View Full Version : Wings suggestion

06-28-2016, 04:18 PM
Heya, wings looks cool in Arcane legends but wierd is you can't fly with them.. soo my suggestion is..
For example:
When you are in SAFE zone (City, where mobs can't attack you) then with wings you are standing on LAND but when you are in non-safe zone when mobs can attack you, then you can FLY with wings, that will be better then now! And make wings bigger.

Because no logic now.. Sure wings looks cool, but you can't fly with them.. Soo STS please read this.

06-30-2016, 10:33 AM
nice idea for looks, like sparkles and glow
will there be any buff? i hope not though its just a vanity

imagines a mage flying using brood wings (blue angel)