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View Full Version : WOW, whats the point?

06-17-2010, 03:59 PM
Seriously, I keep starting groups in Oasis (lvl 5)
And all you people do is kill the first 2 bosses and leave.
Farmning is so last week IMO, and even so there is still 4 more bosses that can drop.
Pinks (oasis) are so common these days you can buy them for 1k....
EASILY made liquidating just the junk drop in the level.
Even the lvl 35-39 just kill and go....
I cant even understand why even bother, I mean are you too ashamed to just buy it? Too weak and scared to kill Seth?
Come on........
There is basically no economy as far as oasis goes, and you under 40 STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT FARMING.
And if you want to Farm, stop joining random groups and leaving, its annoying.
If your after gold, Im like 99% certian you get more killing and liquidating then shouting like half the server in town for a measily 1k.
Look at most the once top mercents, NONE of us are in town trying to sell becuase its waste of time and unprofitable at this point.
Man, Chill out and just have some fun. I seriously enjoy playing not having to worry about all the farming, buying, selling, shouting nonsense for a change.
And Im sure someones going to argue with I sold blah blah for blah blah. Good for you, its nice you found some idoit willing to pay that much. Because for the most part Im giving away this crap to anyone I know that needs it, or any random GOOD player I come across that needs it. This is a chance to play the game without all the stress and to help people get thier items, I mean these things are no where as valuable as swamps stuff.
Take the oppertunity to make new friends instead of 30 seconds with strangers. Yeesh.

So dont get pissed off when I just start booting you all becuase its lame to join my group (WHICH IS NOT A FARMING GROUP, different story if it was) and just go.

06-17-2010, 04:20 PM
If your happy and you know it clap your hands!

06-17-2010, 04:25 PM
If your happy and you know it clap your hands!

*clap, clap* ;)

06-17-2010, 04:27 PM
IF your HAPPY and your know it clap your HANDSSS!!!!

ed anger
06-17-2010, 04:30 PM
yeah, ive farmed so much that anything different is nice at this point. alternating between just the first tow and all bosses is more entertaining.

06-17-2010, 04:33 PM
*CLAP CLAP* yeah, ive farmed so much that anything different is nice at this point. alternating between just the first tow and all bosses is more entertaining.

If your happy and you know it and you really want to show it if your happy and you know it clap your hands! *CLAP CLAP*

ed anger
06-17-2010, 04:37 PM
*shakes foot*

06-17-2010, 04:52 PM
If you're happy and you know it nod your head!

06-17-2010, 05:27 PM
*nod* *nod*

06-17-2010, 05:30 PM
If ure happy and u know it *eat some bread*
Ha Ha

Mrsbanana happy

06-17-2010, 05:33 PM
Iffffffff you're gasssy and you know it let one RIP!!! "Come on Wetphart sing it with me"

06-17-2010, 08:23 PM
Iffffffff you're gasssy and you know it let one RIP!!! "Come on Wetphart sing it with me"



06-17-2010, 08:30 PM
how come singing song and clap clap here clap clap there~~

06-17-2010, 09:51 PM
I don't mind farming, but the thing that does annoy me is when people die and stay dead so they can get drops. The worst guy at this is some kid named akbeasts, and if he's on the forum, too bad, I'm calling him out.

Now there's no "rule" about civility when it comes to drops, but I've always seen players I run with congratulate others when they get drops. This guy screams "Noooo!!!! (one one one)" into the game and complains when others get pinks (whether or not he could have worn them is irrelevant). Still, this is merely an annoyance. What's really egregious is that one time our group was going up against Seth, and after getting him to half health this guy dies. It's not a far walk, and Seth isn't close to dying, but instead this kid stays on the ground typing things like "go guys! lol" and "kill him so I can get a pink!!" **** that it's a short walk, help us kill the guy so you can share the loot. Seriously though, what a bozo.

06-17-2010, 10:05 PM
well i agree with u tobi... getting started on pvp is nice for a change

06-17-2010, 10:28 PM
If you're happy and you know it, then you posts will surely show it, if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

*clap clap*

06-18-2010, 01:07 AM
well i agree with u tobi... getting started on pvp is nice for a change

I hate PvP
Sadly that is the only original complaint I have on this game regarding play.
Ive been against every nerf regarding drop rates (becuase of casual players)
And boss buffs (becuase I dont feel my play skill should be determined on how fast I can spam potions)
But my understanding is that so many people do complain on these issues to where spacetime listened (and I thank you even if I disagree)

I seem to be repeating myself more and more lately.
in no way should this game be determined on spaming anything, and I know there is little spacetime cant do much about this, becuase it is the players just using one skill after the other, not even paying attention to what others are using as well.

I find it hillarous the other day I was the only level 40 in my group for about 2 hours and in all the level 5-6 runs on oasis we never had a full wipe, and maybe only a few deaths.
Instead of a bunch of cocky capped players we actully rotated our skills without even having to say in such a way that even seth and the witch were cake.
The mage did debuffs/buffs and healed/resurected quite hastely.
The archers did their blinds or armor pierces, and stuns when needed
And the tank keep hellscream, taunt, root down while beckoning if there was any movement to endanger the others.
The one skill missing was KNOCKBACK, instead of sending something flying across the whole zone as all our buffs/debuffs wore off, it was kept within fighting distance at all times.
And potions never had to be spammed. THIS spoiled me so much, and THIS is what I want in the game.
Personally Stop complaining about the game, becaase as I see it spamming is not even playing the game, and has no real right to comment on anything.

And yea that was way off topic to the qoute but its out there now

06-18-2010, 01:13 AM
Is it bad that i thought the whole happy and you know it thing was lame until Justg chimed in and then i was like awe man i wanna clap too.....

"Clap Clap"

King Richie
06-18-2010, 06:08 AM
If your happy and you know then just join the legends tournament then just clap your hands