View Full Version : house on all accounts- suggestion

07-04-2016, 01:43 PM
Well hey there,

I think it would be fair and great if we would have the possibility to use house on our alts charakters.
1st many who paid plat want to use it on all charakter

2nd Concerning the trophies, I have for example Alpha and Jarl trophy on my warrior but cant put it in ...

3rd It would be pretty sick to pay for example 3 charakters 3 houses > with the lowest house 6 estate keys

Leave ur comments down below, I m interrested if you think the same way I do :-)

07-04-2016, 02:26 PM
yes yes, tbh AL is lacking integration between characters in an account... there is almost no difference between making character with same account, or making it with different email/account...

and even worse, there are quite some advantages in making characters on different email/account

07-05-2016, 11:05 AM
1. players can have multiple jarl, alpha throphys then
2. players with alot of alts can now easily pay for upkeep (noone needed to buy it)
3. i bet some more are there, confusion as to who owns the house (clicking link to house via freindslist)

07-15-2016, 10:16 AM
normally in paid game, one payment in an account is enough to make players play however they want it.
please, don't milk a single players more than necessary, please make house (and stable) shareable in an accounts

anyway, any kind of abuse won't happen if everything takes player's progress into calculation. e.g. daily rewards that has increasing rewards based on level/story progress/ap/overall game-time effort, so even if a players has multiple alts, a newly created alts won't be enough to help anything for the upkeep, but well developed character will help, and no one will call that as an abuse, because there are game-time effort spend already.

simply enough this game has been failing in rewarding effort of a player in a fair manner...
more effort, more reward.

07-16-2016, 02:33 AM
agree. and as f2p everything should be trade able. also those THEME'S.

in my opinion i would say that this should be implanted from the start. I myself have 7 Characters on my account. No way in hell im gonna buy 3 houses. it should be account bounded and not be character bounded imo.

great thread conab!
