View Full Version : enchanted gear for mage has weird stats.

08-25-2011, 07:45 PM
isn't the whole point of being a mage to devastate enemies with spells, heal your party etc? So if you spend countless hours questing for enchanted gear which seperates you from the crowd. it takes tons of daily quests if you don't buy the materials. Wouldn't you think your m/s would be higher than your h/s?? i mean i can't even go through plasma now with full mana pots. mega mage set it didn't even budge. We have heal and buff spells and use our brains to stay alive. We don't need all the h/s. ADD M/S!

08-25-2011, 07:57 PM
The whole deal about enchanted IS the h/s. You should've checked that BEFORE crafting it. Enchanted stats have been discussed countless times, and personally, I like them :)

08-25-2011, 08:12 PM
I believe the idea behind the crafted gear is to take points from the main focus of the class and put them on the ares they're lacking (based on pure builds). Avian Dmg to H/s, Enchantress M/s to H/s and Ursan Dodge for H/s and Armor (I may be wrong on this one as I don't have a high level bear).

08-25-2011, 08:20 PM
Ok, the hardest gear to get in the entire game is the enchanted. a mage is known for what, it's mana. so it kinda is off for a maxed out mage to be running out of mana when going through levels 20 levels below his or her character and I did look at the stats. I'm not mad. I make do and try to make it with the pots i have but i just think that the stats are wrong.

08-25-2011, 08:40 PM
The stats are what they were made to be, there is a set bonus and a bit extra for the Enchanted Gemstone Staff set, maybe not enough to compensate for what you would like but that's how it is. This has been discussed plenty and most who have played other RPGs (MMO or otherwise) agree that crafting should only add to stats and not sacrifice one stat for another, but the devs have stuck to their formula.