: 8708 (+588)
Damage: 811.56 (+52.57)
Dodge: 32.3% (+25%)
Armor: 2505
Skill: noted this skill increased hp and damage bc I used all 10 mastery points to give 1.25 str per lvl. I'm only 46 so at 56 it will reach full potential.
On top of the dodge, hp, and damage. the cooldown is only 20 seconds! with increased duration upgrade, the skill lasts for 12 seconds! not to mention 5% damage reduction. increased speed. lastly, the party can also receive the buffs.

Both Activated
HP: 9334 (+1214)!!!!!!!
Damage: 811.56 (+52.57)
Dodge: 32.3% (+25%)
Armor: 2610 (+105)

I like to use jugg in rotation, count to six or 2 CS/ 1 AT to time with cooldowns, by this time the 65% damage reduction from jugg is over and the 5% damage reduction from rally cry is in effect for the next 12 seconds. the cooldown is only 8 seconds after effects end (20 second cooldown for skill). time that with a charged horn of renew and 3 of those 8 seconds can have invincibility. 5 seconds with no buffs attached. rinse and repeat.

Noted: plus 10 mastery for rally cry is needed.
vengeful blood isn't a true tanking skill since it only increases hp by 500. increasing damage and a 25% crit boost. just let the rogues and mages do the damage.

I don't like the mastery for horn of renew bc the added armor doesn't last for very long. so instead of increasing the party's armor. just give them 5% damage reduction and HP instead of the armor for 12 seconds!
this combo really good for km3 mann

07-05-2016, 04:36 AM
This is good stuff will test it out asap!!

07-07-2016, 12:33 PM
I have a good build to do almost everything. I use it in km3 as the best build for warrior in tombs
All 5/5
Jugg-use it next to harley to taunt, and the mages wont die
rally-be faster, always useful
Windmill-i use aegis, and this skill help so much to proc it
Horn-most of the time i use it when we reach killing zone to keep everbkdy alive

In elites I use korruption or
stanlee pet, because i only have toor as arcane pet and it dont add resistance.
korruption help with aa and stanlee skill help to the damage dealers, the armor from happines
bonus also useful
windill proc the aegis to taunt, and using rally and the juggernaught I can survive in elitr underhul with a good pt
I have 3300 armor, 8800 hp, 710 dps 1900 arm without any buff or pet bonus. If anyone want to know my gears i can post ss. Its cheap, cost less then 5m with the fort fury jewels.

07-21-2016, 01:29 PM
Thanks for bringing this up.
I'm one of the very few who used to have RC skill before the mastery added. They laugh and says warrior don't need dodge. I haven't revisit this skill since the new masteries were added.
But with the masteries factor in, this skill definitely looks good, I will respec and test this too.

Hey all, I was experimenting with the skills a little and found that a rally cry and jugg combo is pretty darn good for tanking. with the new expansion jugg is easily a top skill to have now and the latest buff(s) made the skill better than when I took a break from AL

Original Stats
HP: 8120
Damage: 758.99
Dodge: 7.3%
Armor: 2505

Only Jugg activated
HP: 8746 (+626)
Damage: 758.99
Dodge: 7.3%
Armor: 2610 (+105)
Skill: also get to ignore 65% damage for the first 6 seconds. the duration for hp and armor boost is right around 12 seconds

Only Rally Cry activated
HP: 8708 (+588)
Damage: 811.56 (+52.57)
Dodge: 32.3% (+25%)
Armor: 2505
Skill: noted this skill increased hp and damage bc I used all 10 mastery points to give 1.25 str per lvl. I'm only 46 so at 56 it will reach full potential.
On top of the dodge, hp, and damage. the cooldown is only 20 seconds! with increased duration upgrade, the skill lasts for 12 seconds! not to mention 5% damage reduction. increased speed. lastly, the party can also receive the buffs.

Both Activated
HP: 9334 (+1214)!!!!!!!
Damage: 811.56 (+52.57)
Dodge: 32.3% (+25%)
Armor: 2610 (+105)

I like to use jugg in rotation, count to six or 2 CS/ 1 AT to time with cooldowns, by this time the 65% damage reduction from jugg is over and the 5% damage reduction from rally cry is in effect for the next 12 seconds. the cooldown is only 8 seconds after effects end (20 second cooldown for skill). time that with a charged horn of renew and 3 of those 8 seconds can have invincibility. 5 seconds with no buffs attached. rinse and repeat.

Noted: plus 10 mastery for rally cry is needed.
vengeful blood isn't a true tanking skill since it only increases hp by 500. increasing damage and a 25% crit boost. just let the rogues and mages do the damage.

I don't like the mastery for horn of renew bc the added armor doesn't last for very long. so instead of increasing the party's armor. just give them 5% damage reduction and HP instead of the armor for 12 seconds!