View Full Version : just a few questions

08-25-2011, 10:12 AM
so i havent got sl yet as im ios user.. so just a couple questions any new player might ask :)

1.what is the sl currency? like in pl we have gold. is it credits?

2.if they are credits, how do you get them? i see people saying they ''farm credits'' i dont get this.

3.and 1 mil on sl equal to 20 mil on pl? i saw someone say this in tradermarket.

4.and why are ''credits'' so hard to get? like in pl you get 20 gold a kill, in sl 1 credit every 5 kills or summin?

5.how much is it to buy extra character spaces?

6.will there ever be pvp?

7.is there gcd on this game? :S

these are a few questions i got so i know what to expect and what to do when i start sl.

ty for the help if i get any

08-25-2011, 11:12 AM
so i havent got sl yet as im ios user.. so just a couple questions any new player might ask :)

1.what is the sl currency? like in pl we have gold. is it credits?

2.if they are credits, how do you get them? i see people saying they ''farm credits'' i dont get this.

3.and 1 mil on sl equal to 20 mil on pl? i saw someone say this in tradermarket.

4.and why are ''credits'' so hard to get? like in pl you get 20 gold a kill, in sl 1 credit every 5 kills or summin?

5.how much is it to buy extra character spaces?

6.will there ever be pvp?

7.is there gcd on this game? :S

1. yep credit = c

2,3,4 Mob kills/coffers ~ 1-4c, quests, drop white=1c, yellow 2c, green 3c. No pink (only when ios join), vanity helm (very rare)
Still hard to farm c or pot. Need good green drops. Only few millionaires known.
Lvl 1-26 in pl would brought just more cash and pot.

5. Same as pl

6. For sure.

7. Skills r still buggy, still need tweakin.

08-25-2011, 11:23 AM
thnx for info

08-25-2011, 11:49 AM
3. That sounds about right more if anything.. it doesn't have a full conversion rate yet but there are players that put it somthing like

PL 1mill g = SL 100k c
PL 500k g = SL 50k c
PL 100k g = SL 10k c

You get the picture.. though if converted prop they may lead to the prices you have stated above :)