View Full Version : Pvp skills yo!

06-16-2010, 07:42 PM

06-16-2010, 08:03 PM
I like the idea and this would be nice because it would also encourage EVERYONE (if not everyone then A LOT more people) to play PvP, solving our "empty rooms" syndrome. However this is the only thing I thought about. Right now, if this suggestion happened, you would be at a slight advantage IMO because you could get your points before the leaderboards came out, where as if you started AFTER the leaderboards came out you would have a bunch of "maxed" skill point(ers?) and people would still be trying to get these points while having their deaths charted on the leaderboards. I know that was kind of hard to understand but if we all get maxed out before leaderboards, would it be fair to those guys coming in after leaderboards and trying to get their skills maxed out? This would proove yet another disadvantage in the future. I'm not sure if you see what I'm getting at, but in general I like the whole idea. I just wish the devs would invest in one of our well thought out ideas. Good suggestion.

ed anger
06-16-2010, 08:09 PM
pvp should be fistacuffs, mano-a-mano, none of this hufferpuffery magikalness stuff.

(consider this a bump)

06-26-2010, 08:43 PM
Ok, I agree this would go a ways to helping, however the logistics of creating a whole new skillset, and having a seperate experience system seems a bit daunting, this also makes PvP very elitist, having new people trying to contend with already established and PvP levelled players.
I think it would be easier if you reduced +dodge and +armour effects for PvP by a certain amount (this has been done in other games), thus eliminating the problem in the first place, without the need for a whole new alternate level system.

06-26-2010, 09:00 PM
go kick a walrus! =D