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08-25-2011, 09:50 AM
I would like it if since protection no longer stacks, that a higher protection skill negate a previously cast one. Ie.. somebody casts 10 armor boost, but I cast 60 and the 60 replaces 10 armor

08-25-2011, 09:59 AM
Agreed! Also make it so low ranks are not useless. The lower one can maybe retime the higher one, and same rank should definitely retime each other.

Also on a related note, I really think Empathy should stack. More heals is never a bad thing.

Both of these changes would promote Engineers meshing better.

08-25-2011, 04:37 PM
Yeah, the fact that buffs don't stack anymore makes it hard on engineers. Who wants multiple engineers when you can get the same amount of buff benefit from having just one and the benefit of being able to add another op for extra damage? It's going to make it hard for engis to find games to join, I think.