View Full Version : QUEST EXAMPLE: Enchantress Level 10 Class Quest

06-17-2010, 03:58 PM
The purpose of posting this quest is to propose an outline of how a level 8 Enchantress class quest might play out, and to encourage comments from the community. Level 8 might be an inappropriate time to begin a quest chain, but it's where the resurrect skill comes in, so I've designed the quest accordingly.

Title: A tisket, a tasket, help me find my basket!
Quest Giver: Shazzam [Enchantress, Level 40]
Location: Town
Quest Text (for Enchantresses): "Hello, hello, I'm sorry but I can't talk. I'm much to flustered and busy right now. Perhaps another time?"

Branch: {USER INPUT: "Sorry to have bothered you."}
Response: "No, no, I am sorry to have been so rude. You see, I have lost my precious basket of spell reagents. I was using them to create a brand new spell that can bring animals back from the dead. Without my basket of reagents, all of my research is lost!"

Branch: {USER INPUT: "What has you so flustered and busy?"}
Response: "Well, [NAME], it seems that I have lost my precious basket of spell reagents. I was using them to create a brand new spell that can bring animals back from the dead. Without my basket of reagents, all of my research is lost!"


NPC: "Do you think you could find it in your heart to help me find my basket? If so, I'd be willing to teach you the spell once I complete it!"

Branch: {USER INPUT: "I don't care about you or your stupid basket!"}
Response: "Well, then I'm sorry, [NAME], but I must be off in search of my basket."

Branch: {USER INPUT: "That spell sounds valuable. Sure, I'll help."}
Response: "Oh heavens! Thank you so much! I last saw it when I was picking the last bit of herbs in the Dark Forest. Suddenly, I was attacked, and in the confusion, I must have dropped it." {QUEST BEGINS}

Quest Text (for non-Enchantresses): "I'm sorry, but I'm much too busy to talk right now! I'm looking for my basket of reagents."
Quest Text (during quest): "Have you found my basket of reagents yet, [NAME]? I must have it soon, or all is lost!"
Quest Text (after completion): "Thank you so much, [NAME], for helping me! I'll never forget what you've done for my research."

.. and so on, as the chain evolves. I think most people are tired of the "go here, kill this" type of quests, but they're a necessary evil. Sometimes finding an item (which might drop off of a boss, for example), can open a new quest right from the item itself, or a chain can develop by talking to an NPC. Class-specific quests might dole out skills or gear to non-farmers or solo artists, etc.

Please contribute ideas if you have any.

06-17-2010, 04:02 PM
The same as most MMOs. But a good outline nonetheless. Nice job. :)

06-17-2010, 04:06 PM
The same as most MMOs. But a good outline nonetheless. Nice job. :)

Thanks very much. :) I figured if we had an outline, then anyone who has had an idea but was afraid to post it because they felt like they'd have to flesh out a quest (or a quest-line) could just jump right in. Mostly, this is to stimulate the discussion, rather than to break any new ground.

I think that there's little to be had in the way of "innovation" on the handheld platform ... especially since "the big boys" are still struggling with the same issues, and they have much more in the way of resources at their disposal. I'm about to post something that might change that a bit. I'll update this thread when it's posted.

06-17-2010, 04:10 PM
Thanks very much. :) I figured if we had an outline, then anyone who has had an idea but was afraid to post it because they felt like they'd have to flesh out a quest (or a quest-line) could just jump right in. Mostly, this is to stimulate the discussion, rather than to break any new ground.

I think that there's little to be had in the way of "innovation" on the handheld platform ... especially since "the big boys" are still struggling with the same issues, and they have much more in the way of resources at their disposal. I'm about to post something that might change that a bit. I'll update this thread when it's posted.

Awesome. We could have a thread dedicated to creating intresting quests for the upcoming update. Or just do it here of course.

06-17-2010, 04:20 PM
Awesome. We could have a thread dedicated to creating intresting quests for the upcoming update. Or just do it here of course.

Indeed. This might allow the Devs to pull ideas they like out of a pool of contributed suggestions, which would make everyone's player experience better. I encourage anyone who would like to try their hand at contributing interesting quest ideas to post here. Let's see you all flex those creative brains!

06-17-2010, 04:21 PM
Here's the promised URL for my thread on "dynamic quests," which I think allows for at least some variety, especially if combined with the dynamic "random" dungeons, etc.

Dynamic Quests (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?3476)